String recommendation for Wilson Blade 98 16x19 v7


New User
I'm currently using Tecnifibre Duramix 1.35.
Looking for something with more spin potential while keeping arm comfort in mind.

fuzz nation

If you're using a heavier gauge multifiber to get better service life from a softer string, I'd say consider a full bed of Prince Premier Control if you want to sample a different multi. I'm not too wild about that string type in general, but PPC does a rather good job of holding its tension and a couple sluggers I know have found much better durability with the heavier 15L ga. over the 16 ga. version.

My personal favorite string under the sun is Tecnifibre syn. gut. It's certainly soft enough for my 55-year-old arm (that can't tolerate poly at all), but it also has a feel and performance that I prefer over multis. Some syn. guts are softer than others, but this one is right in the Goldilocks zone for me. A few locals I string for have enjoyed it, too.

I also sometimes put a bed of 16 ga. Forten Nylon in my racquets. As long as it isn't tensioned too high, it can be a decent control string for me because it plays slightly more dead than some lively syn. guts. When I say "more dead", that means that it doesn't seem to propel the ball quite as much as semi-soft syn. guts or multis. It still spins the ball fine for me and it's only uncomfortable for me in colder conditions if the tension is a little too tight. Not exotic stuff, but its performance is halfway decent and it's the cheapest string I know of out there.

I don't routinely recommend poly to anybody who doesn't have a specific need for it, but I sometimes do poly hybrids for stronger local players who want more control and/or service life than what they get with multi or syn. gut. The poly hybrids that have easily been the best received among my "clients" have included a light gauge poly main - 1.20mm or lighter - combined with perhaps a 16 ga. syn. gut. These layouts seem to be plenty comfortable for stronger hitters when tensioned no higher than around 53-55 lbs. in a typical 98"-100" frame.