string recommendation.


New User
okay, i'm planning to restring my girlfriend's racquet. and i need some ideas on what strings i should string em up with.

she plays with a prince speedport black with the holes insert in.

she very picky with her strings, meaning that she doesn't like the fact poly feels dead after the first hit(so she doesn't go for poly)

she likes multifil, but hates the string movement and doesn't want to resort to string savers.

gut is too expensive so she doesn't want me to buy them
never tried syn gut

her preference is multifilament with alot of pop and as little as possible string movement.

some of the strings she's tried are

babo hurricane tour
prince syn gut multi
technifibre x1 and NRG
babo hurricanes
pro supex maxim touch

any recommendations, please help! thanks ^_^


Hall of Fame
sounds like you should not get in the middle of her strings. since she is so "picky" let her decide what she wants to try( maybe give her some choices). this way if she does not like them it is not your fault. this appraoch may be helpful in other scenarios in your relationship.IMHO


i'm sorry but i think string savers are the answer, or maybe prince recoil?

at 24 bucks you might as well spring for VS.

EDIT: Maybe think about going for a low tension co-poly like Big Hitter Blue, Topspin Cyerblue, SPPP, TCS...etc. These hold tension much better than traditional poly and they won't move around.
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Hall of Fame
There can be a LOT of difference among multifilments now, so, to help with her recommendations, what do you say are her reasons for preferring them?
Tecnifibre multifeel has almost no string movement o_O. I bought a pack of stringsavers, but I didn't need them. there's a one-hour break-in period, but after a couple good whacks in practice, it should start feeling quite nice. very crisp, comfortable, I think maybe the best tension maintenance for a multi in the market. It's either this or gut for me during my season. *edit* it has alot of pop too. it's pretty powerful.


Tecnifibre multifeel has almost no string movement o_O. I bought a pack of stringsavers, but I didn't need them. there's a one-hour break-in period, but after a couple good whacks in practice, it should start feeling quite nice. very crisp, comfortable, I think maybe the best tension maintenance for a multi in the market. It's either this or gut for me during my season. *edit* it has alot of pop too. it's pretty powerful.

I agree that multifeel would be a good choice .... string those crosses 2-4 lbs tighter than the mains and she wont have any movement with multifeel. Cost is reasonable too. Others in this price range that don't move much are Dunlop Max Comfort and Unigue Tournafibre Irradiated, both multi's and both very under-rated or seldom mentioned.


New User
the thing is, i just wanted some suggestions so she can decide. haha not forcing her to buy the strings, because she's never sure what strings to buy. i give her a bunch of choices like the ones i named

as for preferring them, she likes the pop the multifil gives. if that answers your question.

i wanted to give her some suggestions, i probably just repeated myself but yeah. i'll be sure to throw the multifeel her way and she if she'll consider them. any others? :D