String recommendations for Ezone 98 2020


New User
I’ve been playing with the Ezone 98 and currently using Head Lynx Tour 17g. I’ve tried RPM Power 17, Head Lynx 17, Volkl Cyclone Tour 18, Yonex Polytour Pro 16L, Confidential 18, and Hyper G 18, all were strung at 54 lbs. I found Lynx Tour to be my favorite so far, but I’m looking for something with a bit more power and a bit higher of a launch angle. Polytour Pro 16L and RPM Power were strings I liked but it felt like I didn’t get enough power and spin from it compared to the Lynx Tour. Hyper G just didn’t feel good. Lynx, VCT, and Confidential didn’t give me the amount of control I wanted. What are other strings that I should consider or try again? Prefer a 1.25 string or a 1.2 string. I also have Big Hitter S7T and Black 7 on the way to try out, both 17g.



ive got hyper G soft in mine and it slaps. also have tried the blue lynx edge in it, which im not entirely sure is still made


I doubt there are many other strings that give you a higher launch angle, than those you have tried.
54lbs is quite high for Ezone 98. I would lower the tension, especially on the crosses, i.e. something like 50/48lbs should give you a higher launch angle and higher perceived power level
I really dig Razor Code 125 (white) in mine. Excellent control and more spin than PTP, with comparable power level. I'm about to try Isospeed Grey Fire again, which has a little more pop. Both are round, so a different experience from the Lynx Tour/Hyper-G genre.


Hall of Fame
Those are all great strings. I suggest you choose the one that plays closest to what you want, and then work on technique. Good luck!


I doubt there are many other strings that give you a higher launch angle, than those you have tried.
54lbs is quite high for Ezone 98. I would lower the tension, especially on the crosses, i.e. something like 50/48lbs should give you a higher launch angle and higher perceived power level
yeah, i should add that ive been stringing in the 48-50 lb range in this frame. anything higher feels too boardy to me