String tension for T1 Black Knight

Hi guys, I am currently using Volkl Cyclone 19g at 47 lbs. What tension should I string BK 18g at for it to have similar power levels? Thanks!


prob 46lbs i don’t think 18/19 g makes that big of a difference

i play BK at 48lbs 17g in a radical XT for reference , i’m not a big hitter and it’s comfortable for me…
i would like a little more pop but that’s a diff problem


New User
There two trains of thought. 1)!String it at the same tension so you can see how the BK compares at the same tension then adjust from there. 2) Reduce the tension to try compensate for the thicker gauge/string stifness. I have seen 2lb referenced as a rough number when changing gauge.