Stringing knot untied


You can’t retie that knot cuz the remaining string is too short. But if you delete that cross and retension, you’ll have enough to tie another knot. The tension in the top part of the hoop is probably very loose, so if it were me, I would restring. Chalk it up to another lesson learned.

edit: Bambooman below said the loose string is a main and he is correct. You can only restring in this case.
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Steve Huff

You can’t retie that knot cuz the remaining string is too short. But if you delete that cross and retension, you’ll have enough to tie another knot. The tension in the top part of the hoop is probably very loose, so if it were me, I would restring. Chalk it up to another lesson learned.

edit: Bambooman below said the loose string is a main and he is correct. You can only restring in this case.
I think that's a main that came untied. Probably needs to just restring it.
my Wilson pro knot kinda undo itself while i was playing.
Any way to fix that without restring it completely?
What I'd do is place it back on the machine and pull out all the string. Tedious, yes.

If the strings are relatively new, you can use it as test string on a different racket or string a racket with multiple sets. I've done it when younger and poor. It can mess your grommets up as you may need to widen some and the knot, but it will save you string and money, and the play isn't affected IMO.

If you're a stringer, the other option is to get a string clamp and use the string for other purposes inside the clamp string rings at the head.

If you're into lawn maintenance, you can use the string in your weed trimmer.

If someone else did the string job, take it back to them to redo (at their cost and time).


Hall of Fame
Cut out the string bed and re-string (or take it back to whomever strung it and ask them to do so). Any other option is suboptimal and not worth the hassle. Not sure how it came untied but just be deliberate (assuming you strung it) when tying off next time.