Stringway triple flying clamp vs double clamp


Hall of Fame
In the USA I believe the sole distributor is Alpha Racquet Sports in Austin, TX. The owner only gets what he's given, so you may need to call he to get the clamps you need. Online, he shows no clamps in stock. Alpha Racquet Sports 7208 McNeil Dr. #207 Austin, TX 78729 Toll Free 1.800.922.9024 Local 512.250.1499 . Stringway clamps - USA. You can buy from the Netherlands; but depending on where you are located, Fred will not be shy in letting you know how much shipping costs. There are also other distrubutors depending on where you live.
I'm in France and the stringway official website is down...
Our French agent ran the French site but he is not active anymore.
So my advise is to go to our English site you can order directly from every country in the world.
