genesis twisted razor 1.27mm
initially i must confess that i was not very confident in this triangular twisted shape, but i have been taught better. the string itself is on the soft side of polys, stretches quite a bit while stringing and you should be rather careful when weaving the crosses, as the profile is pretty sharp - definitely nothing for a "speed-job".
power: this is a rather powerful poly which makes "living" a little bit easier as even offcenter shots do get some action. what was really nice about it, was that you could also play really good touch shots and angles, the string has a very distinctive responsiveness, which i did enjoy thoroughly.
grade: 8
control: in spite of being soft, the string allowed for quite great control, both lateral as also depthwise, and even when under pressure i could just pick my target and be rather confident that i would get really close (if i would always pinpoin-hit the targets i would be busy playing the french open now
grade: 9
feel: yes, this was a truly enjoyable experience. droppers, slices, wicked angles, you just name it and the string gave it.
grade: 9
spin: yes, this string is spinny. and what was the most important issue about this, as i have often said, it kept the spin going unitl it broke. the profile was still there, surely not as new, but clearly visible and grabbing into the felt of the ball, right until it broke. now, i feel i have to write a word of caution about this one - spin is 95% technique, so yes, this string is imparting more rpm's onto the ball than a good round poly, my beloved mantis power poly for instance, but in a limit of maybe 5%. it's not kicking over the fence all by itself. the only other string with rather similar performance i have come across so far was the polyfibre black venom rough.
grade: 10
comfort: i only can repeat myself, a very pleasurable encounter. please do not forget that i cross it with porbably the softes multi around, the mantis comfort synthetic, so it may very well play different with other stiffer crosses, it is after all a poly!
grade: 10
tension maintenance: i was surprised not to have any issues with it over the almost two weeks span i played it. initial tension loss is in the regular range for polys (not like the polyfibre for instance) and then it stays quite level, so there is no nasty second drop. bear in mind though that my playing window was 8 hitting hours until breakage, so when strung longer in the stick it might behave differently.
grade: 9
durability: i got almost 8 full hours out of it. basically that would be on my lower limit, but i must confess that there have been about 4-5 really heavy hitting hours in this timespan, so i'm rather tempted to give it a slightly higher grade than i would usually do.
grade: 9
overall: 64
this is a string that has qualified for my final shootout. with the progress i'm currently making though with my attempt to test shaped/structured polys i hope they are still alive and kicking (ie delivering) by that time.