Stupid Sayings


I had a boss that in every meeting the team had tried to say "let me give you a dose of reality" What he said was "let me give you a dosed of reality" I almost blew out a disk in my back holding in laughter
I had a boss that in every meeting the team had tried to say "let me give you a dose of reality" What he said was "let me give you a dosed of reality" I almost blew out a disk ...

I had the same boss in the early 1990s. Yep...Dosed of reality guy. One evening after work, i proposed a toast of reality in his honor.
He also liked to say 7-24 instead of 24-7. And sufficeth to say. And soda speak. And for all intensive purposes.

Now, i am a boss, and i do my best to speak english gooder than that guy.

When you blew out a disc, was it a floppy disk or a cd-rom?


"No words can describe...."

"Truth is stranger than fiction."

Proof that philistinism is a rampant disease.
Nice ones. Art does imitate life.
It is a chicken - egg situation.
Lots of moving parts.
I will reach out to you in the next timeframe.
Let's circle back on this.

So what's your point ?

Hha, so, i think this custom comes from the world of IT or systems design as a way for technical types to clue in the Luddites. So, it seems to have spread like a virus to mainstream yutzculture.

I am ever so slightly annoyed by it. Uh oh, i just used it incorrectly.
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Talk Tennis Guru
Troy Phelan (aptly a philanderer, with several wives) is a billionaire who jumps to a spectacular death, in John Grisham's novel, The Testament.;-)


The never ending complaining when you talk about new ideas that for some reason scare people.... then some demand perfection from you.. like :
Be them ( the solutions /ideas) and on the double!!


Bionic Poster
Too legit to quit.

Seriously, the kids and the guidos with the word, "legit". Epidemic. Epic use or legit.
It is legit crazy.

If something is bunk, i will start saying it is illegit.

Start calling bunk by its right name: murphy's non-law. Calvin Murphy is the King of Illegit with 14 kids by nine different moms!


"It's being addressed"

This was our boss' goto response whenever we brought up concerns or complaints. was never 'addressed'.