First, some definitions, when I say "Fast Court" in reference to the last 10 years, I mean "Faster Courts in a SUPER SLOW COURT ERA", I'm NOT referring to fast courts of all of tennis history, "Of all time", sound familiar?
The sponsors have slowed down the courts so they can get longer matches, more advertising.
Now if you don't understand the basics, that is Nadal, Novak, etc. play BETTER on very slow courts, and Federer and others play better on FASTER courts, please don't respond if you don't know that.
Fed started in the 80's and 90's on fast courts, all-court but mainly serve and volley. He becomes pro, the courts are still relatively fast, and (By the way these are indisputable facts), every year the courts slow down, IE they've changed the sand and grass at Wimbledon, added sand to AO and US Open courts, bottom line courts are slow, this gives guys like Nadal, Novak TIME, and I freely admit, you give them time, let them get into a groove from the baseline, they are unbeatable. Likewise, you put Fed on a faster court where they do not have time and it's not even close. The fact that a 34 year old Fed can still compete in Finals against Nadal and Djokovich on slow courts is a testament to his versatility.
Now if they would have kept the courts FAST, as in 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's fast, Fed would be in the high 20's GS's. I always say GS's are not the determining factor, that's like saying Rocky Marciano was the GOAT because he was undefeated, it's your competition and what you do against them, it's your ability to play on fast and slow courts.
Has everyone not noticed that on FASTER courts like Dubai and Cincinnati, Fed PLAYS with Djokovich? Bottom line Federer has been screwed by the universal slowing down of courts, if they were simply kept the same way Federer would be in the deep 20's GS's, and THAT DOES mean something.
I think Nadal is the greatest modern slow court player of all time, with Novak second, but OF ALL TIME? Why? Because being injured doesn't mean you are less talented, it just means you can't compete because you are injured, he would be past 18 GS's if not for injuries. Get real, Nadal with a 65" wood racquet, Gut, no time to set up, you'd never hear of him. We KNOW Fed could play great under the same circumstances.
Here is my proof once again the GS wins do not matter that much. A 20 year old player starts lets say 2005, his winning percentage is 100%, he plays for two years, wins all eight Grand Slams, then at 22 retires. Do we say he's not the best player of all time because he retired? Of course not, for we know if he continued he'd probably continue this for some time.
So this is why Fed is the GOAT, it's OF ALL TIME my friends. And please don't bring up Agassi, he used a 107 Inch racquet with Gut yes, but used very compact, short shots.
I think the best example is the GOAT, Sampras until Federer, when Fed beat him on super fast Wimbledon both with PS85's and Gut, then give Fed a 90 with Gut and Luxilon, PLUS GROWING INTO A PLAYER and you have a Sampras who got better.
Don't worry Fed fans, He's the GOAT, but watch how many respond in ignorance of court speed.
The sponsors have slowed down the courts so they can get longer matches, more advertising.
Now if you don't understand the basics, that is Nadal, Novak, etc. play BETTER on very slow courts, and Federer and others play better on FASTER courts, please don't respond if you don't know that.
Fed started in the 80's and 90's on fast courts, all-court but mainly serve and volley. He becomes pro, the courts are still relatively fast, and (By the way these are indisputable facts), every year the courts slow down, IE they've changed the sand and grass at Wimbledon, added sand to AO and US Open courts, bottom line courts are slow, this gives guys like Nadal, Novak TIME, and I freely admit, you give them time, let them get into a groove from the baseline, they are unbeatable. Likewise, you put Fed on a faster court where they do not have time and it's not even close. The fact that a 34 year old Fed can still compete in Finals against Nadal and Djokovich on slow courts is a testament to his versatility.
Now if they would have kept the courts FAST, as in 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's fast, Fed would be in the high 20's GS's. I always say GS's are not the determining factor, that's like saying Rocky Marciano was the GOAT because he was undefeated, it's your competition and what you do against them, it's your ability to play on fast and slow courts.
Has everyone not noticed that on FASTER courts like Dubai and Cincinnati, Fed PLAYS with Djokovich? Bottom line Federer has been screwed by the universal slowing down of courts, if they were simply kept the same way Federer would be in the deep 20's GS's, and THAT DOES mean something.
I think Nadal is the greatest modern slow court player of all time, with Novak second, but OF ALL TIME? Why? Because being injured doesn't mean you are less talented, it just means you can't compete because you are injured, he would be past 18 GS's if not for injuries. Get real, Nadal with a 65" wood racquet, Gut, no time to set up, you'd never hear of him. We KNOW Fed could play great under the same circumstances.
Here is my proof once again the GS wins do not matter that much. A 20 year old player starts lets say 2005, his winning percentage is 100%, he plays for two years, wins all eight Grand Slams, then at 22 retires. Do we say he's not the best player of all time because he retired? Of course not, for we know if he continued he'd probably continue this for some time.
So this is why Fed is the GOAT, it's OF ALL TIME my friends. And please don't bring up Agassi, he used a 107 Inch racquet with Gut yes, but used very compact, short shots.
I think the best example is the GOAT, Sampras until Federer, when Fed beat him on super fast Wimbledon both with PS85's and Gut, then give Fed a 90 with Gut and Luxilon, PLUS GROWING INTO A PLAYER and you have a Sampras who got better.
Don't worry Fed fans, He's the GOAT, but watch how many respond in ignorance of court speed.
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