Suggestions for Multi Tensions (Many kinds of multifilaments)


New User
I played with velocity 17 natural at 54lbs for the first time and I was told my high spin shots were out. I usually don’t have this issue, but I’m in the middle of adjusting to a new racket and finding a string that works for me.

Also tried Nxt Power 16 at 51, 53 and 55 lbs.
55 lbs seemed to give less vibration/shock compared to 51 and 53.

Since then, I’ve inserted some rubber bands (3-4grams) in handle and will try out Nxt Power at 51lbs again to see if anything changes.

I’m wondering what tension I should use for the following strings:

Velocity 16 natural
TF Multifeel 16 black
Prince Premier Control 16 natural
Wilson Nxt Duramax 16

I’m guessing I should try velocity 16 at 54, but I’m open to suggestions.

Racket is 100 sq in
Low-medium power

I’m only asking about tensions for specific strings because I read that some strings do better at lower or higher tensions.

I landed on Velocity 17 black at 52 in the crosses of a hybrid with OGSM 17 natural at 55. for reference, I use a 95", 18x20 racquet.

52 was just stiff enough when fresh without being jarring and once it settled in it really hums. low-powered with ample access to spin


New User
Is 52lbs for Multifeel Black 16 an ok starting point?

I’m not sure what tension to use at this point.

I tried using Nxt Power at 51lbs again with a dampener and rubber bands in handle, but I couldn’t feel when I’m hitting the sweet spot vs when I’m not.

What tensions should I use for these?
Prince Premier Control 16 natural
Wilson Nxt Duramax 16
It's fine, personally I like to start at 50lbs and go from there. Finding that with modern racquets I'm preferring lower tensions than I used to, even with multis.