summer camp related (Not all tennis)

Im thinking of teaching tennis in a local summer camp. This camp is for kids from 7 to 16. I am like a 3.5 player. if you were me would you apply?
Because I am think there probbaly pro coaches there already so they gonan teach the big kids wile i teach the smalls once. I wrote them a letter and here is what i got as response

"Thanks for your email and interest. If you are currently or have just finished up your freshman year of college, I welcome you to apply. If you are currently a senior in high school, I will ask you to wait one year to apply.

We are looking for a tennis specialist! What is your level of play and experience?

Pay is dependant on year in school and room and board are included!

Please call me or visit our website for more information"

P.S ITs a regular summer campnot a tennis camp and also keep in mind guy who is writing the letter probbaly doesn't know a jack about tennis. but I do so i know what a tennis spacialist is some one who is ex pro or college atleast division 2 player. Any way tell me what you think? or maybe one of you had similar experince


Skill level is not the determining factor of gauging the skill of a coach (unless you're coaching high echelon players). I know a lot of elite players who can't coach worth %%%% because they lack the empathy.

If you are a good person, with a lot of patience, willing to be outdoors all day and enjoy children - then you should be fine.
THanks raftermania. atleast you anwered in this theard. I dono why nobody wants to help other people. thank you very much. i think im just gonna apply


Hall of Fame
do apply!!! doesnt matter if u are qualified or not... its gonna be a nice gig wont it?

my coach nominated me to teach at a tennis camp and im a good 3.5 player. and i will be teaching from i think 9 to 18 yr olds. a lot of highschool players in the camp will be better than me thats for sure, but who cares?

8$/hour, 3 hours a day, 9 days... VERY nice pay for a 15 yr old like me.

Candace Gilbert

As long as you have a consistent feed and you like working with kids... I say go for it. It's always great to get little kids into tennis.


Hall of Fame
and from personal experience, i was the assistant for our girls tennis team. and even though they are dead terrible, cant even get balls over... being surrounded by 30 some girls and being the only guy under 30 is awesome. but, i dont think u'll be teaching girls your age but still go for it. just pray for the upper age range girls to come. :)