Swedish cars


Climate cultism does not lead to freedom but instead serfdom.
Lots of rules and restrictions coming your way:
Has nothing to do with me nor my freedom.
Its seems its a fixation of yours so you seem a little uptight or unfree.
Perhaps your income is related to it.


Has nothing to do with me nor my freedom.
Its seems its a fixation of yours so you seem a little uptight or unfree.
Perhaps your income is related to it.
And you will eat z bugs in your 15 minute city and genetically modified soy so you won’t procreate,


Russell Brand hits the mark far more than you do, although I do have reservations about his approach.
Russell Brand has done a good job for sure. Keep listening to him and maybe you too can stay free. And then follow it up with Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying;


Bionic Poster
Russell Brand has done a good job for sure. Keep listening to him and maybe you too can stay free. And then follow it up with Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying;

Those two are on the other side of the fence. And Brand is kind of funny and that helps!


Bionic Poster
Here’s Scotty explaining why old Volvos last forever. Now that’s real environmentalism that makes sense

Keeping things for a long time may or may not be a slight nod to environmentalism, but in your case it is not.

Remembering, of course, that you suggested that I turn my newish car into scrap metal.


In this video Scotty rates from worst to best European cars brands to buy. Needless to say Volvo came in as number 1


Keeping things for a long time may or may not be a slight nod to environmentalism, but in your case it is not.

Remembering, of course, that you suggested that I turn my newish car into scrap metal.
The suggestion was made because you are right into electric cars and the need to act hysterically due to the climate crises, but then when it came to you yourself doing the same thing your response was - I will buy an EV when the Honda stops running and as we all know that could be in 20 years time because they are a good car - so it’s a case of , “Do as I say peasant, not as I do”.


Bionic Poster
The suggestion was made because you are right into electric cars and the need to act hysterically due to the climate crises, but then when it came to you yourself doing the same thing your response was - I will buy an EV when the Honda stops running and as we all know that could be in 20 years time because they are a good car - so it’s a case of , “Do as I say peasant, not as I do”.

I argue in favour of EVs on both technological and climate grounds, but I'm not offering any buying advice as you do. I'll buy an EV when it comes time to replace my current wheels.


Bionic Poster
In this video Scotty rates from worst to best European cars brands to buy. Needless to say Volvo came in as number 1

Your European car stocking stuffers for WEF-elite types will not be well-received by your blue-collar working man audience.


There is a real difference between the true conservationist environmentalist and todays climate cultists and here are just some examples to consider:
1. True environmentalists keep their old Volvo’s, Peugeot 504’s and old W123’s running to conserve resources and even convert some into bio fuel
2. The climate cultist travels around the world in a private jet and owns a Tesla and expects everyone else to dismantle the whole energy grid so that they can feel virtuous.

1. True environmentalists are against logging of forests and want to protect all animals
2. The climate cultists clear forests, kills koalas and shoots pregnant brumbies so that they can build solar farms the size of 4000 soccer fields

1. True environmentalists go around campaigning to save the whales and keep the oceans clean

2. Climate cultists put 2000 hectares of offshore wind turbines and transmission wires exactly where wales swim when migrating up and down the Pacific

Just a few points to consider and go the Swedish classic cars because this is what is thread about. It was never about electric cars and climate politics but the climate cultists want to control everything you say or do, eat, move, spend money on and when you can have a shower and where you can go.


Your European car stocking stuffers for WEF-elite types will not be well-received by your blue-collar working man audience.
We shouldn’t profile what the working man likes or dislikes - at present many are just trying to by and purchase what cars they can afford and old Volvo’s are cheaper than many other cars yet safe and reliable. The 240GL Volvo about as good as you can get with the exception of a Toyota or Mitsubishi


I argue in favour of EVs on both technological and climate grounds, but I'm not offering any buying advice as you do. I'll buy an EV when it comes time to replace my current wheels.
This is like a cross between being a closet denialist and a delayist. The climate doomsday clock is running out of time, you must act now;
Here is the actual clock- you better act now.


Bionic Poster
There is a real difference between the true conservationist environmentalist and todays climate cultists and here are just some examples to consider:
1. True environmentalists keep their old Volvo’s, Peugeot 504’s and old W123’s running to conserve resources and even convert some into bio fuel
2. The climate cultist travels around the world in a private jet and owns a Tesla and expects everyone else to dismantle the whole energy grid so that they can feel virtuous.

1. True environmentalists are against logging of forests and want to protect all animals
2. The climate cultists clear forests, kills koalas and shoots pregnant brumbies so that they can build solar farms the size of 4000 soccer fields

1. True environmentalists go around campaigning to save the whales and keep the oceans clean

2. Climate cultists put 2000 hectares of offshore wind turbines and transmission wires exactly where wales swim when migrating up and down the Pacific

Just a few points to consider and go the Swedish classic cars because this is what is thread about. It was never about electric cars and climate politics but the climate cultists want to control everything you say or do, eat, move, spend money on and when you can have a shower and where you can go.

I see that you are running the debunked line that wind turbines kill whales. You really are a dedicated follower of fashion.


If it were not for fracking America would see EVs as a golden opportunity to be free from OPEC.
As for wars oil could be the aim historicaiiy it seems.
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Enjoy your fantasy. I nave no beef with that as they say.. I like good food too.
We are all good
It’s not a fantasy Chris and you know the truth, you are just trying to suppress it but it won’t work because people are waking up.
The climate one world government cult sponsored by Gates and Co want people to change their eating habits and this particularly includes dairy and meat. Gates has bought up
lots of land and governments are culling livestock causing shortages, particularly dairy products.
Of course what they want to substitute is lab meat and yes the consumption of insects.
People need to know what’s going on and why it is being done and I come back to what I have said before that it’s all about control. Climate change narrative is a camouflage for people to give up their freedoms for a totalitarian future.


Switching to electric cars, shutting down farms to reduce fertiliser and methane, shutting down coal energy will not have any positive impact on the climate.
What is will do, as it is already doing, is collapse every western economy around the world. And once you do that there will be no money left to do any technological advancement and countries like China snd Russia will for a while will be laughing at how stupid we were while they keep
building coal plants until they realise that their wealth actually depended on the entrepreneurship of the western world and once again they will collapse to the bottom of the pile, creating a global economic dark age;


Bionic Poster
Switching to electric cars, shutting down farms to reduce fertiliser and methane, shutting down coal energy will not have any positive impact on the climate.
What is will do, as it is already doing, is collapse every western economy around the world. And once you do that there will be no money left to do any technological advancement and countries like China snd Russia will for a while will be laughing at how stupid we were while they keep
building coal plants until they realise that their wealth actually depended on the entrepreneurship of the western world and once again they will collapse to the bottom of the pile, creating a global economic dark age;

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the EU just approved glyphosate for another decade.


Meanwhile, back in the real world, the EU just approved glyphosate for another decade.
But we ignore the damage of weekly addition of 20,000 solar panels each week and the mining of lithium and the future disposal of toxic batteries which they will have to bury into the ground, the 28000km of transmission wires.
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Bionic Poster
But we ignore the damage of weekly addition of 20,000 solar panels each week and the mining of lithium and the future disposal of toxic batteries which they will have to bury into the ground, the 28000km of transmission wires.

We don't ignore it. We do a cost-benefit analysis. And in the real world that means the cost of climate effects.


We don't ignore it. We do a cost-benefit analysis. And in the real world that means the cost of climate effects.
There has been no cost benefit analysis at all on what they are doing with all the renewable measures otherwise the outcome for renewables would be damming. It’s all about ideology and money for the elites and their collaborators. There has certainly been no environmental economic findings of data adopted either , in fact any submissions given has simply been ignored and this will not end well for anyone,
The other thing is that we already have some test cases such as Germany that tried solar and wind and have failed now the UK is doing the same thing and failing.
I think the only thing that will wake people up in very wealthy countries is an economic disaster with lots of hardship, then sanity will prevail as people will demand accountability from their leaders with how the country is being run.


Bionic Poster
There has been no cost benefit analysis at all on what they are doing with all the renewable measures otherwise the outcome for renewables would be damming. It’s all about ideology and money for the elites and their collaborators. There has certainly been no environmental economic findings of data adopted either , in fact any submissions given has simply been ignored and this will not end well for anyone,
The other thing is that we already have some test cases such as Germany that tried solar and wind and have failed now the UK is doing the same thing and failing.
I think the only thing that will wake people up in very wealthy countries is an economic disaster with lots of hardship, then sanity will prevail as people will demand accountability from their leaders with how the country is being run.

There are plenty of such analyses. You don't think climate change is real, that's all.
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