Fuzzy Yellow Balls video observation of Federer's forehand grip in 2009. This looks well done to define and show the grip.
Not definitive. What Will Hamilton of FYB proved is that Federer hit SOME of his FHs with a classic Eastern grip. Ian W also came to a similar conclusion.
However, sometime earlier, in the early / mid 00s,
Tennis Magazine indicated the Roger's FH grip was a modified Eastern (what we are calling an extreme Eastern here). They provided convincing photographic evidence of this.
Some years after the FYB claim, other credible sources have indicated that Roger uses an EE or modified Eastern grip.
peRFect-tennis is one of these sources. Others include
Top Tennis Training and the
Tennis Channel.
Just as some sources show Rafa with a 3/4 Western while others show a conservative SW, some sources show Roger with a vanilla Eastern while others appear to show him using an EE.
Pretty sure I've also seen images of Roger employing FH grips, in the rear court, with a Continental or Continental flavor. Rather than his EE grip, he might employ a more conservative grip when hitting squash shots, dropshots, tweeners, and other specialty shots like the Bucharest Backfire.