Syntec Team vs. Feather Thin Grip

Jay Winzenz

New User
Have not used the Feather Thin, but in my opinion the Tourna Pro Thin is thinner and compresses less than the Syntec Team


They are both very similar in thickness, weight and you can feel the bevels of the handle with minimal cushion. Tourna Pro Thin (1.25mm) is even thinner and with virtually no cushion when getting a feel for the bevels. Head leather grip is 1.5mm and you can pull tight and stretch to make it thinner, or Kimony leather which is 0.8mm thick and both will keep the frame with a headlight balance due to the heavier weight.


They are both very similar in thickness, weight and you can feel the bevels of the handle with minimal cushion. Tourna Pro Thin (1.25mm) is even thinner and with virtually no cushion when getting a feel for the bevels. Head leather grip is 1.5mm and you can pull tight and stretch to make it thinner, or Kimony leather which is 0.8mm thick and both will keep the frame with a headlight balance due to the heavier weight.
That's good feedback. I want bevel feel like leather but without the added weight. I also want to keep the grip size relatively close. The stock grips on my Yonex Ezone are just a little bit squishy for my tastes.