Synthetic Mains, Poly Crosses warping frame shape?

I've been a long time user of Full Poly Volkl Cyclone 18L in my 2014 Pure Strike. Strung them dozens of times without issues.

Possible elbow problems have hit me with my older age, and so I tempted to do some hybrids and see if it helps.I tried the Cyclone Mains and Synth Gut crosses and noticed no differences.

Tried Synth gut mains and Cylcone crosses and noticed it caused my racquet to be stretched wider by 1-2mm and shortened my racquet by 1mm or so. I strung it the same way I always have so I don't think it is technique related. Should I have strung the mains higher or the crosses higher? Or is the minor warping normal?

Steve Huff

It's hard to imagine the racket coming off the stringer that way unless it wasn't mounted quite tight enough. But, the poly will lose tension a lot faster than the synthetic, so you could get some of the usual head "rounding" as the relative tension of the mains becomes higher. The Pure Strike is pretty sturdy, so it should be able to handle a hybrid unless you're stringing in the mid 60s or above. 1-2mm of the racket shortening is probably within the manufacturer's tolerance.


± 1-2 mm is actually normal for a lot of hybrid string jobs. Different strings lose tension at different rates leading to heads rounding or narrowing. If you are asking for one piece, then it should be ± 1 mm. If it comes back shorter, the crosses were not pulled correctly to tension. 3¢


Hall of Fame
I strung the syn gut 4 lbs higher than the poly either way, (45/49, 48/52) but preferred the poly in the mains when I was using that hybrid option.


Hall of Fame
1~2mm in either direction is not too significant. How are you measuring? Do you have long calipers? Same method for both string setups? How soon after the racquet comes off the stringing machine? etc...

As someone else pointed out already... I wouldn't worry about 1~2mm... just determine whether you like the new setup or not.


I currently use a 4 pound difference in my mains/crosses. I'm using Gosen 1.15 in the mains at 54 and Luxilon TiMo 1.10 in the crosses at 50. There is no discernable deformation of the frames.


New User
I've been a long time user of Full Poly Volkl Cyclone 18L in my 2014 Pure Strike. Strung them dozens of times without issues.

Possible elbow problems have hit me with my older age, and so I tempted to do some hybrids and see if it helps.I tried the Cyclone Mains and Synth Gut crosses and noticed no differences.

Tried Synth gut mains and Cylcone crosses and noticed it caused my racquet to be stretched wider by 1-2mm and shortened my racquet by 1mm or so. I strung it the same way I always have so I don't think it is technique related. Should I have strung the mains higher or the crosses higher? Or is the minor warping normal?


New User
I wonder If your elbow problems are so engrained that you won't feel an immediate benefit from the hybrid setup.
I was using full poly in various makes at between 50/60 lbs.
Once I went below 50 now 42 full poly I don't have probs with my elbow.
Also I've been experimenting with hybrids without to much success, so many different options so I stopped .
Now as it happened I had one of my rackets strung hybrid in my racket bag.
Not sure why now but I decided to hit with it ( curiosity).
To my surprise it felt great,
I feel with my own stringer its all too easy to want to change a setup.
Without giving it a good go.saying that of course , I've done some that were no good for me.
And had to go. But if had cut out that hybrid I would've missed out on a set up that I now like.
Also there was some head distortion too, which I guess is gona happen with different string types
And tensions. Be patient its worth it when you get it right.