SYSOP : Adidas 6 month outsole warranty question


New User
If I buy a pair of Adidas shoes from TW and their sole wears out, do I return them to TW and you guys deal with Adidas or I have to go straight to Adidas ?

Another question that I would like to ask is , what extacly does 6 month warranty mean ? If the outsole wears down and there is a hole in the outsole, but the not exactly a hole in the shoe ( you could see the insole of the shoe since the outsole is worn down), would this be covered by the warranty for a replacement ?

yeh dude if you are a serious tennis player even the adidas shoes will be showing signs of wear after 6 months with maybe a hole somewhere on the shoe. if you are just wearing them around they wont have a problem at all.

TW Staff

You return the shoes to Adidas. The address is included inside the box with the warranty information. We also have the return address on file, so if you lose the warranty card, just post here and we'll send you the info.
Chris, TW.


New User
Thank you Chris.
What about the warranty ? When does a pair of shoes qualify for being replaced ? I have looked at the and TW web sites for more explanations, but I couldn't find something explicit.
thanks in advance

TW Staff

I can't speak for Adidas on what they consider replaceable outsole wear. However, if you give them a call at 1-800-448-1796 I'm sure they can answer all your questions.
Chris, TW.