Talking about tennis pros vs. Playing tennis

How come all you tennis bums on here, amateur players, hobby players
and self-proclaimed 12.0 semi-pros, spend more time talking about
professional tennis players and analyzing games, pointlessly wasting
time discussing who will win which tournament, and how and why player
x is better than player Y instead of actually playing tennis?
If you spent half as much time actually playing, instead of talking
about the pros, maybe you would have become pros too or at least
improved your game?

The "General Pro Player Discussion" forum is far more active than all
the other forums. That says something. Looks like you people enjoy
talking about tennis and the people who play it for a living more than
actually playing the sport.

A bit sad, no?


Ha! The two are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to play a lot of tennis and still, if you are a fan of the pro game, check in to TT and have a look at what people are discussing. I really only go on this forum while at work or on the toilet with the iPad, and since I cannot really practice serving to the deuce court while dropping a deuce, I see no harm to my game by having a look at the boards.


Hall of Fame
talking about an idea can translate to better practice. it's better than just mindlessly hitting balls, just to hit balls, even though everyone is probably guilty of that.


Hall of Fame
Lets see factors of why I am talking about tennis and not playing tennis right now.

1. It's supposed to snow today, it snowed yesterday, it will snow tomorrow. Snow.
2. It broke into the 20s today, for the first time in two weeks.
3. I'm currently in college, between coursework and lack of income I can't afford the time or money to reserve time on an indoor court.
4. My school has 6 outdoor courts on campus.
5. It's winter so it's impossible to reserve a court any way.
6. I can browse message boards while taking breaks from schoolwork, eating lunch, in class etc. etc.
7. Sunset today was 4:53 PM
8. I doubt I would be able to find someone to play tennis with me all the time, I have two-three buddies who are at my level, one who is well above and a bunch who never play. Two of those guys are now located on the opposite side of my country (being the US, west to east coast is far) and the other just started law school.
9. General Pro Player Discussion is more active because there is more to talk about, rackets is a close second though, however there is just a lot more to discuss with Pros then Rackets. Hence why channels like ESPN, Eurosport, MSG, Foxsports exist. People watch pro sports and therefore talk about it.


Hall of Fame
All forums are like that - you should hang out on the Guitar forums and do searches on Dumble, Trainwreck, Klon and Gustavsson.

Lots of dandy fights about those pieces of gear


How come all you tennis bums on here, amateur players, hobby players
and self-proclaimed 12.0 semi-pros, spend more time talking about
professional tennis players and analyzing games, pointlessly wasting
time discussing who will win which tournament, and how and why player
x is better than player Y instead of actually playing tennis?
If you spent half as much time actually playing, instead of talking
about the pros, maybe you would have become pros too or at least
improved your game?

The "General Pro Player Discussion" forum is far more active than all
the other forums. That says something. Looks like you people enjoy
talking about tennis and the people who play it for a living more than
actually playing the sport.

A bit sad, no?

This post would make sense if you had sent it in by homing pigeon, but posting it on a Tennis forum is lame in the extreme.
Do you know how much a court costs in my country until spring arrives?

Quite a lot, let me tell you.

I have the same problem. I purchased the gear, but can not afford
to rent an indoor court or take lessons. So I play at home in my apartment
where I have already damaged numerous pieces of porcelain.