Tell me about life in your country and region? And post the picture of your favourite food from your region.


First thread in this section of forum!!

Tell me ladies and gentlemen what is life usually like in your country or region?

Like what is your favourite season and how it is?

What food cuisine usually comprises your food?

What is education system like ? What is the most beautiful time of education life for you people?

What are the various famous places to visit in your country?

How are people in your country ?

I will start

North Indian here.

Us living in Gangetic plains,in the region near Himalaya's foot see the best and the worst of each season, Summers are hot and reach 38-42 celsius, Winters are cold dropping to 6-7. Monsoons are well monsoons ,and it rains a lot.

My favourite season is Winter, I love the foggy mornings.

Of course North Indian food is what I usually get to eat,lots of butter, milk based things. Lentils and grains and rice, veggies make the fundamental basis of most meals.Most people avoid Meat here but I love it.

I have 4 loves in my life so far.


Hyderabadi Dum Biryani: One of the things I love.


Rice Kheer my other love.


Gulab Jamun the third thing I love.

Our education system is kind of messed up and messed up bad, people don't go for skills. Parental pressure here is real.

College of course is most beautiful time of student life here. Not because of all fun we have but finally we get a clear cut picture of life and how we want to live it.

Delhi is close to where I live so Taj Mahal is the most famous place to visit. But let me tell you if you want to see North India at it's craziest (disclaimer: Also at it's most dangerous in some ways) visit Varanasi, a beautiful city.

As for people,I think we have innate sense of innocence in us. On the whole we are quite friendly but I warn you to many Foreign people or people from other regions of the same country ,some of us can be pretty cunning.

Oh thinking about what is the fourth thing I love ? It's my Mother, us Indians are Mama's boy till the day we die.