Hall of Fame
Jeff Sackmann has done it, the surface speed ratings are now live:
Sinner and Djokovic having likely the highest spread of wins.
Older ratings from 2017-19! There is also a 2014-16 edition.
My metric uses ace rate--adjusted for the servers and returners in each match--to rate each tournament by surface speed. Thus, the number takes into account everything that influenced play: temperature, humidity, wind, balls, and of course the physical surface.
This table shows every tour-level event from the last 52 weeks. Ratings greater than 1 are faster than average. For example, a rating of 1.25 indicates that the players hit 25% more aces than they would have on a tour-average surface.
Sinner and Djokovic having likely the highest spread of wins.
Older ratings from 2017-19! There is also a 2014-16 edition.
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