Tennis Coaching corner: why do you play?! defeating hustle culture; philosophies, things that will make you question your tennis & more

TW Staff

Coaching corner with Tim Foley: we take a philosophical look at hustle culture, coaching American tennis, how to be the "best" player, what your DNA says about the player you can be, being happy with your tennis and so much more including:

- hypnotizing yourself on the court
- happy on the court doesn't necessarily equal winning; how you define your value as a tennis player
- learning tennis; and how to improve
- hustle culture and trying to outwork to be successful; working "harder"
- translating how you practice to mean something in your match play
- setting realistic expectations in your tennis world
- "the reason you need to win is the reason you don't"
- why do YOU play tennis?!

Happy Hitting!
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