WADA is deeply corrupt. Tennis should not involve WADA in its anti-doping program. Tennis should refuse to participate in the Carrot appeal as well as refuse to enforce any CAS decision if WADA proceeds on its own. Tennis needs to find another way forward with anti-doping without WADA. An extra benefit of booting WADA is no more tennis wasting time with Olympics.
“But when the agency, known as WADA, learned of the positive tests, top leaders did not crack down on China. Instead, they sidelined the investigative unit, choosing not to tell its investigators and analysts that the swimmers had tested positive, ensuring the matter would not be looked into any further.
The decision by the agency’s leaders to keep its own investigators in the dark raises new questions about WADA’s response to repeated incidents of possible doping by Chinese athletes.
And it creates new doubts about whether WADA meaningfully changed its operations and culture after its credibility was called into question by the discovery in 2015 that the agency failed to stop a Russian state-sponsored doping program that had operated without detection for years.”
Not incidentally, “Among the ways Chinese athletes were cheating, she said, was by taking undetectable amounts of a little-known prescription heart medication, trimetazidine, or TMZ, which can help increase stamina, endurance and recovery.”
The World Anti-Doping Agency’s investigative unit highlighted intelligence about Chinese athletes possibly using a banned medication, but was kept out of the loop when 23 swimmers tested positive for it.