Tennis stringing machina C06 error code troubleshooting - ProTennis 490i / Gamma 6900 ELS


New User
I have a ProTennis 490i tennis stringing machine, which I believe is the same as Gamma 6900 ELS. It started to give me C06 error code after every pulling. I have used calibrator to test it and turned out that it over pulls a lot, like 80-90 LBs no matter how low the setting is. Any ideas?

Here is the video:


Hall of Fame
dumb question - did you remove the factory shipping screw?

The "shipping screw" doesn't appear to be present, so I don't think that's what's going on here.

When I watched @bens1122's video on Friday, I briefly thought that perhaps the machine was in calibration mode. However, I quickly ruled that out.
The "shipping screw" doesn't appear to be present, so I don't think that's what's going on here.

When I watched @bens1122's video on Friday, I briefly thought that perhaps the machine was in calibration mode. However, I quickly ruled that out.
I agree - I didn't see it either, but wanted to rule that out.

I did a search on Gamma ELS Error Codes, and the 8500 manual has this for the C06 error code:

"Call GAMMA Sports for assistance"


New User
The "shipping screw" doesn't appear to be present, so I don't think that's what's going on here.

When I watched @bens1122's video on Friday, I briefly thought that perhaps the machine was in calibration mode. However, I quickly ruled that out.
This video was not taken with calibration mode. Saying that, C06 error code is displayed after each pulling, irrespective in normal or calibration mode.