Things I've noted:
You can't stay at the baseline in PB. You'll lose against the better players, without a doubt.
Get to the kitchen as quickly as possible after returning!
If you're serving, a good third shot drop or a low net clearance, high pace spin drive are key. The drive will usually produce a volley sitter from all but the best players. The drop will neutralize the point.
Learn to slightly adjust backward/forward at the kitchen when you or your partner hit the ball too high. Good chance of getting it back off the smash. The feet must always be moving like tennis. Anticipation is so important.
Never back up dinking. Adjust you body. Practice dinking and half-dink volleys are key.
Recognize when you're playing total defense and reset with a wide angle drop. Going offensive while playing defense will usually lose the point.
Get a good hitting partner to practice effective dinks and quick net exchanges.
Good list … agree with all. Also … I noticed in one of my early posts above I predicted I would not like leaning forward and hitting that bh ping pong like arming stroke. I was wrong … love it and the firefights. I am better at taking dinks out of the air when there … but still have to fight my instinct to step back on everything. I’ve also have a decent fh topspin speedup now from below the net, often find gap in middle between the opponents. I think perhaps that topspin on speedup which probably comes faster to tennis players is more important than the baseline topspin in doubles. I notice I lot of good intermediate doubles players that pretty solid at kitchen don’t have that topspin speedup … can be a point ender.
Funny ros story … your comment about getting in quick after ros reminded me. I know I need to come in behind every ros. I do most of the time … but I find myself missing hitting tennis baseline strokes. I would occasionally hang back just so I could hit more.
6 months later … and I will still on occasion hit 3rd shot volley. Wife really struggled stopping hitting volley before the bounce. I think the odds are low we both got dementia at same time.