I have a Silent Partner Pro with the programmable option. I love it.
Spent months determining the perfect machine. Waste of time, since they all bascially do the same thing. Get any one you can get in your budget.
You should spend more time on how to transport it and the other tons of stuff you need to get to the court. Value for the SP is super. I needed support once, and they simply shipped me what I needed no questions asked in a couple days.
Like other machines (except the Playmate), wheels are way way too small; you may need what I have, which is a Wonder Wheeler Beach trolley (great investment for other than your ball machine); like others, speed of throw is not really an issue you should waste time on, it's way too fast and comes from way too low on most of them; and big disappointment on all of the machines is that they can only realistically throw an offensive killer lob that is hard to return, not a defensive lob, so just put a canoe foam block under front wheels;
Oscillation is nice if you can afford it, but the vertical and depth oscillation on the new machines like the TT Player and Elite 3 is costly (as others have said, just mix in some old balls, and you get that feature).
Remote seems like a great feature, but in reality, I use it only once in a great while now. So nix that if it is out of your budget.
SP fits nicely in all trunks; irrespective of what machine you choose, and I am repeating myself, you will need to haul lots of balls, a hopper or tube, and other stuff to the court, so you need a big wheeled device to get it all there easily ( I have a Wonder Wheeler and a Magna Cart, so wheels are not really an issue in our choice of ball machine since all but the Playmate have the same problem).
Simpy put, all these machines are great for practicing and grooving and even exercise.
The real issue is picking up the balls -- gets old fast. Put more thought into that (decide who will be with you, and whether you should buy metal hoppers, tubes, or have the luxury of using a real ball mower (indoor club has one, and it makes using a ball machine a true pleasure since the ball mowers pick em up in lightening speed).
That's my 2 cents. Don't get hung up like I did on all the details. They all work well from my limited use of Playmate and my SP.
If you cannot easily get it out of you car and onto the court with all the other stuff you will need, you will end up not using it.
Personally, I love the SP, but if money were not an issue, I would get the Playmate new Volley, since with it maybe you would not need an extra hand truck trolley. Happy hunting!