Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat Pure Aero 2023


56 in the Radical MP is pretty tight. I could see stringing this new PA around 53lbs, since the pattern is a little tighter.
It is - it's pretty much what I did in my Blade 98's a while ago too. Most of my hitting these days is in a coaching setting, so I typically opt for control over power. I'm definitely thinking 52-54 in the PA will ultimately be the direction that I head in, especially for best competitive results, but initially I'll stick with what I know and see how it works out.
Are most of you gonna go with the RPM or opt for something else?


Hall of Fame
Are most of you gonna go with the RPM or opt for something else?
I never use RPM so I am going to stick with something more familiar. Big Banger Original and Head Lynx are two of my standards.
Also depending on the timing of when I get the racquet and how long before the review is due, I may only get 1-2 stringjobs played in it.
I'm usually not a poly-breaker and restring once it's dead.


This frame will definitely be getting a thick, soft, lower-powered string, to offset the open pattern and layup (still relatively stiff). I'm thinking the likes of:

Volkl Cyclone Tour 1.30
Grapplesnake Tour M8 1.30
Dunlop Silk Spin 1.33 / IsoSpeed Cream 1.28
Tier One Black Knight 1.28
YTEX ProTour Yellow 1.30
etc. etc.
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I never use RPM so I am going to stick with something more familiar. Big Banger Original and Head Lynx are two of my standards.
Also depending on the timing of when I get the racquet and how long before the review is due, I may only get 1-2 string-jobs played in it.
I'm usually not a poly-breaker and restring once it's dead.

STRINGING - as in which string and what tension ? - the never ending conundrum! I will probably go with something familiar to me on the first string-job, but will be a shaped poly / round poly hybrid of some type 16L / 17, with tension around 45 / 48.
Chairman3 do you still have that Forest Green Element? That could be good in this stick at least as a cross. I may have to restring my APD 2013 to get some side-by-side comparison and this has made me remember how much I enjoyed my APD+ as well. Good problems!


Hall of Fame
@StringStrungStrang Element didn't wow me, but maybe it was a bad combo (soft frame, soft string)
I think my Head Lynx would be good, it's a softer poly. I just can't resist putting BBO in this to see how the comfort is.
If I had Duralast (Nadals string) I'd put that in there just for fun.


Hall of Fame
I would think ticking up in tension from the Ezone would probably be the way to go? Initially I'm gonna just gonna use my go-to setup from my Radical MP and string Lynx Tour at 56 - I'm so glad that they've brought the RA down enough to where just the thought of a stiff poly at a high tension doesn't make me sore haha. I fully expect to need to adjust that setup for optimal performance, but figure I may as well compare as close as I can to my normal setup.
Any other thoughts on stringing?
I think I'll go 50, that's Babolat's low end. 45 is the EZONE's low end. 50 it is!

And speaking of RA, I was surprised to see that the RA of the PA is 65, compared to the EZ100 at 67.


For those who have tried the New Pure Aero.. it's clear that it is slightly different from the Banana.. I am curious how it compares to the current Pure Drive..any insight would be appreciated...
I haven't hit with it much recently, but I was on the playtest for the current Pure Drive as well - so I can certainly try and give some insight there.


For those who have tried the New Pure Aero.. it's clear that it is slightly different from the Banana.. I am curious how it compares to the current Pure Drive..any insight would be appreciated...
Apples to apples would be Pure Aero to Pure Aero ( or would that be Banana to Banana?) but PA to PD to PS would be good too!


Hall of Fame
For those who have tried the New Pure Aero.. it's clear that it is slightly different from the Banana.. I am curious how it compares to the current Pure Drive..any insight would be appreciated...
Pure drive feels a lot firmer on contact. Aero is muted almost rubbery feel to it. More pop from pure drive at least feeling of pop due to stiffness.


I will say that after two hours and the racket sitting over night, I noticed considerable tension drop. Might be the tennis warehouse string job but it took me a good ten mins to get used to the lower tension.


Okay as a starting point for anyone wondering - the stock specification for the Babolat Pure Aero 2023 are below: These are TW specs I have seen a variety of weight and SW variance on other sites.


Head Size: 645 cm² / 100 in²
Length: 685 mm / 27 in
Weight (unstrung): 300 g +/- 7g / 10.6 oz
Balance (unstrung) : 320 mm +/- 7mm
Swing Weight: 322
Stringing Pattern: 16/19
Stiffness (RA) : 65 + / - 3
Section: 23/26/23

Mine Shipped Too !!
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Hall of Fame
Okay as a starting point for anyone wondering - the stock specification for the Babolat Pure Aero 2023 are below: These are TW specs I have seen a variety of weight and SW variance on other sites.


Head Size: 645 cm² / 100 in²
Length: 685 mm / 27 in
Weight (unstrung): 300 g +/- 7g / 10.6 oz
Balance (unstrung) : 320 mm +/- 7mm
Swing Weight: 322
Stringing Pattern: 16/19
Stiffness (RA) : 65 + / - 3
Section: 23/26/23
Can't wait to get a leather grip on it, alas it'll have to wait until after the playtest

TW Staff

Sorry this post is a little late but we picked the winners earlier this week and shipped out the racquets yesterday (some playtesters have already got them!). As some of you had speculated, this was a highly popular playtest and we had so many great applicants. If you were selected, congratulations! Please make sure you read the email thoroughly before starting the playtest.

If you were not selected, don't fret! We still have numerous playtests on the schedule through the rest of the year. Our goal this year was to spread the wealth and try to get as many users on the playtests as possible. So if you were already on a playtest this year (we have done 8 already!), that might be one of the reasons you were not chosen.

Regardless, keep signing up (especially string playtests) and keep participating positively on the message board.

TW Staff


@StringStrungStrang do you seriously live next door to TW?
I was amazed when @XFactorer said he was expecting his tomorrow and you're showing us yours today :X3:
I wish that were the case - I think you'd see me on
racquet & string reviews ALL the time.

Now time to ponder STRINGING - I am leaning towards my recent set up ( shaped poly / round poly ) @ 45 / 48 # that I've used in my Pure Strike, PS VS, Pro Staff and Blade 104 so that I can see what the racquet has to offer that the others don't.
Friends already want to borrow it - but I'm afraid I'll never see it again !!


Hall of Fame
I wish that were the case - I think you'd see me on
racquet & string reviews ALL the time.

Now time to ponder STRINGING - I am leaning towards my recent set up ( shaped poly / round poly ) @ 45 / 48 # that I've used in my Pure Strike, PS VS, Pro Staff and Blade 104 so that I can see what the racquet has to offer that the others don't.
Friends already want to borrow it - but I'm afraid I'll never see it again !!
Definitely report back on string and tension, that's where I feel like I'm most in the dark.
Obviously you can string a racquet at whatever tension you want, but I want to get to that optimal point from the get go


After the tennisnerd mentioned feeling some soreness from stringing his with RPM at 53, I'm thinking I won't start at 56 with Lynx Tour. I think I'm gonna start at 54, and I might opt for LT mains and Hawk Touch crosses - I like LT by itself, but it loses tension really quickly.


I was sore after the first hit. Thumb and elbow. That went away and no pain after the next two hits. It’s pretty soft. I was probabaly trying to rip it too much the first day with practice. Match play was less reps and no pain.
What's your string setup? I was expecting with the lower RA that it would be super comfy, but I wasn't thinking about how a denser string pattern can contribute to perceived stiffness.


Hall of Fame
After the tennisnerd mentioned feeling some soreness from stringing his with RPM at 53, I'm thinking I won't start at 56 with Lynx Tour. I think I'm gonna start at 54, and I might opt for LT mains and Hawk Touch crosses - I like LT by itself, but it loses tension really quickly.
I think he's predisposed because he's had arm or wrist injuries/pain before, or at least he talks about it.
If you've never had any problems and normally use a firmer/stiffer setup, you're probably fine


Hall of Fame
I never go higher than 48 lbs with full poly. Why are you guys stringing so tight?
I plan on stringing at 50 lbs, Babolat's low end of the range. If it's too stiff, then I'll drop down. It's just a starting point for me, haven't really hit with a Babolat since the Pure Strike v2. I'll probably use Razor Code first - I have the most of that string.


I never go higher than 48 lbs with full poly. Why are you guys stringing so tight?
For me a lot of it depends on the racquet - I used to use an RF97 strung in the 40's, but then since I've switched to lighter, powerful frames, I find it more comfortable to string in the 50's (I tried my Blades at 48 and they felt terrible, 56 and the felt amazing!). Also for coaching hitting sessions I'm never looking for extra depth and spin, so higher tensions are just fine.


Hall of Fame
Hitting against the wall I keep getting this feeling I have felt this before than it dawend on me. It feels very similar feel to Baghi's Fisher/Pacific X Force Pro No.1


Okay just checked the unstrung weight ... pretty much spot on ! 300 g for 4 1/4 (2) grip . Butt cap , pretty much standard with a trap door allowing access to customize / weight to taste. I like that and disappointed when some companies don't include easy access. I especially like what Solinco / Head did with optional weighting methods. This just makes sense to me.
In the past, for Babolat and Wilson trap doors I created my own weighted trap door to add or subtract 5 g. to cleanly and quickly see what feels best. Of course for this Playtest the PA23 will be stock.
Wonder what ever happened to Babolat's play / pop sensors ?


Okay just checked the unstrung weight ... pretty much spot on ! 300 g for 4 1/4 (2) grip . Butt cap , pretty much standard with a trap door allowing access to customize / weight to taste. I like that and disappointed when some companies don't include easy access. I especially like what Solinco / Head did with optional weighting methods. This just makes sense to me.
In the past, for Babolat and Wilson trap doors I created my own weighted trap door to add or subtract 5 g. to cleanly and quickly see what feels best. Of course for this Playtest the PA23 will be stock.
Wonder what ever happened to Babolat's play / pop sensors ?
Glad the weight is on-spec - checked the balance?
I’m loving the demo they sent me. Pretty sure it’s a shaped poly but this stick is no longer the launching pad the last few versions have been. Enjoy and we look forward to your reviews.
Yea that's for sure, its like the 2023 pure aero has been given the consistency and control of a pro staff while keeping great spin. Shots no longer fly its so consistent opposite of last version


First time using this multi quote option - I hope it works!!

Glad the weight is on-spec - checked the balance?

Didn't check the balance yet. I guess I should make a simple balance tool. Anyone have any input?

Nice slippers @StringStrungStrang
I found tungsten tape works well to smash onto the underside of a trap door, at least on wilsons, because it's rubbery and compresses some

Slippers are like Tommy Paul's bag check - you always need a bucket hat and flip-flops! These I thought were a fashion statement!
The tape does work well; I usually glue in a washer and fill in with some silicone. Now I have a couple weighted trap-doors so I just pop one on and see how it feels.

Your thoughts on the comparison will be much appreciated, good sir.

If the heat lets up (excessive heat warning in CA) I will string them both up the same way and let you know. I always liked the APD and APD+, just a tad stiff and the beam was a bit too deep for me. Really looking forward to a good hit with this PA23 !


Hall of Fame
Got my racquet today, strung it up w/ Tecnifibre Razor Code 1.20mm at 50 lbs. Initial thoughts...

* First, short-court-tennis hit and my thought was: Wow, this is a lot softer than I remembered a Pure Aero to be. It feels solid, it feels stable, it feels good. It doesn't sound metallic like the current get Pure Drive. And it's definitely better feeling than my friend's Pure Aero Plus (2 gens ago).

* The glossy PJ reminds me of the finish of racquets you buy at Big Box Stores. It's SO glossy. But I do like the gunmetal grey.

* 50 lbs is a good starting point, I will go lower in future string jobs. Once I figure out what tension I like, I'll stick in the RPM Blast as the final string of the play test.

* This is more stable and softer than my old DR100. It also didn't get pushed around tonight while I was just grooving with my hitting partner.

* I can actually now appreciate the feel I get from my current gen EZONE 98. The PA is very muted, which I like, too.

* The stringing pattern lends itself to better control for the PA line - but again, this is a PA, so aim for big targets. Hitting partner and I drilled. I was rather taken aback by how much I couldn't get a feel for where the ball was going when I had a target (can of balls) on the other side of the court. As an aggressive baseline, I can blame something about the racquet. Because when I went back to my trust EZ98, it was better dialed in.

* Lastly, I felt a little something in my elbow. Just a hint of possible future pain to come. Maybe it will never come to be, we'll see.

I like the racquet enough to commit to using this as my full time racquet for the rest of this play test. I'm excited for how my game can benefit from this PA. I was already going to get the EZ100, but this play test presented itself and is a good opportunity. My plan is to play exclusively with this until late Sept and go back to my beloved EZ98 to see how my thoughts and feels change.

More to come.


Got my racquet today, strung it up w/ Tecnifibre Razor Code 1.20mm at 50 lbs. Initial thoughts...

* First, short-court-tennis hit and my thought was: Wow, this is a lot softer than I remembered a Pure Aero to be. It feels solid, it feels stable, it feels good. It doesn't sound metallic like the current get Pure Drive. And it's definitely better feeling than my friend's Pure Aero Plus (2 gens ago).

* The glossy PJ reminds me of the finish of racquets you buy at Big Box Stores. It's SO glossy. But I do like the gunmetal grey.

* 50 lbs is a good starting point, I will go lower in future string jobs. Once I figure out what tension I like, I'll stick in the RPM Blast as the final string of the play test.

* This is more stable and softer than my old DR100. It also didn't get pushed around tonight while I was just grooving with my hitting partner.

* I can actually now appreciate the feel I get from my current gen EZONE 98. The PA is very muted, which I like, too.

* The stringing pattern lends itself to better control for the PA line - but again, this is a PA, so aim for big targets. Hitting partner and I drilled. I was rather taken aback by how much I couldn't get a feel for where the ball was going when I had a target (can of balls) on the other side of the court. As an aggressive baseline, I can blame something about the racquet. Because when I went back to my trust EZ98, it was better dialed in.

* Lastly, I felt a little something in my elbow. Just a hint of possible future pain to come. Maybe it will never come to be, we'll see.

I like the racquet enough to commit to using this as my full time racquet for the rest of this play test. I'm excited for how my game can benefit from this PA. I was already going to get the EZ100, but this play test presented itself and is a good opportunity. My plan is to play exclusively with this until late Sept and go back to my beloved EZ98 to see how my thoughts and feels change.

More to come.

I admire the commitment to using the PA23 as your main racquet for sometime...I think that's the best way to get a true read on a racquet.
Too many people are speed dating with racquets and never find out what's really there! Fear of commitment?

I will stringing mine up later today and I'm looking at mid 40s (poly )for tension. I like those Yonex sticks too, Ezone and Vcore, incredibly stable from my experience - and they come in extended lengths which a plus for me.

As for the PA23 I agree the gunmetal grey is cool. It doesn't stand out in pics, but in person looks great. I like the fresh graphics and the gloss - it looks new. I guess I have seen too many matt finishes lately. They were cool for awhile too, but as always the pendulum swings and I think Babolat was / were spot-on with this one.

I love the look, but I'd play with anything that felt great and played well - those things I'll start figuring that out this weekend. Like you, I'll do my best to commit to the PA23 during this playtest to see how we get along.