Got my racquet today, strung it up w/ Tecnifibre Razor Code 1.20mm at 50 lbs. Initial thoughts...
* First, short-court-tennis hit and my thought was: Wow, this is a lot softer than I remembered a Pure Aero to be. It feels solid, it feels stable, it feels good. It doesn't sound metallic like the current get Pure Drive. And it's definitely better feeling than my friend's Pure Aero Plus (2 gens ago).
* The glossy PJ reminds me of the finish of racquets you buy at Big Box Stores. It's SO glossy. But I do like the gunmetal grey.
* 50 lbs is a good starting point, I will go lower in future string jobs. Once I figure out what tension I like, I'll stick in the RPM Blast as the final string of the play test.
* This is more stable and softer than my old DR100. It also didn't get pushed around tonight while I was just grooving with my hitting partner.
* I can actually now appreciate the feel I get from my current gen EZONE 98. The PA is very muted, which I like, too.
* The stringing pattern lends itself to better control for the PA line - but again, this is a PA, so aim for big targets. Hitting partner and I drilled. I was rather taken aback by how much I couldn't get a feel for where the ball was going when I had a target (can of balls) on the other side of the court. As an aggressive baseline, I can blame something about the racquet. Because when I went back to my trust EZ98, it was better dialed in.
* Lastly, I felt a little something in my elbow. Just a hint of possible future pain to come. Maybe it will never come to be, we'll see.
I like the racquet enough to commit to using this as my full time racquet for the rest of this play test. I'm excited for how my game can benefit from this PA. I was already going to get the EZ100, but this play test presented itself and is a good opportunity. My plan is to play exclusively with this until late Sept and go back to my beloved EZ98 to see how my thoughts and feels change.
More to come.