Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat Pure Drive 2025


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Hi Pure Drive Fanatics!

We will be hosting Olivier (from Babolat HQ) soon and will be recording a podcast all about Pure Drive! Wanted to see what YOU want to ask and learn about -- please leave any questions regarding Pure Drive here and I will do my best to get them all answered!

Appreciate it!
Michelle, TW
Hello Michelle, I have two questions.
The first question is to what extent the Aero Pure 100 and the Pure Drive differ in terms of spin. Is there a striking difference in the spin potential or the angle at which the balls are hit?

The second question relates to the difference between the Pure Drive 100 and the Pure Drive 98. How big is the difference in terms of spin and angle?

The reason for my questions is that I am planning to switch to the Pure Drive. I like to play spin and love the power of the Pure Drive.
The only question is whether the spin and angle is enough for me, as I have played the Pure Aero 100 for years.

I would be very happy if at least my first question would be answered ;-).

Translated with (free version)
Ho Michelle / TW, I still play with the PD Roddick 2009 and 2012. Since there are no tour versions anymore: can Babolat advise me how to adjust the PD 2025 (which I have) to have this version play similar to thise models?


How do they see the 98 living into the Pure Drive identity? And how are they as a brand trying to position three powerful 98s so that they don't cannibalize each other?


Ho Michelle / TW, I still play with the PD Roddick 2009 and 2012. Since there are no tour versions anymore: can Babolat advise me how to adjust the PD 2025 (which I have) to have this version play similar to thise models?
Hello, those are actually 2 of my favorite pure drives too. If it’s the weight that you want to match you can use the tennis racquet customization tool provided by tennis warehouse:

You plug in the specs for this generation vs your pure drive roddicks and it will tell you exactly what you need to do. Please note standard racquets weight up to tour specs always still feel a bit different but should feel similar.

I’d also recommend:
- Placing lead underneath the base grip and towards the middle of the handle since that’s where their tour models typically contain the metal insert to increase the balance.
- spreading the lead in the hoop over concentrated to give the racquet a more solid feel around the frame since most tour frames the whole hoop is more solid

I have attached weight distribution for customizing taking the both pure drive Roddick generations you use into consideration,

I think they're trying to keep the pure drive plus very maneuverable. It swings lighter than all extended racquets I've used. Encourages topspin brushing and less emphasis on straight through plow.
I was very impressed, I think anyone who likes a head light stick should give it a demo, really good racket.
will they ever do a + version of the Pure Drive 98, Pure Aero 98, or any of the Pure Strike models?

Babolat used to have Pure Storm / Control in a + but now we don't have a 98 extended length option.
TWE has the 2025 listed as 66 stiffness and the 2021 at 71. Is this a significant difference when hitting with the racquet? Has it affected the power generating on this new PD?


New User
Base model gen 11 says RA 72

Same as base model gen 10 also RA 72 (here in Wimbledon edition).

So either a mistake or it was not lowered?

TWE has the 2025 listed as 66 stiffness and the 2021 at 71. Is this a significant difference when hitting with the racquet? Has it affected the power generating on this new PD?

I don't understand the big difference in RA between TWE and Babolat on the gen 11. A typo maybe?


Tennis Warehouse shows the RA as strung. Still, this would be 68-69 RA unstrung.

Babolat does mention +- 3 so normally the RA rating would be 69-75 unstrung.

My guess is that the sample Tennis Warehouse measured, was at the lower end of the range. Many other retailers have mentioned 70-71 RA ratings.
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New User
But then, according to Babolat, the stiffness of gen 10 and gen 11 is the same, while I think everyone says it is now less stiff?


But then, according to Babolat, the stiffness of gen 10 and gen 11 is the same, while I think everyone says it is now less stiff?
Yes, indeed that is the questions. Perhaps as some units are indeed less stiff (+- 3 tolerance) combined with the Flax dampening tech, it does feel less stiff. I would guess that if anyone gets a racquet at the upper end of the +-3 tolerance , they will not think it plays softer …….


I added some blue tac/silicone plugs to the handle of my pd 98 and some lead at 12. So far I’m enjoying the frame much more. I find the frame more forgiving and more comfortable then stock and much easier to hit a topspin forehand. I think I’m going to take a bit of the lead of the 12 as it doesn’t need as much as I put.



Hall of Fame
I had six new PD's tested and 5/6 came in at 69 RA and one at 70 RA unstrung so still if the new model is less stiff, it's pretty subtle. I think it's the NF2 tech that makes them feel a little less stiff.
This would make the TW number accurate when strung~66


In my experience there is no way gen 11 is appreciably lower flex. Like others have said, some spec variances or manufacturer tolerances could be at play, but this thing feels like a pure drive. Unless they have worked some tech magic there’s just no way mine is 66RA


In my experience there is no way gen 11 is appreciably lower flex. Like others have said, some spec variances or manufacturer tolerances could be at play, but this thing feels like a pure drive. Unless they have worked some tech magic there’s just no way mine is 66RA
It's interesting because mine feels noticeably softer. Before the TW specs came out, i was estimating 65-67 strung RA by feel.


It's interesting because mine feels noticeably softer. Before the TW specs came out, i was estimating 65-67 strung RA by feel.
What strings have you played in it? I’m not trying to be dismissive btw, the listed RA on the new gravity tour is 59 and I would’ve guessed 64-65 on that one, so I’m sure manufacturers have figured out how to manage feel while changing RA. When I put tour bite in my PD100 it felt just about as firm as my old 2015 PDT


What strings have you played in it? I’m not trying to be dismissive btw, the listed RA on the new gravity tour is 59 and I would’ve guessed 64-65 on that one, so I’m sure manufacturers have figured out how to manage feel while changing RA. When I put tour bite in my PD100 it felt just about as firm as my old 2015 PDT

Black knight/ghost wire hybrid. I've tried the same setup in most of the babolats i have/had including 2012 and 2015 PDs

I guess Im not too surprised that it felt similar to your tour. The heavier versions always felt more solid and less harsh to me. Have you tried the standard weight 2015? I think the 2015s were also 75 ra unstrung iirc


Black knight/ghost wire hybrid. I've tried the same setup in most of the babolats i have/had including 2012 and 2015 PDs

I guess Im not too surprised that it felt similar to your tour. The heavier versions always felt more solid and less harsh to me. Have you tried the standard weight 2015? I think the 2015s were also 75 ra unstrung iirc
I never tried the standard 2015, but tried most of the older ones. Swirly, the first cortex (‘09?), and the ‘12. They are all harsher than the new one for sure. I just attributed the feel to the dampening tech because the playability seems to be so similar ime


I had placed an order of the 2025 version of the Pure Drive (100, standard 300g version). I had 6 racquets checked for specs.

Static weight was pretty good: 303 g - 304g (with plastic wrap on grip)
Swingweight varied between 278 - 290
Balance was 32,5 - 33 cm for five of the racquets. One did have 32,10 cm balance.
Stiffness was 72 - 73

Babolat does mention 72 RA as the stiffness. I had 6 racquets measured and the one with 32,1 cm balance had 73 RA stiffness.
I really had hoped for 69-71 unstrung.

I will need to wait a bit until they get a new batch. No way I will play with 73 RA. Too stiff for me. I play with the Ezone 100 (2022) and I had it measured at 69 RA unstrung. I think I could use 70-71, but really would prefer max 70.

I don´t think they have made it any less stiff. Probably the 66 strung RA rating on TW is just pure "luck" based on one sample. Hopefully I´ll manage to find one closer to 70 RA with a normal balance.


The unstrung target for the Pure Drive 2025 is 72 (+/- 3). TW posts the strung value, which is usually between 1-2 less. We only had one sample at launch, and it was 66/67. I just spec'd 15 more and updated the RA to 68.

True indeed. I do understand Babolats target RA is 72 (+-3) unstrung. I kind of had hopes that they had slightly softened this 2025 version (before I saw the 72 RA on Babolat’s webpage )

In the batch I had checked ; the balance was really off though in 5 of 6 racquets. 1 cm off in balance is a bit too much as it really affects how the racquet feels and plays.


New User
The unstrung target for the Pure Drive 2025 is 72 (+/- 3). TW posts the strung value, which is usually between 1-2 less. We only had one sample at launch, and it was 66/67. I just spec'd 15 more and updated the RA to 68.

Thanks. Still less stiff than Babolat's number (strings compensated), which is the same for both gens.


The unstrung target for the Pure Drive 2025 is 72 (+/- 3). TW posts the strung value, which is usually between 1-2 less. We only had one sample at launch, and it was 66/67. I just spec'd 15 more and updated the RA to 68.

I suspect those stiffness numbers will come up as they get a larger sample set to measure from, so don't get too excited. I find it hard to image the new "normal" PD is 66 and the PD+ is 69 "by design". The target specs are likely the same, just that the samples they have now to measure from are on the lower side of the spec.


True indeed. I do understand Babolats target RA is 72 (+-3) unstrung. I kind of had hopes that they had slightly softened this 2025 version (before I saw the 72 RA on Babolat’s webpage )

In the batch I had checked ; the balance was really off though in 5 of 6 racquets. 1 cm off in balance is a bit too much as it really affects how the racquet feels and plays.
I wouldn't get overly fixated on RA. The NF2 tech has had a pronounced effect on Babolat frames, making them feel more comfortable that past iterations.


I wouldn't get overly fixated on RA. The NF2 tech has had a pronounced effect on Babolat frames, making them feel more comfortable that past iterations.
Could well be. However there is still a difference in feel between a 73 RA and 70 RA racquet , despite “feel” perhaps being the wrong word for these kind of very stiff racquets.

I had the 2020 Ezone 100 and really like the 2022 version far more as Yonex made it a few points less stiff. I was surprised that it could have such a big difference.


New User
Finally got my demos of the pd100 and the 98! any quick customization ideas for these? From looking at what people have said, the 98 needs to be a bit more headlight and for me the pd100 stock is a little light. Sadly I don't have anything to give me the exact spec measurements of the demo besides a scale. I'd say I'm a bit more of an advanced player with a 10utr so I was thinking of a just leather grip on the 98? its the one I want to love the most but reviews are saying its a pretty harsh and unforgiving.


Finally got my demos of the pd100 and the 98! any quick customization ideas for these? From looking at what people have said, the 98 needs to be a bit more headlight and for me the pd100 stock is a little light. Sadly I don't have anything to give me the exact spec measurements of the demo besides a scale. I'd say I'm a bit more of an advanced player with a 10utr so I was thinking of a just leather grip on the 98? its the one I want to love the most but reviews are saying its a pretty harsh and unforgiving.
Leather grip will make it more harsh. Synthetic grips absorb more vibration and are less jarring IMO. However, if you have one, give it a try. I didn't find the 98 to be harsh, which surprised me. You could try the leather because it's easy. Sometimes I just wrap tape around a penny or two (or a nickel if it fits) and put it in the buttcap for added tail weight.

Honestly though just try it stock first. Handle weight helps your hand plow through the ball a bit better but doesn't do much else in my experience. I don't really tail weight anymore. Just the stock grip and overgrip and that's it.
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I bought a pd 100 since I didn't love the playtest pd 98. The forgiveness, large sweet spot and power of the 100 are just too good to give up. I'm a consistent player and could use the power more than I need the control. We'll see if I like this 2025 pd 100. I thought the 2018 and 2021 had too high a launch angle and not enough control for me. Maybe the lower swingweight and stiffness will be better for me. Using the 2006 pd right now. 2015 before that. 2015 pd lacked some plow through and spin. 2006 definitely is better in the spin category, I just struggle with first serves. Hoping the lower swingweight and open string pattern help me with serves.


The unstrung target for the Pure Drive 2025 is 72 (+/- 3). TW posts the strung value, which is usually between 1-2 less. We only had one sample at launch, and it was 66/67. I just spec'd 15 more and updated the RA to 68.


I saw you updated the swingweight of the PA 98 from lower 320s to 326 after measuring more.

When you were checking the RA of the PD 100s, did you also check their swingweights? It's listed as 317 but I am seeing a lot of youtube videos saying that it is closer to 310. Thoughts?


New User
Got to have a hit with both the pd100 and pd98 as well as the gravity 98 which was surprisingly nice but average maneuverability. I'll be hitting a lot more with them next week so opinions may change. For the pure drives I really wanted to like both and to an extent I did. serves were awesome and volleys were good however it felt like something was missing from both. maybe it was because they were strung with rpm blast at 50-52lbs but they felt quite boardy and a little bit tinnie if that make sense. I know they are stiffer racquets but the feel was off. Maybe that was strings because when you actually hit in the middle ooooooooh boy it was sweet, especially the pd98. having said that, I did put a leather grip on the 98 straight away and I think that was the wrong choice. it made the maneuverability pretty average which I felt like it needs. the pd100, I felt needed more weight, maybe something in the handle it just felt too whippy and light for me. If there was a racquet in between the 98 and 100 id buy it instantly. I'll play around with some customisations. so far the pd100 is the one I'm liking the most as it feels decently soft. just really need to get the right weight on it for it to swing just a bit better. does anyone have some good customization options for the pure drives? I'm thinking somewhere around the 320sw while still keeping the stability of them both? should I just add more weight to the handle? thoughts?


The Balance from the PD 98 is 325cm.
Is that not to high? Compare by the PA98 is the Balance 315cm.
So strung balances are pd100 - 330mm. Pd98 - 334mm. Pa98 - 325mm.

Interestingly, the swingweights are pd100 - 317, pd98 - 326, pa98 - 321.

Makes sense that the pd98 could feel a bit cumbersome with a leather grip and the pd100 feel a bit light. I've seen some YouTubers report a 310sw for the pd100.

What's interesting is the pa98 swingweight considering it has the lowest balance. I imagine it's because it is more polar with more weight at the tip for more spin.
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I heard frorm reviews that the PD98 ist inconsistend. Can everyone confirm that?
I had consistency issues with it but I think it could have been more me than the racquet. I am also a long time pd 100 user so that might factor in. But I guess a little strange that I had consistency issues considering consistency is usually my best feature. I think the 98 just wasn't for me from a lot of standpoints. A little too low of a launch angle, a little heavier to swing, a little less powerful, a little less spin, a smaller sweet spot. Add them up and it just didn't work for me, but it sure did for my friend 2 weeks ago. He now owns it btw.

I bought a pd100 from tenniswarehouse this week and thankfully it arrived yesterday so I could use it today. I was hoping that it might remedy some of the issues I've had in the past year with the 2006 PD, and omg did it. I would consistently sail flat serves long with the 2006, probably hitting just 25% of them. I don't know why exactly. Maybe it was sluggish to come around, I'm not sure. Today I would guess I hit at least 50% of my flat serves in. And my slice and topspin serves had more action. I would sort of loop my 2006 second serve in with good consistency but too high of a trajectory leading to too weak a serve. It would generally suffice because it would land a little kick close enough to the service line and not shallow.

Today with the 2025, I did not double fault and I had great control of all serves. My second serves were also coming in a little straighter (less loopy) and with better kick. My slice serves on deuce side actually had some good pace and would move away from my opponent whereas they had limited movement before. I only had one ace and it was in my first service game down the T, where I was aiming. And I don't think I got broken, winning 6-2, 6-2.

Now this was on hard court which I prefer. My opponent is from Columbia and plays better on clay. I played him also on Tuesday on clay with my 2006 pd in the strangest of sets. First set he was beating me 5-2, and I came back and won 7-5. Second set he went on a tear and was leading me 5-0. I was happy to get the next game to prevent the bagel, and somehow rattled off the next 6 to win that set 7-5 also. I felt bad as he kinda deserved to win both sets and just couldn't put them away I guess. Second set he said he got cold as we were out in a bubble and it was about 10 degrees outside. The heat in the bubble probably wasn't keeping up too great, although I felt fine.

So the real test will be playing him with the 2025 pd 100 on clay again. I was pushing him all over today and doing what I wanted to an extent. We will see how much control I maintain as the strings loosen. This 2025 is strung by the magicians at TW with my usual volkyl cyclone 17 (1.25) at 55lbs, which is slightly higher than I usually use (54/52). Hopefully I keep playing well with it each time I use it, and if so, it's going to become my go to racquet. Feels like a cheater stick to be honest. True point and shoot.

I didn't love the lack of control or the launch angles of the 2018 and 2021 pure drives, but this doesn't feel too high or too low, spin is great, and my shots are stronger than normal. I can really rip my on the run forehand cross court, which I haven't been able to do since I used the 2012 PDR. But to be able to do it with a stick 15 grams lighter is awesome!

I'm excited. We'll see how it goes from here.
It’s just unforgiving outside the sweet spot imo

Unforgiving outside sweet spot is spot on. I've been playtesting the new PD98. It's an interesting frame. Stiff but not overly powerful. Noticeably more control and stability than the previous version. Easier to maneuver than the standard and better against big hitters. It won't be my frame of choice but I see why it exists.

For me, I think it's string sensitive. I am going to try reverse hybrid (gut main), all poly in mid 40s, and all poly 18 gauge. And tweak from there.

Having hit the entire line and been a Babolat fanboy for 20+ years, here is my take: the Pure Drive and Pure Aero got a little similar in playability from like 2016-2021. Starting with the 2023 PA... the PA and PD are starting to feel more and more different.


I am curious why the PD98 RA didnt drop...
I see a lot of comments and people on YouTube mention the flax tape as if it will decrease the RA of the frame. It will indeed reduce its harshness and absorb vibrations, but tape cannot make something more flexible.


It still feels stiff but not as jarring as the old one. I used one in a doubles tournament on the weekend and 1.5 hour clinic last night and I don’t have any arm fatigue or shoulder pain. I forgot what a rocket launcher these frames can be as last night I had some flyers. Also not as good for 1HBH to the point I was reverting to 2HBH against heavy balls. It’s going to take some adjustment to play with this frame.


I'm gonna go back to the PD100 and give it a shot. I do find it too powerful in warm weather with a 1.25mm poly strung at 50. So, I'm going 1.30mm / 16g at like 53lbs for colder weather and as it warms up I'll notch up the tension. I used it last May at sectionals (1.25mm and 49lb setup) - it was pretty hot (mid 90s) with no humidity and I lost all control. Got smoked and went back to a control racquet to grind out a win in the semifinals.

Has anyone else had this experience (maybe this is just fundamental, common sense?) - where you had to go thicker string and higher tension as conditions change (warm up)?

Also, what's a good string for this - most folks defaulting to RPM? Any others? I know a REALLY good 55+ 5.0 who uses a brutal (brutal to string) poly like a Weisscannon UltraCable and just bashes the ball from the baseline. Seems to work well for him. Would love other setups/thoughts. Thanks!