I am not a play tester but did order a 3rd generation PS 16x19 the day it was released and have logged about 5 hours of play time. Here is my thoughts on selecting and initial review of the racket. This will probably be more beneficial to mid skill level players wanting to upgrade rackets. I am not going to comment much on playability because I'm not there yet.
I was a high school tennis player and played some recreational club when I got out of college but up until three months ago I had really not picked up a racket in 20 years. I was invited to join a mixed doubles league with some friends and fell in love with the game all over again. I restrung my old Prince Thunder-Lite 110 and things came back to me pretty quickly. I am not a 23 year old hammer anymore but I still strike the ball hard and can break some strings. I decided to upgrade my 25yo racket because racket technology has to be greatly improved right? I started the demo process and went through at least a dozen rackets from the club and the TW demo program. I did not want a beginners racket but something more advanced that I could progress in to. Wilson, Head, Babolat, Prince...I tried a bunch of the new models. I came to realize that 1) there has not been a significant technology leap in 20 years and 2) The most important thing for me was a soft / muted feel. I could immediately eliminate a lot of rackets after only a few swings. A buddy compared racket feel extremes to hitting a golf ball or a ball of cookie dough with a skillet pan. One is a hard ping and the other is dead plop. I prefer the muted/dampened/buttery/soft feel of hitting the cookie dough. I know it also has a lot to do with string tension/type, dampeners, grips, etc. but I had to narrow the list and eliminated some Heads, Wilsons and the Pure Aero's because they just did not feel right regardless of the performance. I just could not figure out how to hit some of the other rackets and everything felt like a sour note coming off of the string bed. Again, it could have been the set up of the strings that the club demo's had but I liked the feel of the Pure Drive Tour best. I then did the TW demo with a Pure Drive, Pure Strike 16x19 (2nd gen) and a couple of Prince Textremes. I liked the PS immediately and the Prince 100p second and then PD Tour. After a dozen demo's it was clear that the PS 16x19 a good frame for me. I was about to order and saw that the 3rd generation PS was being released in a few weeks. Previews said it was similar/better performance with even more dampening with the C2 technology . I knew the new PS would be in the right ball park and figured strings and other tweaks would effect my experience more than "new" technology on the same frame so I bought one first release day without even a demo. I could have waited and tried the PS 100 or PS - Tour but I was tired of demos and it seemed like the most liked 2nd generation PS was the 16x19 so I just made the call and I'm not going to look back now.
I ordered the PS 16x19 with Xcel 16 at 55lb and have played only about 5 hours with it. First impression is wow, I really like the looks of it and my playing partners commented as well. First hits were really positive and definitely a muted feel that I like. I put in a gamma shockbuster worm and agree that its a little more dampened than the 2nd generation PS 16x19 that I demo'ed. I quickly realized that this racket is powerful. I thought the Pure Drives had almost too much power but this PS is right there but with a softer feel. I have a full low to high swing and found myself driving the ball into the net at first but have corrected it. I think the launch angle is just different than my old 110 Prince or it could be the string setup. I chose the Xcel string because I thought a softer sting might throttle down this racket that is probably above my playing level right now. I noticed that racket actually has "Recommended Strings: RPM Blast" printed on the frame. I don't think I have played quite enough with the racket yet to give a strong opinion on spin with the Xcel strings but it feels like I don't quite have the spin as my old racket or some of the other demos. I just can't seem to consistently make the ball dive into the alley on cross court shots so either too much power or not enough spin. This is probably due more to my present skill level trying reign in a sports car when I should be driving a sedan. When I hit this racket right it feels great and I am not spraying the ball way long or in surprising directions like I was with some of the other demo rackets. When I started back playing I had to change my serving style completely since my "more mature" trick shoulder does funny things rotating in in the 12:00 position. The PS was awesome for my new 2:00 serve with good control and much harder ball. I am curious to what some high level player reviews will say about serving. The PS sweet spot is good and it must be pretty forgiving on mis-hits or either I am getting a little better making center contact. I feel very confident and in control and rarely look down at the racket with that "its your fault/this thing is broken" look after a bad shot. I think the PS nailed the dampened feel that I prefer much better than many of the other rackets I demo'ed.
My overall experience so far has been excellent. The PS has more power than I expected but the soft / dampened feel makes it seem a lot easier to control it. I chose soft Xcel strings but the recommended RPM Blast for more spin is probably the way I will go on the next stringing.