Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Babolat Pure Strike (16x19, 18x20, Tour) 3rd Gen Playtest


Update: I asked someone here at TT what kind of set-up would work for me with the Strike, as I was continually launching groundstrokes and volleys long. The advice was that having gut in the mains was going to make it jumpy. So I took the advice to put Element in the mains and NRG2 in the crosses.

I played my first match with the new hybrid set-up in the Strike. Tension at 48.

It was perfect. I didn't miss any shots long that didn't fly long for a legitimate reason. My drop shots and slices didn't go too deep. And *no DFs all night despite serving first!*

My elbow was sore afterward, but not more so than usual, and it is fine today.

The string guru who gave me this great advice can come take a bow if he wants. I'm very happy with the racket and the strings. I think I'll keep it and make it my main frame.


Has anybody had crazy off spec pure strikes? It seems this racquet gets the worst quality control, perhaps due to a very light replacement grip meaning more variation in balance and therefore swingweight, static weight.


It seems this racquet gets the worst quality control, perhaps due to a very light replacement grip meaning more variation in balance and therefore swingweight, static weight.
I am not sure how you got the impression about this statement, but in my experience it is no different than any other brand. More than 15 Pure Strikes crossed my hands since the 3rd Gen release, all of them were within 1-2 gm weight and 1-2 mm balance difference from one another. I would not classify that as 'worst quality control.'


I’ll be very interested in hearing your comparisons, esp blade v7 16x19 vs strike 16x19. I have hit a friends blade, and I’m very impressed, completely different racquet with this update. Right now I’m hitting a Gravity MP weighted up to 12 oz 6pt HL.
Looks like I found you again, searching for "weighted Gravity MP"... Can you tell me where you put the lead and how much you used? (obviously from your balance, most weight in the handle. Any in the hoop?)