Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Head Prestige TW Exclusives


Waiting for some MP reviews. I was the first around here sharing love to prestige MP string it low. 22kg max (we around the academy are actually stringing it even lower)
MP plays better with hawk touch than lynx tour.
Have fun!
I'll try it at 19kg first with Grapplesnake Tour M8 if I am selected, then I will try it with hawk touch at a similar tension. I think that should give it ample forgiveness for all of us non-13 UTRs


I'm in for the pro and really looking forward to trying it out! I've been playing with a number of different prestige iterations over the years but this certainly is the one that peaks my interest!


Hall of Fame
Was thinking razor code ? ;)
Oh this one could be great as well. Bringing some direct feel to this maybe slightly on a mushy side racquet (but dont treat it as a negative, more like an option to choose stiffer strings without any worries)
I believe with razor code you should feel better penetration and connection while with the hawk touch a bit more spin and this „mushy” feeling.
Both great options.


New User
I hope someone can compare the MP directly with the previous 2021 version. I have one and really would like to know the differences.


Hall of Fame
Passed over again it seems...

I think I've been typecast as a string playtester, I get plenty of those, but no calls to the bigs.

Look forward to the reviews for both.


How much wider is the spacing on the16x19 than the 18x20. Having used prestiges a long time now, the spacing moved wider when it went to a 98" head. I have the older IG version Prestige MP and pro versions. The pro had a nice 16x19 pattern but was slightly stiffer than the MP also. It was such ashame they did that, i understand why as all three frames offered something different. Back to this new model how are people finding the Auxetic 2.0 version compared to Auxetic 1.0. I have seen the red version get a lot of mentions on this thread. I have recently sold all my red 360+ MP frames, i regret selling the red Mid as i sold it before hitting to a friend thinking I was getting some more but of course the mid was discontinued. The red 360+MP was a nice racket overall but just lacked serious put away power. I played extensively with it and found that a problem. It handled very nicely, much nicer than the Speed and Radical. The only other racket that handles nearly as well as the prestige is the Boom Pro, that is a fantastic racket and one i need to give some more time to. It seems to be the frame that ticks all the boxes of the prestige, speed and radical in one package. It needs a nicer paint job though as i think that alone is a deal breaker for many.


Auxetic 2 feels more plush than Aux1 and the RA rating on the 2023 Prestige Pro is in the high 50s while the 2021 is something like 61.

Let me put it this way, both versions are flexy noodles, the 2023 is a smooth buttery noodle, while the 2021 is a little al dente.


Auxetic 2 feels more plush than Aux1 and the RA rating on the 2023 Prestige Pro is in the high 50s while the 2021 is something like 61.

Let me put it this way, both versions are flexy noodles, the 2023 is a smooth buttery noodle, while the 2021 is a little al dente.
I wouldn’t describe these rackets as noodles.


New User
If anyone for the pro can compare it to the 345.2 pro stock, that would be awesome!

Edit: also UP16
I can compare the tgt 345.2 pro stock customized to a swung weight of 321g and Sw of 325 with the head prestige mp 18x19 auxetic 2.0 with a strung weight of 325g, so not quite apples to apples as someone helpfully reminded me, but just some observations that the 345.2 had a softer and more plush feel with more spin potential with its open layup but since it’s quite soft the put away power is probably less. The head prestige mp 2023 18x19 auxetic 2.0 has more of a crisper and direct feel with better directional control and probably more put away power but the auxetic 2.0 feel is rather unique in that it feels like there is a certain “effect” on your hand once you contact the ball which takes a while to get used to: it feels solid and firm but also a certain flex at the same time. Hope that helps.

TW Staff

Attention Talk Tennis Members:

We had an unbelievable turnout for this playtest. it was probably one of our biggest behind the RF racquets in the last couple years. This is super exciting to see! We had a really small quantity and almost 100+ participants. We thank everyone for their willingness to participate and are so sorry to let some of you down. However, we already have a great lineup for 2025 so if you haven't been chosen yet, there are many more chances!

We wanted to give a couple tips on how to improve your chances on getting selected. Apply for string playtests first and leave detailed, thorough reviews. We generally have a larger amount of strings to send out for playtests and your chances are much higher of being selected. Additionally, it helps if you have a good history on the message board. It is ok if you are a new user but we like to see you consistently active. We also look for users that are participating in a positive way especially in the shoe, string and racquet sections. Bonus points if it a thread that is on the same product.

We like to make sure to spread the wealth. We try to give members a chance who were not selected to be on one of the last major playtests (racquet and shoes) within the last year.

Lastly, we will be shipping out of our CA warehouse.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at and we would be happy to help.

TW Staff


Hall of Fame
I’m excited to see that this was one of the largest playtest entries, I’m hoping that is a good sign of the future for the prestige. The MPL is one of the best frames out in a long time for many, and the pro is now a modern PT57A with the low flex and feel.

I’ve seen several juniors using the prestige in the last year, and while many think it’s not viable today it is often compared to the Percept and those are absolutely everywhere in juniors around Atlanta.


I’m excited to see that this was one of the largest playtest entries, I’m hoping that is a good sign of the future for the prestige. The MPL is one of the best frames out in a long time for many, and the pro is now a modern PT57A with the low flex and feel.

I’ve seen several juniors using the prestige in the last year, and while many think it’s not viable today it is often compared to the Percept and those are absolutely everywhere in juniors around Atlanta.
Sounds very different to what i have seen here in the UK player wise. I think i have seen maybe one or two prestige frames in the last 6 months and that's across the board of British tour, junior nationals and several ITF mens and women's. I haven't seen many if any percept frames either to come to think of it. A lot of yonex though, definitely on the rise.
I tried the MPL but it was too light for me, i had to a do a lot of work to mod it and felt the throat area was somehow hollowed. I picked up on it right away, the pro more solid but then its a lot heavier. Need to put more time in with the pro, did a lot of testing with the 360+ MP which was generally nice but just very low powered even when really going for it.


Hall of Fame
Excited to hear that this playtest had lots of applicants. I was afraid that the Prestige line would go through drastic changes like the Pro Staff did. Nothing wrong with what happened with Pro Staff, but to me, it isn’t the same racket as the 85 & 90. I lend out my Auxetic Prestige Pro and everyone loves it. It may not have the Pure Drive like power, but the accuracy helps the Prestige users to hit big, attacking balls. I hope the Pro’s 16x19 pattern and MP brings in more interest for the Prestige line.


Hall of Fame
Sounds very different to what i have seen here in the UK player wise. I think i have seen maybe one or two prestige frames in the last 6 months and that's across the board of British tour, junior nationals and several ITF mens and women's. I haven't seen many if any percept frames either to come to think of it. A lot of yonex though, definitely on the rise.
I tried the MPL but it was too light for me, i had to a do a lot of work to mod it and felt the throat area was somehow hollowed. I picked up on it right away, the pro more solid but then its a lot heavier. Need to put more time in with the pro, did a lot of testing with the 360+ MP which was generally nice but just very low powered even when really going for it.
I am looking at a very small subset of people to be fair, and they could all be at the same academy. I know there is one training place nearby where the coaches use blades so almost every kid is in a blade 100l, 98 or 100 b/c they're getting kick backs from wilson to move them. Maybe the same for the prestige players I see, but still happy to see them.


I am looking at a very small subset of people to be fair, and they could all be at the same academy. I know there is one training place nearby where the coaches use blades so almost every kid is in a blade 100l, 98 or 100 b/c they're getting kick backs from wilson to move them. Maybe the same for the prestige players I see, but still happy to see them.
I think a racket like the prestige would be great if introduced to juniors at the right time. I honestly believe they are a racket of truth where what you put in you get back out. The MPL was definitely at the sort of weight amd handling that make it more accessible to a younger player. Nice luxury with the full cap grommets. The problem with stiffening the frame it gets caught between camps, i would have rather it was a softer layup than the mid 60s but realise that it was to give a bit more power. Maybe a pro lite model would be an interesting model for the future, with the same layup and Head Size as the pro but maybe a 300g weight and 315/320mm Balance. Keeping the softer layup.


Hall of Fame
I'm curious about the Prestige 16x19. The last few Prestige frames I used were a struggle for me to find power and I use synthetic gut strung low. I liked the i.Prestige MP XL and I even messed around with the Pro Tour 2 (basically a Prestige). I'd like to think that opening up the string bed a little would give it that something I feel it has been missing.

Now don't get me wrong..... I'm not saying it's not a good racquet as is. I would just like something control oriented with a little extra power and spin potential than the last few I have tried.

All of that said, I have really been liking my Head Gravity Pro the last two years. The 100 head size in an 18x20 has been good to me. I did not like the Head Gravity Tour but I also didn't give it a real tryout because I didn't receive an immediate boost or see a big difference between the Pro and the Tour.

In summary, I'd really like to tryout a 16x19. Maybe I could play like Andy Murray!


Talk Tennis Guru
Assuming I receive the PP, I’m a bit torn on what to string it up with in the playtest.

My regular string is either kev/zx or kev/poly. Sometimes kev/nylon if pattern is open. But I anticipate it might be a really low power frame.

Full poly suggestions in consideration. But I’m not really a poly guy, and I like my stringbed crisp and tight.

I often enjoy old school mid 50s flex mids with soft flex when strung with plain old syn gut.