@travlerajm - interesting notes. I'm coming from the other side, where I've been playing with lighter frames because I've not been regularly playing, and it allows for a lot more sloppiness. I've been demoing a handful of the Dunlop LS models at around 300g, so the PP 16x19 was an interesting change of pace. I thought the frame also played crisper than a 58 RA, but it also played a LOT more powerful than I expected. I strung it lower than I normally would due to the anticipated power level (53 lbs). Overall frame feel was rather muted for me, but I prefer borderline harsh feeling frames. I used to play several of the more classic Prince frames (POG OS/Mid, various changs, etc.), so heavier/higher SW frames aren't foreign to me by any means.
I thought this frame played
very maneuverable for its weight in stock form, it came through the stroke path very quickly on groundstrokes. I also realized that I'm definitely mildly swinging on my volleys with the lighter frames to give it a little extra juice. I was dumping a lot of volleys into the net, especially when I was getting wristy-flicky. I can get away with that with light frames, but simpler form would work better at net.
I served
fine with the PP 16x19, but I was definitely shouldering the ball to get the frame moving. I've had a bum shoulder forever, so this was pretty immediately noticeable. I found the bite to be more than adequate even with a thicker string than I normally play.
This is also my first impression notes - I'll probably end up cutting the lynx touch out after one more session just because I went too loose. I'm interested in putting a more standard poly hybrid in as a "neutral" bed that I know well, and I'll probably be going up +5-10 lbs just to see what happens. I normally play in the 60+ lbs range in general (and restring often).
I'm hoping for a little less rebound and a little more response on touch shots.