Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Head Velocity Power 1.30 (multifilament)


@SlowTiger - Depends. 55 would make for a nice comparison baseline to regular Velocity. If you were more interested in an identical rebound response and power profile, though, then yes, I'd probably string closer to Xcel territory. Perhaps 57?


New User
I was selected for the playtest and am anxiously awaiting my string package.
I am going to string it up right away to get as much hitting as possible and a quality review.
As I want it to be a fair comp and playtest, I will be stringing it at my standard tension (not adjusting for it being a full bed of multi, or the "power" in the name).
Having used Velocity MLT a fair amount it will be the main multifilament direct comp.
I will keep in mind how it plays against this, but also against poly as well.
I am excited to play with a full bed of Multi again.


Still awaiting my delivery (these tend to ship from California, and I'm in western NY).

As of now, my plan is to put it into an Auxetic 1.0 Prestige MP-L (99" 16x19, 8 throat mains) at fairly high tension, like 60/58 lockout (so ~57/55 eCP/dropweight), to really expose the feel and endurance ability.


Hall of Fame
Supposed to get mine today and debating on 50, 51, or 52 in my WO 18X20.
Normal poly tension is 48lbs.

Still haven't decided on a second multi to compare. [Decisions, decisions..]


Still awaiting my delivery (these tend to ship from California, and I'm in western NY).
@Trip, I'm Looking forward to your thoughts. I won't have time to playtest frames this summer, so I will rely on your input. When I couldn't get Velocity Reels during the COVID shortages, I picked up five reels of the original Yonex Rexis (discontinued). I have a few clients who prefer it over Velocity. Yonex SuperTour 850 is another excellent option for people who like crisp multis like X1 but don't like the price of X1.

I have three other multi's in my possession:
Solinco Vanquish
TruPro Triumph
Babolat Xcel

If anyone has experience with those three let me know if they seem at all similar to this one.

@Chairman3, my.02
I don't stock Vanquish and Xcel, two multis. Personally, I am not a fan of either.
-Vanquish is disappointing coming from Solinco. It is more expensive than Velocity and Tecnifibre Multifeel (MF) and breaks almost as fast as Wilson Sensation.
-Xcel is expensive and has a gummy feel. X1 feels crisp and is 180 degrees from Xcel at the same price point.
-For the price/performance, Technibre Multifeel Black is hard to beat.

If played with a multi and someone else was paying for the string, X1 Bi-Phase is my choice. When I first started buying reels around 2012, it was $175 MSRP a reel. The MSRP X1 reels rapidly went to $180, $190, $195, $245, $250, and $255, $275, $280 as Technibre was searching for the price point they wanted. X1 has settled in at $299.95 for at least six or seven years. It appears that $299.95 per reel is the upper limit for X1 Biphase despite infalution.

Fighting phoenix

Strung mine up yesterday in my Pure Strike 100 16x19, 55 mains 54 crosses (not sure why I bothered to create a 1lb differential lol), first hit is tonight! Excited for a chance to get back to my multi/syn gut roots, and see if my racquet becomes a rocket launcher or not.


@Trip, I'm Looking forward to your thoughts. I won't have time to playtest frames this summer, so I will rely on your input.
@g4driver - Nice to see you on here again. I'll give my review everything I've got! Hopefully it will be of some value.

Short of my own experience, early feedback indicates that, versus regular Velocity, we're dealing with roughly the same exterior jacket/sheath (and coefficient of friction) but with a more pliable/explosive filament cluster on the inside. So potentially nothing revolutionary, per say, but not a bad option, either, provided durability doesn't take too much of a hit. I'm not sure if that makes it worth carrying both regular V and V Power along side each other, but it's always nice to have options, especially at $11/set or $160/reel.

I'll try to get as much consecutive play time on V Power as I can, even if it means forking over a few sets I would have otherwise won with my standard meat mallet of a P/P hybrid (Gamma Ocho Silver / Head Hawk Black).


Hall of Fame
@g4driver really appreciate the input.
The TW product page for Velocity Power says X1 is a similar string so maybe I will just pony up to do a proper comparison of the two.
Never used X1, but always like trying new strings.

Thanks again




Fighting phoenix

Now you guys are getting me to think about comparing this to regular Velocity - I've got sets in my closet to use for my wife and daughter's string jobs, and if I have a decent gap in my upcoming USTA league matches, I just might extend this playtest to include a direct comparison (I've only been using full beds of poly for competitive play)


Hall of Fame


@g4driver really appreciate the input.
The TW product page for Velocity Power says X1 is a similar string so maybe I will just pony up to do a proper comparison of the two.
Never used X1, but always like trying new strings.

Thanks again

I have X-1 strung up in a Blade 100L. I'd love to do a direct comparison, but my other Blade 100L has a relatively fresh full bed of Natural Gut. I'm not willing to cut that out. LOL. My Blade 100 has a pretty fresh hybrid. I do have another pack of X-1 in 16g, so maybe I can put these strings in dueling Blade 98 18x20s.


Hall of Fame
I have X-1 strung up in a Blade 100L. I'd love to do a direct comparison, but my other Blade 100L has a relatively fresh full bed of Natural Gut. I'm not willing to cut that out. LOL. My Blade 100 has a pretty fresh hybrid. I do have another pack of X-1 in 16g, so maybe I can put these strings in dueling Blade 98 18x20s.
Just send me the X1, seems easier [and cheaper] :p


Hall of Fame
Still haven't decided on a second multi to compare. [Decisions, decisions..]
Why not stick with 48 lbs?

Anyways I would ask for a TruPro comparison but that is for totally selfish reasons since that is the only one I have no experience with :-D


@g4driver really appreciate the input.
The TW product page for Velocity Power says X1 is a similar string so maybe I will just pony up to do a proper comparison of the two.
Never used X1, but always like trying new strings.

Thanks again
Velocity is much more muted than X1. I string Velocity primarily as a cross and use more Velocity than any other multi.

For those who like X1 but don't like the price, X1 Mains/Velocity crosses = lower cost to the client, and you get the feel of X1 in the mains. If you are going to order some strings, perhaps grab two packs of X1 in 1.30mm, a pack of Velocity 1.30mm and Velocity Power 1.30mm. String one up full bed of X1, then compare directly to the X1/Velocity and to X1/Velocity Power. I'm not trying to force anyone down the rabbit hole of hybrids, but some strings are naturally brilliant as crosses. I put Velocity and Ghostwire in that category and they can be used with so many other strings to offset the price of the more expensive mains and perhaps increase performance. e.g. I prefer HGS / GW over HGS or HG in a full bed. I have one 4.5C USTA guy who prefers HGS1.25mm /MSV Swift 1.25mm over HGS full bed or HG/GW.

Velocity is outstanding as a multifilament cross with its slick coating and lower price point. I buy in reels for the most part and have some reels that I only use to cut crosses (like Ghostwire and Velocity), as I can get 40 sets of crosses per reel if I use 16.5' per cross. I don't find any multi to be particularly underpowered, but yes, you can feel the muted feel of Velocity compared to X1. Sound like Head has a great addition to the Velocity line and this string can easily be used just like Velocity while giving more power to players who want it.

Tru Pro Reels of Triumph are currently out of stock, so waiting to place an order with them.

I'm looking forward to reading the playtest reviews, particularly those that compare Velocity Power directly to Velocity. Thanks for taking the time to do the playtest and the reviews.


Seems like it'd be too powerful and launchy

For reference, I string my polys at 48/46, and I have a stick with Velocity in it now at 54. I don’t like it at 54: it’s way too low-powered and boardy. Even if VPower is more powerful, 52 seems like the upper end of where I’d wanna string it. Maybe start at 50 and if it’s too launchy then go 52 on the second job?


Hall of Fame
My thing is, I'm in on the playtest and want to try to do a comparison that others would find useful/helpful.

I don't regularly use multi's because of the cost/durability ratio. But since I got selected I was trying to do something useful for those who do use multi's.

But I definitely appreciate all the insights, I do like tinkering with strings and testing different ones.


Yeah the MP-L is probably your best bet. I would use a more controlled frame, but since I've been playing exclusively with the Pure Strike 100 16x20 for a couple of months now, I'll be in a much better position to judge how I feel about the strings if I keep that variable constant. Might be hard for me to keep the ball in the court given that I'm playing with polys exclusively - however, I was a syn gut Pure Strike 98 user for a good 5 years not that long ago ;-)
@Fighting phoenix ... not to get off topic, but ... Did you see where the Pure Strikes are all on sale now? I guess it's a memorial for Dominic Thiem's career now that he's retiring. Some pretty sweet deals.

Fighting phoenix

@Fighting phoenix ... not to get off topic, but ... Did you see where the Pure Strikes are all on sale now? I guess it's a memorial for Dominic Thiem's career now that he's retiring. Some pretty sweet deals.
Yeah thx I did see that! This generation (v4) of the strikes is so much better than gen 3 from 2019, that I’m happy spending the extra money vs these that are on sale


New User
Still awaiting my delivery (these tend to ship from California, and I'm in western NY).

As of now, my plan is to put it into an Auxetic 1.0 Prestige MP-L (99" 16x19, 8 throat mains) at fairly high tension, like 60/58 lockout (so ~57/55 eCP/dropweight), to really expose the feel and endurance ability.
Me too! Thanks for posting I was beginning to worry it was lost in mail...

Update - 5/15/24 - strings are here, going to string up today and begin to play them to death (test the durability/duration of use).
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Velocity MLT Power was very easy to string, no notching or tangling. Very easy to pull and weave. It feels like it has an outer core is wrapped around the inner core that protrudes around the string. My guess is that this is what will give Velocity MLT Power some extra bite during this playtest.


Velocity Power 1.30 playtest

Sorry this is so short. Velocity Power broke after 1 hour of play. I liked the string and felt it had great control.

Tension(s) used for playtest: 50pds
Regular string set up: Hyper G 17 @ 47pds
Racquet used for test: Babolat Aero 98Control: 8/10 Control was very good and directional control was on par for my groundstrokes. No issues with the ball going short or not having enough depth.
Power: 7/10 Power was good for not being a poly which I am accustomed to using. Didn’t feel like I had to swing harder or add extra pace. Could be smooth and hit my normal shots.
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?) The string was very soft and cushioning to me. After 20 minutes the strings notched, and fuzz started to accumulate in the sweet spot. I will add some pictures for reference. The string played well for the hour I was able to use it.
Spin: 6/10 Spin was decent, and I could vary the spin if needed for added shape on groundstrokes. So, Not as much as Hyper G but that is to be expected. Playability Duration (did the playability change over time? How? Did it notch and/or stop snapping back into position?) 2/10 The string was soft and playable for the first 20 minutes. After it notched and I had to move the strings back pretty consistenly. After 30 minutes I knew this would not last long. Around 50 minutes I was counting down the groundstrokes till it broke. But the string played awesome, and I could rip the ball without fear of spraying it long.
Tension findings (would you use the same tension if you strung it again? Why? Why not?)
I liked the tension that was on it and would not change it again. 50pds was perfect for me. I went up since it was not a stiff string. Was great to hit and play with at 50pds.
List any additional thoughts (optional):
I liked this string but for 1 hour of play I would need to restring a lot. So for me that is a deal breaker. I think as a hybrid this would last maybe 2 or 3 more hours but I still would be stringing to much.

First 2 pictures are after about 20 minutes of hitting.


Hall of Fame
Velocity Power 1.30 playtest
The application period has been closed

Due Date: June 14


Include the following in your review:
Tension(s) used for playtest
Regular string set up
Racquet used for test
Control/Power of test string
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?)
Playability Duration (did the playability change over time? How? Did it notch and/or stop snapping back into position?)
Tension findings (would you use the same tension if you strung it again? Why? Why not?)
List any additional thoughts (optional)

Feel free to start discussing Head strings.
Hey can I recommend that you make the playtesters also indicate what level they play at? I remember for the shoe reviews you required that the playtesters specify what level they rate themselves but do not see it as a requirement here.
Velocity Power 1.30 playtest

Sorry this is so short. Velocity Power broke after 1 hour of play. I liked the string and felt it had great control.

Tension(s) used for playtest: 50pds
Regular string set up: Hyper G 17 @ 47pds
Racquet used for test: Babolat Aero 98Control: 8/10 Control was very good and directional control was on par for my groundstrokes. No issues with the ball going short or not having enough depth.
Power: 7/10 Power was good for not being a poly which I am accustomed to using. Didn’t feel like I had to swing harder or add extra pace. Could be smooth and hit my normal shots.
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?) The string was very soft and cushioning to me. After 20 minutes the strings notched, and fuzz started to accumulate in the sweet spot. I will add some pictures for reference. The string played well for the hour I was able to use it.
Spin: 6/10 Spin was decent, and I could vary the spin if needed for added shape on groundstrokes. So, Not as much as Hyper G but that is to be expected. Playability Duration (did the playability change over time? How? Did it notch and/or stop snapping back into position?) 2/10 The string was soft and playable for the first 20 minutes. After it notched and I had to move the strings back pretty consistenly. After 30 minutes I knew this would not last long. Around 50 minutes I was counting down the groundstrokes till it broke. But the string played awesome, and I could rip the ball without fear of spraying it long.
Tension findings (would you use the same tension if you strung it again? Why? Why not?) I liked the tension that was on it and would not change it again. 50pds was perfect for me. I went up since it was not a stiff string. Was great to hit and play with at 50pds.
List any additional thoughts (optional): I liked this string but for 1 hour of play I would need to restring a lot. So for me that is a deal breaker. I think as a hybrid this would last maybe 2 or 3 more hours but I still would be stringing to much.

First 2 pictures are after about 20 minutes of hitting.
Jeez... what level are you or others rating yourself at? This type of brutal damage (only around an hour of hitting too) makes me think a 5.0?


Hey can I recommend that you make the playtesters also indicate what level they play at? I remember for the shoe reviews you required that the playtesters specify what level they rate themselves but do not see it as a requirement here.

Jeez... what level are you or others rating yourself at? This type of brutal damage (only around an hour of hitting too) makes me think a 5.0?
@d-quik , You are correct. I am rated 5.0, it's a bit of tennis purgatory because 5.0 is such a small field for tournaments and leagues but I can fill my time with TW playtest till I get bumped down to 4.5 ;).


New User
Velocity Power 1.30 playtest

Sorry this is so short. Velocity Power broke after 1 hour of play. I liked the string and felt it had great control.

Tension(s) used for playtest: 50pds
Regular string set up: Hyper G 17 @ 47pds
Racquet used for test: Babolat Aero 98Control: 8/10 Control was very good and directional control was on par for my groundstrokes. No issues with the ball going short or not having enough depth.
Power: 7/10 Power was good for not being a poly which I am accustomed to using. Didn’t feel like I had to swing harder or add extra pace. Could be smooth and hit my normal shots.
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?) The string was very soft and cushioning to me. After 20 minutes the strings notched, and fuzz started to accumulate in the sweet spot. I will add some pictures for reference. The string played well for the hour I was able to use it.
Spin: 6/10 Spin was decent, and I could vary the spin if needed for added shape on groundstrokes. So, Not as much as Hyper G but that is to be expected. Playability Duration (did the playability change over time? How? Did it notch and/or stop snapping back into position?) 2/10 The string was soft and playable for the first 20 minutes. After it notched and I had to move the strings back pretty consistenly. After 30 minutes I knew this would not last long. Around 50 minutes I was counting down the groundstrokes till it broke. But the string played awesome, and I could rip the ball without fear of spraying it long.
Tension findings (would you use the same tension if you strung it again? Why? Why not?) I liked the tension that was on it and would not change it again. 50pds was perfect for me. I went up since it was not a stiff string. Was great to hit and play with at 50pds.
List any additional thoughts (optional): I liked this string but for 1 hour of play I would need to restring a lot. So for me that is a deal breaker. I think as a hybrid this would last maybe 2 or 3 more hours but I still would be stringing to much.

First 2 pictures are after about 20 minutes of hitting.
Shocker. Are you a regular string breaker? do you ever use multi otherwise?
I think they should sent you another set, to see if it happens again - once can be chance. If it happens twice, would be a real issue with the string for some users...


Velocity Power 1.30 playtest

Sorry this is so short. Velocity Power broke after 1 hour of play. I liked the string and felt it had great control.

Tension(s) used for playtest: 50pds
Regular string set up: Hyper G 17 @ 47pds
Racquet used for test: Babolat Aero 98Control: 8/10 Control was very good and directional control was on par for my groundstrokes. No issues with the ball going short or not having enough depth.
Power: 7/10 Power was good for not being a poly which I am accustomed to using. Didn’t feel like I had to swing harder or add extra pace. Could be smooth and hit my normal shots.
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?) The string was very soft and cushioning to me. After 20 minutes the strings notched, and fuzz started to accumulate in the sweet spot. I will add some pictures for reference. The string played well for the hour I was able to use it.
Spin: 6/10 Spin was decent, and I could vary the spin if needed for added shape on groundstrokes. So, Not as much as Hyper G but that is to be expected. Playability Duration (did the playability change over time? How? Did it notch and/or stop snapping back into position?) 2/10 The string was soft and playable for the first 20 minutes. After it notched and I had to move the strings back pretty consistenly. After 30 minutes I knew this would not last long. Around 50 minutes I was counting down the groundstrokes till it broke. But the string played awesome, and I could rip the ball without fear of spraying it long.
Tension findings (would you use the same tension if you strung it again? Why? Why not?) I liked the tension that was on it and would not change it again. 50pds was perfect for me. I went up since it was not a stiff string. Was great to hit and play with at 50pds.
List any additional thoughts (optional): I liked this string but for 1 hour of play I would need to restring a lot. So for me that is a deal breaker. I think as a hybrid this would last maybe 2 or 3 more hours but I still would be stringing to much.

First 2 pictures are after about 20 minutes of hitting.
Sheesh! I imagine if you play tested the 17/1.25 gauge, you would have easily broken the strings in 30 minutes!


Hall of Fame
Shocker. Are you a regular string breaker? do you ever use multi otherwise?
I think they should sent you another set, to see if it happens again - once can be chance. If it happens twice, would be a real issue with the string for some users...
It broke in the center, he said he's a 5.0 player, you can see the notches in the picture and it's a soft multifilament.
This is an expected result.

I'm a 4.0, using an 18x20, and expect it to break in 6-7hrs.


New User
It broke in the center, he said he's a 5.0 player, you can see the notches in the picture and it's a soft multifilament.
This is an expected result.

I'm a 4.0, using an 18x20, and expect it to break in 6-7hrs.
I agree - he put the strings to the test and they broke from use not some off chance.
I guess that is why higher level players have to use Poly ... I'm glad he was in the test group and appreciate his review, it had great detail and was informative.


My sample arrived yesterday afternoon and was strung this morning. I decided to use the Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20 for this playtest.

I've had RPM Rough installed, but pretty much unable to use it due to elbow issues that I developed shortly after stringing it. That said, it is strung with Head Velocity Power and ready to rock!

The very first thing I noticed was the smell. I can't put a finger on what it reminds me of, but it's something from a long way back. It's very unique. I just can't put a finger on it. Next, I noticed that it was VERY easy to weave the crosses. It felt like a thinner gauge when weaving. Also, it ghosts pretty easily. I didn't have any slipping through my clamps, but I could very easily see where the clamps were clamped. Same with the starting clamp and the tension head. It reminded me of Babolat Xcel in this regard.

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Shocker. Are you a regular string breaker? do you ever use multi otherwise?
I think they should sent you another set, to see if it happens again - once can be chance. If it happens twice, would be a real issue with the string for some users...
I used Hyper G round and Vanquish for another TW playtest and that was great but again they don't last very long for me. I definitely need a poly or poly blend. If not I will be stringing non stop. Velocity felt really good to me. I have used NXT before and wilson sensation. Velocity is better and more stable in my opinion. Usually when using a multi there is a lot of variance hitting the same ground strokes because it's not as stiff. Velocity felt pretty stable and I think that the outer layer wrap helped to get the ball to be consistent off the string bed. HEAD is doing well in their string development.


@StringStrungStrang - Any particular reason? Do you prefer a bit less mains movement and/or a lower launch angle? Because that's what I typically get when bumping up cross tension over mains tension.
@Trip It's always a balancing act. I started this a few years ago and felt it gave me a better feel, control and a bit more spin especially since I tend to string a little lower for polys ( usually use a shaped poly / round poly hybrid) . I've tried all kinds of crazy tensions and this generally works well for me. If something else works better - I'll use that!
This Head MLT Power playtest will be the first in sometime that I'll play it with a multi, so it will be a learning experience...again!
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My sample arrived yesterday afternoon and was strung this morning. I decided to use the Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20 for this playtest.

I've had RPM Rough installed, but pretty much unable to use it due to elbow issues that I developed shortly after stringing it. That said, it is strung with Head Velocity Power and ready to rock!

The very first thing I noticed was the smell. I can't put a finger on what it reminds me of, but it's something from a long way back. It's very unique. I just can't put a finger on it. Next, I noticed that it was VERY easy to weave the crosses. It felt like a thinner gauge when weaving. Also, it ghosts pretty easily. I didn't have any slipping through my clamps, but I could very easily see where the clamps were clamped. Same with the starting clamp and the tension head. It reminded me of Babolat Xcel in this regard.

The smell reminds me of Leonia 66 ? 77 or Gamma Gut 1 when you opened a pack BITD.


Tension(s) used for playtest: 54/52
Regular string set up: Tour Sniper/Paradox Pro 51/49 hybrid
Racquet used for test: Speed MP 22
Control/Power of test string: It was fairly controlled in my opinion, it wasn’t the most nor was it the least amount I’ve experienced from a multi. 7.5/10 I’d think is fair for control. Power was a 7 to me as it didn’t have an extreme amount of power but definitely more than regular velocity.
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?Comfortable?): it felt comfortable like regular velocity but I gotta tell ya, I was having a hard time feeling where the ball was in the strings. The strings moved a lot from day one. Upon inspection, I was hitting sweet spot and a little north of that. Maybe it’s just me who feels that way?
Spin: Not a spin string. I’ve been trying to implement more topspin into my game lately. This string did not help.
Playability Duration (did the playability change over time? How? Did it notch and/or stop snapping back into position?): it stopped snapping back on day one and stayed out of place unless adjusted. The string notched and broke over 3 sessions (90, 120, 120 min)
Tension findings (would you use the same tension if you strung it again? Why? Why not?): I’d use the same but I could see myself going down or up depending how I feel. It’s not the most powerful multi so it’d be fun to experiment.

List any additional thoughts (optional): I feel like this string would work better in a hybrid with a poly main. It broke very quickly. It’s not much more powerful than regular velocity imo. I appreciate that Head is really expanding their string selections, choices are always nice to have. Thanks TW and Head


Velocity Power 1.30 play test
Tension(s) used for play test 22 kg / 49 lbs
Regular string set up Velocity MLT 1.30mm @ 22 kg

Prestige Tour {3019} 18 x 20
Out of the package there was an strong smell that reminded me of old school multies. The coating allowed for very easy stringing
Based on the first hit in 6o degree F ,I would string this about 4 pounds [ 2 kg ] less.
Power : Average for a multi
Control: The string was consistent over the 16 hours of use. Response was very linear.

Spin: Nice for a non-poly
Stringing was easy.I would string it lower in this tight pattern frame.
I feel that Power is more durable and controlled than MLT.
Thank you HEAD & TW for the opportunity .
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Hall of Fame
strung mine up last night at 57/52. Less than gut/poly, more then poly/poly. lots of rain, so my test is probably going to start off indoors


New User
Completed Playtest Review:

Tension used: 54 lbs
Regular string set up: Head Lynx Tour 17G
Racquet used for test: Wilson Blade v8 16x19

Control/Power of test string: (7/10) One of the positives of the test. Very good side-to-side control; can make the ball do what you want when you apply the technique, but the string bed is not giving any significant free power or spin. Controlling service (particularly kick) less that I am used to, due to lower spin access.
Feel: (6/10) Slightly muted; hitting experience is comfortable but I wouldn't advertise this as a comfort string beyond being a multi - no different IMO from Velocity MLT when it comes to feel and comfort. Felt a little plank-like, which made volleying solid, with some good pop at net.
Spin: (5/10); Did not develop with playtest; Middle of the road to start and as test wore on working harder to generate - possibly due to strings locking (once coating worn?). Has access to spin with proper technique, but unlike shaped poly I prefer, you really have to focus on generating spin when hitting deep.
In this setup, you have to generate power for depth and also have to focus on spinning the ball.
Similarly for slice and drop shots - balls had good depth and don't fly high, but not cutting or low bouncing, and drop shots seems to hand due to less than ideal spin rates.
Playability Duration: After 2h of moderate hitting, notching noted, strings getting stuck out of positions and did not snap back without forceful manipulation.
By 5 hour mark completely done - had to cut out, as they were creaking, getting stuck badly out of position with notching, and couldn't get back in position.
Tension: If I was to try a full bed of this string again, would tension down to try and get access to more free power and spin potential. I noted that as string bed settled in, playability closer to my preference and became a livelier and more fun sting to use, upgrading initial impression. Control was there and comfort was there at this tension, but one thing I love about full Multi is not just the comfort but the free power generated - I think higher initial tension may limit this.

Other thoughts:
Very easy and comfortable to string. Held up well to stringing process, smooth and easy to weave.
Appearance is a little light for my eye test - a smooth pearl, white-natural color, slick coating (similar to that of Velocity MLT).
Plays with a slightly toy-like "pinging" sound - not a deep thud or crack that inspires confidence.
Overall feels OK all around but not special - won't hold you back significantly in play, and is all-around adequate performer... but I believe it will be best served in hybrid setups and just didn't give more than it's most natural comparison, Head Velocity MLT, which to me is an equal string in every regard.
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Thanks TW for allowing me to participate, this is my first string playtest opportunity. I just received my set and strung it up in one of my kblade 98 16x19 pro stocks @ 55lbs. I decided to put it in this frame as it’s the one I’m most familiar with and I also mained it with a full bed of Velocity MLT 1.25mm for several months last year.

My initial observations from stringing it up:

1. It has a very strong smell. It reminds me of something but I haven’t been able to determine what that something is yet lol…but the odor was noticeable the whole time I was stringing it.

2. It feels very slick, noticeably more slippery than regular Velocity. I have a reel of Velocity and just sliding both between my fingers you can feel the difference.

3. It feels very soft and was super easy to string. The softness combined with being slippery made stringing a breeze, probably one of the easiest strings I’ve ever strung.

I’ll be getting it out on court over the next couple days, looking forward to seeing how it plays compared to Velocity.



@Trip, I'm Looking forward to your thoughts. I won't have time to playtest frames this summer, so I will rely on your input. When I couldn't get Velocity Reels during the COVID shortages, I picked up five reels of the original Yonex Rexis (discontinued). I have a few clients who prefer it over Velocity. Yonex SuperTour 850 is another excellent option for people who like crisp multis like X1 but don't like the price of X1.

@Chairman3, my.02
I don't stock Vanquish and Xcel, two multis. Personally, I am not a fan of either.
-Vanquish is disappointing coming from Solinco. It is more expensive than Velocity and Tecnifibre Multifeel (MF) and breaks almost as fast as Wilson Sensation.
-Xcel is expensive and has a gummy feel. X1 feels crisp and is 180 degrees from Xcel at the same price point.
-For the price/performance, Technibre Multifeel Black is hard to beat.

If played with a multi and someone else was paying for the string, X1 Bi-Phase is my choice. When I first started buying reels around 2012, it was $175 MSRP a reel. The MSRP X1 reels rapidly went to $180, $190, $195, $245, $250, and $255, $275, $280 as Technibre was searching for the price point they wanted. X1 has settled in at $299.95 for at least six or seven years. It appears that $299.95 per reel is the upper limit for X1 Biphase despite infalution.

I've stated in the past but Technifibre makes the best multi strings. I like NRG2 and Bi-Phase a lot. I've used a ton in the past and those two are my favorite.


I've stated in the past but Technifibre makes the best multi strings. I like NRG2 and Bi-Phase a lot. I've used a ton in the past and those two are my favorite.

Interesting -- I've heard so many people say Triax is their favorite TF multi. What are its cons that make you prefer NRG and X-1?


Hall of Fame
I've stated in the past but Technifibre makes the best multi strings. I like NRG2 and Bi-Phase a lot. I've used a ton in the past and those two are my favorite.
What would you say is the most powerful+slippery multifilament (slippery compared to OTHER multis, no multi will be as slippery as the most slippery polyester)? Just in general: it doesn't have to be made by Tecnifibre.


Hall of Fame
Uh-OH - First impressions not good.... However, I THINK it is just the full bed of multi, rather than a hybrid. I will give it another try and then try a hybrid and write 2 reviews.....