Tennis Warehouse playtest: Hyper-G Round 1.25


Hall of Fame
Strung up my PA VS with a full bed of HGR 1.25 and this is the best playing string I have found for this frame to date. So far HGR 1.25 works great in the PD12 and PA VS. I don’t care for it much in 2021 VCore 95. In the 2021 VC95, Lynx Tour 1.25 champagne works best.
I keep meaning to try Hyper G round. I love regular Hyper G and I usually like round strings more, so seems to make sense that this string will work for me.


Hall of Fame
Strung up my PA VS with a full bed of HGR 1.25 and this is the best playing string I have found for this frame to date. So far HGR 1.25 works great in the PD12 and PA VS. I don’t care for it much in 2021 VCore 95. In the 2021 VC95, Lynx Tour 1.25 champagne works best.
Why doesn't it work well in the vcore 95? Is it too low powered?

mad dog1

Why doesn't it work well in the vcore 95? Is it too low powered?
VDM features too prominently in the 2021 VCore line and the VC95 is no different. I only non Yonex string I have found to work really well for me in this frame so far is Head Lynx Tour 17 (1.25) champagne. With HGR 1.25, the ball comes off the string bed too quickly meaning there's not enough ball pocketing.


Hall of Fame
With HGR 1.25, the ball comes off the string bed too quickly meaning there's not enough ball pocketing.
Thats a good thing imo. That means the ball gets through the court quicker and takes time away from your opponent. I never quite understood why some players prefer lots of ball pocketing. It's not a good thing if you want to pressure your opponent.


Thats a good thing imo. That means the ball gets through the court quicker and takes time away from your opponent. I never quite understood why some players prefer lots of ball pocketing. It's not a good thing if you want to pressure your opponent.
There’s no way a minuscule variation in the 0.005 seconds the ball spends on the strings has a significant impact on the opponent on its own.

Our perception of dwell time does not match what actually happens at impact. A favorable sensation may impact our confidence when hitting the ball, though. And the outgoing ball may have more or less speed, spin, height, etc. based on how stiff the string is - determined by tension, material, how much elasticity remains. But getting to the opponent faster just because it feels like it spends a fraction of a millisecond less on the strings? Not a chance.

Stiffness would be directly correlated, though, which is likely the case here: hgr isn’t super stiff but it doesn’t lose a lot of tension early in its lifespan. It stays firm enough and keeps elasticity well which allows more outgoing speed for longer lengths of time than something like ALU Power or more traditional control polys as long the racquet hits the ball with sufficient force. I experience this with HGR. Same reason I don’t use ALU to coach with. I don’t break strings hitting sparingly with most of my students, but the strings will lose tension and elasticity. Why waste ALU on that when it loses its ability to stretch so early? HGR I could teach with, as it doesn’t kill the playability for when I need to actually hit.

mad dog1

There’s no way a minuscule variation in the 0.005 seconds the ball spends on the strings has a significant impact on the opponent on its own.

Our perception of dwell time does not match what actually happens at impact. A favorable sensation may impact our confidence when hitting the ball, though. And the outgoing ball may have more or less speed, spin, height, etc. based on how stiff the string is - determined by tension, material, how much elasticity remains. But getting to the opponent faster just because it feels like it spends a fraction of a millisecond less on the strings? Not a chance.

Stiffness would be directly correlated, though, which is likely the case here: hgr isn’t super stiff but it doesn’t lose a lot of tension early in its lifespan. It stays firm enough and keeps elasticity well which allows more outgoing speed for longer lengths of time than something like ALU Power or more traditional control polys as long the racquet hits the ball with sufficient force. I experience this with HGR. Same reason I don’t use ALU to coach with. I don’t break strings hitting sparingly with most of my students, but the strings will lose tension and elasticity. Why waste ALU on that when it loses its ability to stretch so early? HGR I could teach with, as it doesn’t kill the playability for when I need to actually hit.

mad dog1

Do you generally string poly at these tensions or for hyper g round specifically?
I string using a modified version of the JET method so while the machine tension values are low, the resulting string job plays firmer than it would strung conventionally. But with HGR, I have found that dropping tension by 2-3# works better in every frame I've tried the string in so far.


New User
How does one sign up for a playtest? I am interested in participating in string playtests (including this) going forward.
Thank you for your help.

Fighting phoenix

I have a friend who uses regular hyper g in the mains and wilson NXT in the crosses - I think that HG-Round would work better as it's not shaped and will improve snapback, but given that it's in the mains and not the crosses, I'm still concerned that he'll struggle with HG-R digging into the multi crosses, and might want him to reverse his hybrid with HG-Round in the crosses instead. Anyone try this set up and have some feedback on the topic?


Hall of Fame
Stats are up on the TW String Comparison Tool. Hyper G Round 16 came in at a stiffness of 226, even higher than regular HG 16 which is 219. Regular Hyper G 16 and 16L are essentially the same stiffness, while HG 17 is considerably softer. So if the pattern follows, it would make sense why I found Hyper G Round in 17 to be noticeably friendlier on the joints than the 16L I playtested.


Stats are up on the TW String Comparison Tool. Hyper G Round 16 came in at a stiffness of 226, even higher than regular HG 16 which is 219. Regular Hyper G 16 and 16L are essentially the same stiffness, while HG 17 is considerably softer. So if the pattern follows, it would make sense why I found Hyper G Round in 17 to be noticeably friendlier on the joints than the 16L I playtested.
It’s great in the first 2-3 yours. But after that i noticed that it firms up and the initial soft/buttery feel goes away.


Which is more powerful? 1.25mm round or hyper g soft???
I use HyperG Soft 18 as a cross with VS17 mains on a Pure Strike Tour typically. I bought a new racquet and decided to experiment with HyperG Round 17 as a cross. I feel like HGS18 has more power than HG Round 17 and I also like the feel of the HGS 18 better. I usually play about 15-18 hours (mix of doubles/singles) before the gut breaks or I cut out the strings due to the HGS going dead.