Tennis Warehouse Playtest - Solinco Confidential 1.25

TW Staff

Solinco Confidential 1.25mm playtest

Application period closed.

Selected playtesters have been notified! Your strings have shipped and should be arriving over the next 7 days.

Keep your eye out for the next playtest, which should be starting soon.

** Review due by Wednesday February 12 **

Include the following in your review:
  • Tension(s) used for playtest
  • Regular string set up & tension
  • Racquet used for test
  • Power/Control of test string
  • Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp? Comfortable?)
  • Spin
  • Durability
  • Playability Duration
  • Tension Recommendations (would you string it differently next time - why?)
  • List any additional thoughts (optional)
  • Would you use the included overgrip? Why/why not?
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Going to pass this time. Will be super excited to see the reviews come in. Enjoy fellow Talk Tennis Play Testers!!


This string has been kept under wraps for a long while... Hopefully I get chosen! Have heard good things about this one.


Sent! Love Hyper G and Hyper G / RS Lyon cross and need to restring atm as well!

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New User
I didn't know anything about this string and I Google searched it. It seems that Solinco Confidential co-poly string was unofficially out more than 5 years ago. It might be a totally different string. Nevertheless, it is an interesting string and I would love to playtest it.


I use mainly Solinco Hyper G and occasionally Tour Bite, but really looking forward to seeing how it plays in comparison. (y)(y)


I did not apply for this play test but will be paying close attention as I am very interested in the string. Looking forward to the reviews!

Winter sports season is here. If the right string or frame comes along I might jump back in.. :) . I also wrote technical reports most of my working life... nice to take a break, There are so many great players and coaches here on Talk Tennis. Great to see new reviewers and play-testers point of views!!!

TW Staff

Got the email just now. I'm in. Will try to leave a detailed feedback for fellow readers!

Awesome! Reviews are required by the manufacturer so we can continue to get strings to test. We're excited to see all the feedback. Thanks for playtesting!!
TW Staff

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
I received my package of Solinco Confidential 1.25 in the mail today.


The string measured 39' 4". It's a darker grey color, and has a square shape with softer corners than a string like Ultra Cable. Coil memory is moderate. I cut a one foot section and pulled 50 pounds tension and let it sit for one minute. Elongation after that minute was minimal.

It strung up normally and was easy on the fingers as the edges weren't that sharp. I didn't pay a lot of attention to trying to keep the string untwisted but it ended up pretty straight anyway. String to string friction was average, and stringing difficulty was average. Elongation when pulling tension was on the low side of average for poly strings. It has the feeling of being a fairly stiff string. I strung it up at my usual tensions of 51 pounds in the center eight mains and 46 pounds in the center five crosses, decreasing towards the edges.


It added two grams over 17 gauge Silver 7 Tour. The racquet is an SW104 that has been handle weighted and with a bit of lead tape inside the throat area to match my other racquet. Total racquet weight is now 354 grams and balance is 10 points HL.

Am hitting with it in the morning and report first impressions after that.


I received my package of Solinco Confidential 1.25 in the mail today.


The string measured 39' 4". It's a darker grey color, and has a square shape with softer corners than a string like Ultra Cable. Coil memory is moderate. I cut a one foot section and pulled 50 pounds tension and let it sit for one minute. Elongation after that minute was minimal.

It strung up normally and was easy on the fingers as the edges weren't that sharp. I didn't pay a lot of attention to trying to keep the string untwisted but it ended up pretty straight anyway. String to string friction was average, and stringing difficulty was average. Elongation when pulling tension was on the low side of average for poly strings. It has the feeling of being a fairly stiff string. I strung it up at my usual tensions of 51 pounds in the center eight mains and 46 pounds in the center five crosses, decreasing towards the edges.


It added two grams over 17 gauge Silver 7 Tour. The racquet is an SW104 that has been handle weighted and with a bit of lead tape inside the throat area to match my other racquet. Total racquet weight is now 354 grams and balance is 10 points HL.

Am hitting with it in the morning and report first impressions after that.

Can't wait to hear your 1st impressions!! Go Man Go!!!


Can't wait to hear your 1st impressions!! Go Man Go!!!
Same here. Been enjoying your reviews.
I’m on the fence on what racquet to string up.
In no specific order (but leaning towards Angell and PK as string feels on the firm side)
TC95 16m
Prestige Pro XT Graphene
Prestige MP YT IG
Redondo 98


I received my package of Solinco Confidential 1.25 in the mail today.


The string measured 39' 4". It's a darker grey color, and has a square shape with softer corners than a string like Ultra Cable. Coil memory is moderate. I cut a one foot section and pulled 50 pounds tension and let it sit for one minute. Elongation after that minute was minimal.

It strung up normally and was easy on the fingers as the edges weren't that sharp. I didn't pay a lot of attention to trying to keep the string untwisted but it ended up pretty straight anyway. String to string friction was average, and stringing difficulty was average. Elongation when pulling tension was on the low side of average for poly strings. It has the feeling of being a fairly stiff string. I strung it up at my usual tensions of 51 pounds in the center eight mains and 46 pounds in the center five crosses, decreasing towards the edges.


It added two grams over 17 gauge Silver 7 Tour. The racquet is an SW104 that has been handle weighted and with a bit of lead tape inside the throat area to match my other racquet. Total racquet weight is now 354 grams and balance is 10 points HL.

Am hitting with it in the morning and report first impressions after that.
This is one of those times where being on the East Coast works to my advantage. I was wondering what tension I should string at, and since it isn't scheduled to arrive until Friday, I can (hopefully) get some advanced intel on how it plays at your 'normal' tension.


This is one of those times where being on the East Coast works to my advantage. I was wondering what tension I should string at, and since it isn't scheduled to arrive until Friday, I can (hopefully) get some advanced intel on how it plays at your 'normal' tension.

Same here.. some folks think by reading the others insights that somehow messes with my reviews. In my case, since in most cases we get only one sample.. getting the tension at least close really helps. In the past, I have missed bad on the tension and the review was pretty much a waste of time and energy.. and wear and tear on my older body. Being objective can be an issue at times... but many times we know the string we are testing. These are not double blind medical studies.. :).

Can't wait to start reading the fine reviews!!


Just received Solinco Confidential and the bonus grip, super excited to try this out!!!!!! Thanks @TW Staff!!

I am having the same issue as @djNEiGht, what racquet to string it up with????? Really wish I had 2 sets of string :cry:, but something tells me I am going to be buying a couple sets as soon as released. I have been using open patterns so @djNEiGht I would like to hear how Confidential plays with that PK or Prestige MP if you decide to string one of them up. Currently I have been using open patterns, so interested to see how this string plays in a dense pattern.

Right now my options are listed below. I want to see what spin I get with the PA+ and also would like to see if the PST gets a little more power, right now the precision is awesome with this stick. I should be out this weekend with Confidential strung up and ready to go. @Injured Again, I usually string at 48pds and may do so on this playtest. Can you let me know after your first hitting session if you felt you should have gone lower in tension, as you mentioned it was a little stiff when stringing. Thx!!

Babolat PST 3rd gen.
Babolat PA+
Yonex XI 98
Head Gravity Pro


I would say my go to tension is as follows for 17g strings
43# for 18x20
45# for 16x18/19

I'll go down in tension if the gauge is thicker and vice versa for a thinner gauge. Same applies if the string is known to be a firmer string and vice versa. Having watched the TW YouTube quick glimpse video saying it might sit right between Tour Bite & HyperG, I might treat it as a string I will go lower or consider one of my lower RA racquets.

I'm prob not going to string this up until Saturday me some time to think about it and hear from others experiences.


I would say my go to tension is as follows for 17g strings
43# for 18x20
45# for 16x18/19

I'll go down in tension if the gauge is thicker and vice versa for a thinner gauge. Same applies if the string is known to be a firmer string and vice versa. Having watched the TW YouTube quick glimpse video saying it might sit right between Tour Bite & HyperG, I might treat it as a string I will go lower or consider one of my lower RA racquets.

I'm prob not going to string this up until Saturday me some time to think about it and hear from others experiences.

I love Hyper G and like Tour bite, an in between sounds pretty cool. I may have to check out that vid.

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
Sorry to be so late with my first impressions. I got a good 90 minute hit this morning, about 60 minutes of singles drilling followed by a half hour of doubles with three other 4.5 guys.

Despite my impressions while stringing that it might be a stiff string, it's a quite comfortable string. The tensions I used feel spot on. There's really good control, but minimal harshness even on mis-hits. For those that are sitting on the fence as to the tension, I'd suggest using what you would string Hyper-G at.

The Confidential string feels like it splits the difference between Hyper-G and Tour Bite. To me, Hyper-G is a bit too muted and not super crisp feeling, whereas Tour Bite is super crisp but also a bit harsh. The Confidential is right down the middle, and it feels very well balanced to me. To those that have tried Tourna Silver 7 Tour, this Confidential string feels a lot like that, but without S7T's initial bit of an elastic feeling. In my first review of S7T, I said I had problems with volleys because that elasticity seemed to generate too much ball speed on volleys against hard hit shots to feel good control. The Confidential string does not have issue. Power levels in general are a bit lower than S7T, but especially on shots with slower swing speeds where it just feels very linear in how it responds. There is no notching at the string intersections and only minimal denting after these 90 minutes of play.

I've played with Hyper-G, Tour Bite, and Revolution. Of these three, I would rank the power levels with Revolution and Hyper-G about tied, both a bit higher than Tour Bite. Spin capability has Hyper-G better than Revolution and Tour Bite, which are about equal. Control is best with Tour Bite, then Hyper-G, then Revolution. Tension maintenance is best with Hyper-G, then Tour Bite, and Revolution a more distant third. Comfort is best in Revolution, then Hyper-G, then Tour Bite. Among these, it feels like Confidential's power is equal to or a slight bit higher than Revolution and Hyper-G. Spin capability is not as good as Hyper-G and roughly equal to Tour Bite. Control is second best to Tour Bite and provides more feedback and more pleasant feedback than Hyper-G. It is more comfortable than all three, and tension maintenance after 90 minutes is so far very good.

My other racquet currently has Ultra Cable in it. Compared to Ultra Cable, it is a little bit more powerful, a bit more crisp feeling, a bit more comfortable, has less spin capability, and has a slightly lower launch angle.

A little bit more on spin capability. When hitting more through the ball, all of these better poly strings do a great job of putting spin on the ball. Where I notice spin capability differences is in returning a heavy looping topspin shot with one of my own. With my stroke technique, and on both the forehand and backhand, the sharply edge strings grip the ball better on what I feel is a more skimming swing trajectory. If I swing more through the ball as well as upward, the Confidential grabs the ball securely. The problem is that I can't generate as much forward swing speed if I'm also trying to swing upward. With the Confidential, it feels like the ball slides on the stringbed and the ball loses both forward speed and launch angle height. This rarely happens with Ultra Cable. This may be just due to the peculiar way I swing, so I'm going to record some video so you can see where my technique causes this problem.

The flip side is that sensitivity to incoming spin is less with Confidential than Ultra Cable. Playing doubles with Confidential requires minimal adjustment and offers really excellent control on volleys and approach shots. I was able to bang some hard, flat serves, and my second serves had good hop and movement.

Last thing. I've now recently tested three strings that are apparently designed for pro players: RPM Power, Head Experimental, and now Solinco Confidential. All three strings are not at the extreme end of spin capability but this is likely because the pros can generate racquet head speed levels that we recreational players can't get close to. At some point, added spin capability brings downsides of incoming spin sensitivity and launch angle changes that the pros don't want to deal with, and they can generate more than enough spin with this type of string. There's likely some point above my maximum racquet head speed capabilities where control and linearity of response are the most important factor even if a highly spin capable string is a priority. For more control oriented players of any level, the Confidential is a very linear, very balanced string that seems to do everything at a very high level without having any downsides that I have yet to see.

Apologies for the rambling - I just wanted to get this out pretty much unedited since it's already pretty late today and some of you have said you're wondering what tensions and what racquets to use.


New User
Can't wait to read more reviews on these strings. No matter how many strings I've tried, I keep coming back to Hyper-G.. Hopefully there's some other strings out there and hopefully this might be the next strings I'll fall in love with, haha.


Just received Solinco Confidential and the bonus grip, super excited to try this out!!!!!! Thanks @TW Staff!!

I am having the same issue as @djNEiGht, what racquet to string it up with????? Really wish I had 2 sets of string :cry:, but something tells me I am going to be buying a couple sets as soon as released. I have been using open patterns so @djNEiGht I would like to hear how Confidential plays with that PK or Prestige MP if you decide to string one of them up. Currently I have been using open patterns, so interested to see how this string plays in a dense pattern.

Right now my options are listed below. I want to see what spin I get with the PA+ and also would like to see if the PST gets a little more power, right now the precision is awesome with this stick. I should be out this weekend with Confidential strung up and ready to go. @Injured Again, I usually string at 48pds and may do so on this playtest. Can you let me know after your first hitting session if you felt you should have gone lower in tension, as you mentioned it was a little stiff when stringing. Thx!!

Babolat PST 3rd gen.
Babolat PA+
Yonex XI 98
Head Gravity Pro
What color is it? I thought it would be black but looks more like silver/grey in this pic...


Booo! UPS rescheduled my delivery to Monday (1/13). Oh well...USTA match Sunday, so it’s probably for the best as I’d be tempted to use it...


Just strung mine up. Difficulty in stringing was average as I already string with texture string - MSV Focus Hex 1.18. Strung to my stock Head Gravity MP.

Will take them for a test drive later today/tomorrow.

Racket stung at 51.5 w/ 10% prestretch on Alpha Revo + Wise. As a reference, Stringmeter has my tension @ 60. Will report back at tension drop off tomorrow (SF Bay Area in the 50s day time, garage is sort of cold).


With grip tape included...
Grip tape reminds me of Wilson Pro overgrips.
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Injured Again

Hall of Fame
I hit a little bit more with the Solinco Confidential string today, and then late this evening found out a ball machine court had become available so I rushed off to make a couple of quick videos.

In this first one, I'm trying to return a loopy shot with a heavy, looping topspin, both forehand and backhand. These ball machine balls are terrible - they've already gone through the junior program before being tossed in the machines so many of them are dead and the felt is worn smooth. It's also harder to see in the video than live, but with Ultra Cable and with me trying as much as possible to use the same swing, I get about 10% more forward velocity and probably about 10% more spin as well.

I also just hit some normal groundstrokes.

Outside of the problem I have with hitting those looping shots, I **love** this string. It is so linear and so consistent that when I connect cleanly, I know exactly where and how the ball is going to go. If I want 10% more on the ball, I swing 10% harder and I get that exact 10%. Swing 20% slower and I get exactly 20% less. This Confidential string is immediately friendly, and outside of my issue with hitting looping shots, I have 100% confidence that if I execute properly, the ball is going to do exactly what I intend.

Tension maintenance has been very good - at least as good as Hyper-G. There is the beginning of notching and the square edge, which was not that sharp to begin with, has rounded more. This is after about two hours of play, the last 30 of which were pretty intense, and then about 20 minutes of ball machine time to make these videos.


Compared to Tourna Silver 7 Tour, my current go-to string, Confidential is a bit less powerful and has a small amount less spin capability. Both of these may be because I'm comparing this 1.25 gauge to the 1.20 gauge S7T. Confidential is a bit more linear throughout the range of swing speeds. S7T has a bit of an elastic, springy feel when swinging slower. When swinging harder, S7T and Confidential both exhibit very confidence-inspiring linearity depending on how fast I swing. I feel S7T gives me a bit more putaway power and ability to more easily hit looping topspin shots, but the control and spin-insensitivity of Confidential will make me a more consistent player. Either way, both are excellent strings and very comparable.

The Confidential string is very enjoyable to hit with. I'll report back after getting six to eight hours on it to see how playability changes.


Bionic Poster
I hit a little bit more with the Solinco Confidential string today, and then late this evening found out a ball machine court had become available so I rushed off to make a couple of quick videos.

In this first one, I'm trying to return a loopy shot with a heavy, looping topspin, both forehand and backhand. These ball machine balls are terrible - they've already gone through the junior program before being tossed in the machines so many of them are dead and the felt is worn smooth. It's also harder to see in the video than live, but with Ultra Cable and with me trying as much as possible to use the same swing, I get about 10% more forward velocity and probably about 10% more spin as well.

I also just hit some normal groundstrokes.

Outside of the problem I have with hitting those looping shots, I **love** this string. It is so linear and so consistent that when I connect cleanly, I know exactly where and how the ball is going to go. If I want 10% more on the ball, I swing 10% harder and I get that exact 10%. Swing 20% slower and I get exactly 20% less. This Confidential string is immediately friendly, and outside of my issue with hitting looping shots, I have 100% confidence that if I execute properly, the ball is going to do exactly what I intend.

Tension maintenance has been very good - at least as good as Hyper-G. There is the beginning of notching and the square edge, which was not that sharp to begin with, has rounded more. This is after about two hours of play, the last 30 of which were pretty intense, and then about 20 minutes of ball machine time to make these videos.


Compared to Tourna Silver 7 Tour, my current go-to string, Confidential is a bit less powerful and has a small amount less spin capability. Both of these may be because I'm comparing this 1.25 gauge to the 1.20 gauge S7T. Confidential is a bit more linear throughout the range of swing speeds. S7T has a bit of an elastic, springy feel when swinging slower. When swinging harder, S7T and Confidential both exhibit very confidence-inspiring linearity depending on how fast I swing. I feel S7T gives me a bit more putaway power and ability to more easily hit looping topspin shots, but the control and spin-insensitivity of Confidential will make me a more consistent player. Either way, both are excellent strings and very comparable.

The Confidential string is very enjoyable to hit with. I'll report back after getting six to eight hours on it to see how playability changes.

I do agree, when you swing with higher racket head speed, string did seem to perform more consistently with more accuracy. I was getting some big time power with monster spin. Hitting the corners is pure fun time. Ball almost picks up speed after it bounces.


Just strung my Babolat PA+. Stringing was a little bit rough, not as easy as Hyper G. Hyper G slides easier on the crosses, where confidential grabs a bit more. This could be due to the texture, as it does feel more like Tour Bite, and as other playtesters have mentioned it is stiffer as well. I went with 48pds which is my usual tension, this PA+ has a lot of power really curious to see how it plays with confidential in it. The grip feels like a thinner version of Solinco wonder grip, same tacky feel just a lot thinner IMO.

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Injured Again

Hall of Fame
Hit another 30 minutes with Confidential and am starting to notice that the mains are getting stuck out of position. Total time is nearing the three hour mark. The depth of notching of the mains seems to be increasing a bit, though overall playability and spin capability seem to be unchanged. I'd say that after this last 30 minutes, notching is now about 25% through the string. My experience with 1.25 strings says that I am likely to snap the string when notching is from 50-70% of the way through.


This is in comparison to Ultra Cable, which is a thicker string but this set has probably six or more hours on it:


It's hard to tell from the picture but the square edges on the Confidential have rounded a bit more. This is similar to my experience with Tour Bite but not Hyper-G, which maintained a sharper edge until it broke.

I think I originally said that the Confidential was a bit more comfortable than Ultra Cable. In my back to back hitting today, there's really minimal difference. If anything, Ultra Cable is a bit less crisp and a bit more muted, so it gives the impression of being more comfortable, but the actual impact shock, both on sweetspot hits and mis-hits, is about the same. The Ultra Cable has lost more tension overall than Confidential. They were initially strung at the exact same tensions but the tension loss almost certainly contributes to the softer impact shock.

For both of these pictures, I pulled a cross string out of position. Notice how much closer the cross string is to the notch with Ultra Cable. Either the inter-string friction is lower and/or Ultra Cable is more elastic at this point in its life, but the cross string slides back into position on its own and I had to gently release pressure on the cross string to get it stay out of the notch. With the Confidential string, I can move the cross and it stays out of position. Ultra Cable is more spin capable and this may show one reason why.

I'm in a tournament starting next Thursday and I will probably go into it with these two strings rather than my go-to Silver 7 Tour. I'm also dealing with a bit of wrist soreness as I'm trying to change my forehand stroke technique and it honestly hurts worse with Confidential than Ultra Cable. However, I volley much more confidently with Confidential and I'm feeling that pure tennis-wise, I'm a more effective player with Confidential than Ultra Cable. What may sway me back to using Ultra Cable is that it just hurts less when I don't connect cleanly.