Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson Clash v3


Talk Tennis Guru
I'm so dumb. I wrote an email for this playtest and somehow can't find it in my drafts or anything. Used the Apple OS email and not Gmail, iPhones ruin everything. Good luck to all those selected lol
If it makes you feel better, I’m pretty sure my email was sent and went thru, but I wasn’t selected anyway.
I was fortunate to be chosen for the Clash V3 as well. Looking forward to comparing it to the Version 1 as well as Volkl V1 MP that I use. I will try the strings they send as well as string it up with my regular string set up. Congrats to all that were chosen and again I really appreciate being chosen and having the opportunity.

Mike T

I'm fortunate to be selected to test the 100. I had a 100 V1 and found it to be very comfortable but needed a little more control/accuracy. Currently playing with a Head Gravity Team 2023.


Congrats to the ones selected - hopefully there are are more than the 2 that confirmed here. The Clash line captures some unique innovations in racquet tech coming from Wilson, and it is great to learn how it evolves.

I always wonder if I missed their email...but I don't think I was selected.


Oof. So sorry to hear that as you’re one of the biggest advocates for the Clash.

Right? I would've been the perfect guy for it. Usually l copy the email address and write them from the Gmail app. I don't trust Apple "convenience" to work properly and stuff like this is why.


I checked my email like 23 times before giving up completely. :-D
Getting selected in racquet playtests is like striking gold. Some people are just luckier. When you do get selected, the feeling is sublime. :)

This should be a very interesting playtest to be part of - Wilson listening to customers and going back to a previous setup?! It deserves my attention.
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New User
I tested the Clash v3 100 and Pro version. both were synthetic gut at 16 guage. I liked the 100 better. im around 4.0-4.4. it feels better slightly than the v2, less spongy feel. i dont remember playing with a v1, so i cant comment on that. racket is well balanced and i like the 100 because it feels slightly more head light than the pro, in terms of the balance. its all personal preference. the pro was better to hit heavier top spin ground strokes, but thats about it. i felt less control, but could hit more pace when the timing was right. i didnt apply for playtest cuz i didnt know but demoed them myself.


Received and strung up (black multifeel 16) my playtest v3 100 today and got a hit in with gusty, whirling winds but first impressions are really good. Plenty of whip and solid against one of the hardest hitters in town (my son). The many off-center hits due to wind variability and his wicked, top spin forehand kick felt incredibly solid for what they were.

Need to string up my v1 100 the same for some comparisons (previously only strung with gut post tennis elbow). The v1 with gut feels more flexible on off-center hits and so less solid.

We’ll see how the elbow feels tomorrow, no pain during play, but so far I can’t wait to get out on the court again, preferably on a less windy, West Texas day.


Wilson hasn’t put up the stringing instructions for the v3 yet but the instructions for v2 have you tie-off the mains at 6 throat and the crosses at 8 throat which seems exactly backwards since this causes the run of string from 10 throat to the mains tie-off at 6 throat to be in the way of 8 throat to be used later to tie-off crosses.

Does anyone actually do this or do you just tie off mains on 8 and crosses on 6?



Received and strung up (black multifeel 16) my playtest v3 100 today and got a hit in with gusty, whirling winds but first impressions are really good. Plenty of whip and solid against one of the hardest hitters in town (my son). The many off-center hits due to wind variability and his wicked, top spin forehand kick felt incredibly solid for what they were.

Need to string up my v1 100 the same for some comparisons (previously only strung with gut post tennis elbow). The v1 with gut feels more flexible on off-center hits and so less solid.

We’ll see how the elbow feels tomorrow, no pain during play, but so far I can’t wait to get out on the court again, preferably on a less windy, West Texas day.
V3 is going to sit between V1 and V2 in regards to stiffness.


Just got mine, looking forward to stringing over the next couple days.

First impressions, great looking racket, love the basic black/red look. Probably the most important thing is that Wilson left some space at the top of the handle/bottom of the frame so i can spin the racket on my finger. Everyone racket should have enough space to do this!!

Also, TW....turquoise and orange string to go in a black/red! :-D:-D:-D


Well, a nice surprise at the door when I returned from the airport this afternoon. The red/orange matches the v1 - looks very sharp.

Timing is perfect as our tennis bubble was just re-inflated due to snow damage. Taking both v1 and v3 to the stringer tomorrow and have a ball machine session and a hit around with a 4.0 friend booked this weekend. Super excited.


Thank you again TW.


Talk Tennis Guru
Right? I would've been the perfect guy for it. Usually l copy the email address and write them from the Gmail app. I don't trust Apple "convenience" to work properly and stuff like this is why.
That sucks, but I’ll let you know how it goes since I got my Clash a few days ago hehe

I did have a few questions for @TW Staff though:
Do we have to use the strings for the playtest that were sent with the racket?
I didn’t see a return slip in the package so I’m guessing we’ll need to send the racket back at some point.

TW Staff


Happy to answer your questions but would also recommend reading the email we sent you which contains all the answers as well.

You do not need to use the strings that were provided. You can use any string and tension you prefer.

The racquet is yours to keep after the playtest. We ask as a courtesy to our vendors to not sell it in our Classifieds section.

TW Staff



Happy to answer your questions but would also recommend reading the email we sent you which contains all the answers as well.

You do not need to use the strings that were provided. You can use any string and tension you prefer.

The racquet is yours to keep after the playtest. We ask as a courtesy to our vendors to not sell it in our Classifieds section.

TW Staff

Wow I feel even worse now lol


Talk Tennis Guru
Wow I feel even worse now lol
I’ll sell it to you for a good price after i play test it ;)
Just kidding, I’m really hoping I like it enough to switch since they dc’d the Rf97’s a couple years ago now, and I’m wondering if something lighter and more modern will help my game since I’m not getting any younger lol


Talk Tennis Guru

Happy to answer your questions but would also recommend reading the email we sent you which contains all the answers as well.

You do not need to use the strings that were provided. You can use any string and tension you prefer.

The racquet is yours to keep after the playtest. We ask as a courtesy to our vendors to not sell it in our Classifieds section.

TW Staff
Thanks so much, super helpful as always TW!


Not yet. Received the racquet Wednesday, strung with NRG2 1.30 black (same as my 98v1) and have a couple hours reserved this weekend. Should have first impressions by Sunday evening…but we have another snow event in the DMV :mad:


Not yet. Received the racquet Wednesday, strung with NRG2 1.30 black (same as my 98v1) and have a couple hours reserved this weekend. Should have first impressions by Sunday evening…but we have another snow event in the DMV :mad:

Bro where do you play

I'm in nova and would love to see the racquet in action


Bro where do you play

I'm in nova and would love to see the racquet in action
-fairfax racquet club has them ready for sale now! just got them in a couple days ago!
-100.tour, 100, 108 etc..
-dont ask me for price, i dont know, all i know is that they are hanging on the proshop wall now!

Mike T

I hit with mine for a little over two hours last night in a doubles RR. I had it strung with the TW provided Luxilon ECO Power 17/1.25 at 55 pounds. First impression is very positive. Seems to be very accurate, I was picking small targets and hitting them. Very comfortable, plush feeling even on off center hits. Very maneuverable at the net. Lights here are not well placed leading to "lost in the lights.. OH o_Othere it is" quick reactions. The racket earned points there. Top spin is easy and the base line is easy pickings. Some shots I thought were going long landed it right at the base line. Easy to serve with. My early opinion is a much better racket than the previous two versions. More time on the court will tell.


Had an opportunity to play an hour with the Clash 100Pro v3 this weekend and some initial impressions:

- Clash 98v1 w/ NRG2 1.30 @55 (5 hours old string)
- Clash 100Pro v3 w/ NRG2 1.30 @55

55 yo male, former HS and DivIII soccer and tennis player, retired from tennis for almost 30 years, and returned to the game in 2020. Primarily a baseline counterpuncher w/ flat forehand and relatively spinny THBH. Decent form but poor movement after too many surgeries.

My preference is towards muted, plush, and forgiving racquets that provide some free power. I do have previous arm/shoulder issues so use the Clash for any non-competitive play, otherwise I use the new Pure Strike 100 (which is also awesome).

First impressions:
  • Groundstrokes: Just like my 98, it’s effortless. I have a slower swing and it’s just great. Many had issues with control, and yes, it’s still a lively string-bed but the 16x20 offers an improvement.
  • Serve: Aces. Plenty of power and spin.
  • Volleys: TBD
  • Feel: Pleased to report that the v3 is very much closer to the v1 than the v2. The 16x20 pattern feels tighter in a good way and it had that familiar Clash feel many, like myself enjoy and appreciate.
  • Comfort: It’s a Clash again. Very comfortable and a super easy ride.
BTW - Did they change the head shape? The 100Prov3 seems to have a head shape similar to the 98v1. I found the original Clash 100 to be a little ‘big’ and unwieldy, but did not find the same issues with the Clash Pro.

More to come but the new release will please many existing v1 users.


Talk Tennis Guru
Not yet. Received the racquet Wednesday, strung with NRG2 1.30 black (same as my 98v1) and have a couple hours reserved this weekend. Should have first impressions by Sunday evening…but we have another snow event in the DMV :mad:
Yeah I only got one session in with the racket last Thursday night. Weather took a nasty cold turn late Sunday and then we got like 4 inches of Snow last night that’s still piled up everywhere today. Temps in the Houston area expected to dip down below 20 overnight tonight so I’m likely not gonna be able to get back out to play til Thursday or Friday if I’m lucky. Gre this crappy January weather and Snow when we rarely ever get that here. Think this amount may be the most since 1895… o_O

I had some good initial thoughts on the racket and I liked it on serve, but I’ll most a more comprehensive review when i get to hit with it more.


Hall of Fame
Not on the playtest, only tried the 100, it does seem to be between the v1 and V2 but found it least stable of the 3 off center. Weight distribution and head shape made it feel a bit more attacking oriented than the last two (more oval). Feel was soft and muted but not loose, and has a bit of the fun of the v1 that V2 didn't have

I'm guessing the v3 pro will be very good
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Not on the playtest, only tried the 100, it does seem to be between the v1 and V2 but found it least stable of the 3 off center. Head shape and weight distribution made it feel a bit more attacking oriented than the last two (more oval). Feel was soft and muted but not loose, and has a bit of the fun of the v1

I'm guessing the v3 pro will be very good
The Pro is very stable but not nearly ‘stiff’ as v2. That + 16x20 was too much IMO. Agreed on the head shape and weight - one of the reasons I enjoy the Clash.

TW Staff

We will be recording a "Beyond the Playtest" episode on the podcast for the CLASH v3 with some of the playtest team who has continued to hit these racquets since we wrapped our testing!

Please leave any specific Clash questions here! Can be super specific about one racquet in particular, or a generic question about the line, basically anything CLASH related and we will do our best to answer it in the episode!

Thank you!
Michelle, TW


New User
Had an opportunity to play an hour with the Clash 100Pro v3 this weekend and some initial impressions:

- Clash 98v1 w/ NRG2 1.30 @55 (5 hours old string)
- Clash 100Pro v3 w/ NRG2 1.30 @55

55 yo male, former HS and DivIII soccer and tennis player, retired from tennis for almost 30 years, and returned to the game in 2020. Primarily a baseline counterpuncher w/ flat forehand and relatively spinny THBH. Decent form but poor movement after too many surgeries.

My preference is towards muted, plush, and forgiving racquets that provide some free power. I do have previous arm/shoulder issues so use the Clash for any non-competitive play, otherwise I use the new Pure Strike 100 (which is also awesome).

First impressions:
  • Groundstrokes: Just like my 98, it’s effortless. I have a slower swing and it’s just great. Many had issues with control, and yes, it’s still a lively string-bed but the 16x20 offers an improvement.
  • Serve: Aces. Plenty of power and spin.
  • Volleys: TBD
  • Feel: Pleased to report that the v3 is very much closer to the v1 than the v2. The 16x20 pattern feels tighter in a good way and it had that familiar Clash feel many, like myself enjoy and appreciate.
  • Comfort: It’s a Clash again. Very comfortable and a super easy ride.
BTW - Did they change the head shape? The 100Prov3 seems to have a head shape similar to the 98v1. I found the original Clash 100 to be a little ‘big’ and unwieldy, but did not find the same issues with the Clash Pro.

More to come but the new release will please many existing v1 users.
Hi, I use the Clash 98 V2. I see you use 98 V1, but you seem to have experience with V2. Thus, is it possible for you to compare the 98 V2 (or at least V1) to the Clash 100 Pro V3? For reference, I quite like the 98 V2, but would like a more forgiving racquet in terms of soft spot, with a little more power, but without losing too much control. I used to play with the Clash 100 V1 (not Pro) and I played too erratic with it, lots of outside the court balls. I thank you in advance.


Hi, I use the Clash 98 V2. I see you use 98 V1, but you seem to have experience with V2. Thus, is it possible for you to compare the 98 V2 (or at least V1) to the Clash 100 Pro V3? For reference, I quite like the 98 V2, but would like a more forgiving racquet in terms of soft spot, with a little more power, but without losing too much control. I used to play with the Clash 100 V1 (not Pro) and I played too erratic with it, lots of outside the court balls. I thank you in advance.

Heya @MB17. I did try only the 98v2 and didn’t like it much given my expectations. I think they changed too much too quickly. It felt like many of the other 98s out there and where the v1 differentiates itself.

The Prov3 is definitely a step back toward the v1 in feel and forgiveness, but you can feel the tightness of the 16x20 which tames some of the erratic behavior from the more open v1. It’s definitely softer than the v2 but still very stable with a generous sweet spot.


New User
Heya @MB17. I did try only the 98v2 and didn’t like it much given my expectations. I think they changed too much too quickly. It felt like many of the other 98s out there and where the v1 differentiates itself.

The Prov3 is definitely a step back toward the v1 in feel and forgiveness, but you can feel the tightness of the 16x20 which tames some of the erratic behavior from the more open v1. It’s definitely softer than the v2 but still very stable with a generous sweet spot.

Unfortunately, I've never used the Clash 98 V1, but the Clash 100 Pro V3 despite being of course 100 against the 98 of my V2 seem to share similar specs, and considering your positive comments, I assume it is a good risk taking prospect (I don't have the possibility of a trial here in Brazil where it is not even sold). I tried the Blade 100 V9, but it was too demanding after a few games. I'm your age, 3.5, maybe 3.5+, and have a kind of little pain prone arm. Maybe this is the one. Thanks for your takes!


2nd update ClashPro v3: Muted, comfortable, plush, and stable.

Played a 1.5 hour live ball session (3.5-4.0) and I’m pleased to say the Pro v3 is just great. I happen to be suffering from slight golf elbow (from shoveling snow?), so I was a little concerned about playing today. Well, no issues at all! The same plush comfort of the v1 with a similar lively string bed despite the 16x20.

Forehand: Same easy, effortless swing. Very stable. Ball flight seems lower so I did need to adjust my flat forehand coming from the 98v1. Pretty easy to change grip and hit spinny forehands. More control than the v1 but still susceptible to balls flying here and there. Like all Clash racquets, super sensitive so you gotta make sure your racquet face is consistent. One thing I appreciated about the v1 is the response when I got jammed - everything seemed to go over. The v3 is less forgiving in that area.
Backhand: I changed from a 1HB to a 2HB when I returned to the game and my backhand is the weakest part of my game. The backhand really determines whether a racquet is a good fit. Again needed to adjust but the v3 provided plenty of spin and power. Off center swings were forgiving and I did not have an issue with depth. Slices were very effective.
Volleys: Hit a lot of volleys today and it’s stable with (for me) excellent feel. I don’t come to net much, but the v3 is highly maneuverable and pretty much point and shoot. This is where I appreciated the lively string bed.

It’s gonna be mid 50s this week in the DMV so will try and take the ball machine out, if the snow melts

Incidentally, KT tape is your friend.
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We will be recording a "Beyond the Playtest" episode on the podcast for the CLASH v3 with some of the playtest team who has continued to hit these racquets since we wrapped our testing!

Please leave any specific Clash questions here! Can be super specific about one racquet in particular, or a generic question about the line, basically anything CLASH related and we will do our best to answer it in the episode!

Thank you!
Michelle, TW
I'd like to know if the Clash technology is being utilized in other Wilson racquets ? Thanks !


Burned through multifeel in a couple hours (as usual) so trying to figure out what to string it up with next for the playtest. Came with NXT and Element. Full bed orange NXT? Hybrid NXT mains, element crosses?



Clash 100 regular:

String and tension used for test:
Tennis experience/background:
44 year old, I play higher level 3.5 and 40+ 4.0 tennis in West Michigan. Been playing since I was a kid.
Describe your playing style (i.e. serve & volley): Exclusively a doubles player. I like to be patient from the baseline hitting big returns and groundstrokes and waiting for a short ball to come in behind. Volley pretty well but not super aggressively.
Current racquet/string setups: I've just transitioned from the Blade 98s (spin effect 18x16) to the Yonex Percept 100 (16x19). I'm a multi/hybrid guy. Been trying a few things but I'm really loving Technifibre x-one biphase in the mains and Wasabi X in the crosses right now. Both 1.25, 52 on the mains, 48 on the crosses.

I used the strings that came with the playtest but set it up with my normal Multi/hybrid at 52/48 (see notes all the way at the bottom, don't think I liked this).

How many hours did you play with the racquet? 3-4 Hours total over a couple of sessions.

Comments on racquet performance for each stroke (each section should be 3-5 sentences minimum):
Lower launchpoint then I was expecting, I seemed to be just barely hitting over the net on flatter shots and really had to try hard to hit a high/loopy/deep groundie. I have a pretty long groundstroke, LOTS of topspin, but I also swing pretty quickly. I've noticed with many rackets that if I can't swing fast enough either due to racket shape or swingweight that I'm just not liking the shape of my shots.
-Serves: Thought this was the highlight of the racket for me. Easy generation of spin and pace, easy on my arm. This is probably the one spot where the stiffness and speed/maneuverability of the frame didn't bother me. In other areas I felt like i had to change my game to adapt to the racket but with my serve I found it pretty easy to just swing away.
-Volleys: Middle of the road for me. I found a little instability I think due to how flexible the racket it. I think my preference is to a littler stiffer frame that returns power more as opposed to dampening the shot and not returning the power through the stroke.
-Serve returns: Same as volleys, not bad but not great. I'd like to be able to swing it a little faster to generate spin and depth, returns seemed to be lower and therefore not as deep in the court.

Comments on racquet performance in each area (should be 2-3 sentences minimum)
I feel like I'm going to be in the minority here but I think this racket is UNDER powered. I'm betting it's the RA rating vs what I'm used to. I think with a super flexible racket you lose some of the power as you're hitting and have to generate it back yourself. Great if you have a longer, slower swing. With my very fast swing it felt like I needed to concentrate more on getting the height, depth, power I'm used to. Maybe this racket is a little TOO dampened (for me)
Top Spin/Slice- See above on topspin. Had to focus a little harder on lengthening my stroke to get the topspin I'm used to. Slice was relatively easy to produce but similar comment on power and depth. I felt my slice was a little sloppy and had more potential to pop-up as opposed to my Percept that stays very crisp and very low with relatively no effort.
Comfort- Obviously the benefit of this racket. It's got good static weight and low RA and it is very comfortable. I do think you sacrifice some control and connectivity to the ball with the low RA.
Feel- A little TOO dampened for my liking. I'm not feeling like I'm the target audience for this racket. If it were a mid 60's RA with the same specs I might love it. It just feels a little disconnected from the ball and as stated I think you lose some power and control due to the over-dampening of the frame.
Maneuverability- Pretty good considering it's a 100. Felt like I would have liked it to be a little faster/more maneuverable for my game…maybe a thinner frame width here…but it has some of the characteristics of a pure drive or yonex frame where it's more maneuverable then you'd expect for a 100.
Stability- Going back to my comments about the RA, I think it's a little too low for me. This leads to some instability on bigger groundstrokes and volleys. It's not bad by any means but I've gotten used to the 67ish RA on the Percept and hitting the 54 on the Clash makes it feel a little more unstable then I'd like.

General reaction/comments on overall performance:
I can see why this racket is so popular. Yeah it's probably not something I'm switching to but it was fun to hit and experience the polar opposite in RA/flexibility then I'm used to. I think this racket will excel for anyone with a longer/slower groundstroke. If you have a shorter stroke with less backswing you may find it underpowered and a little bit tougher to create spin/pace/depth. It is a shame the 98 no longer exists…I can see where that would be a sweetspot btwn this stick and something a little stiffer and a little faster/more maneuverable.

As I'm typing and thinking out loud maybe I messed up the string setup on this. I'm really enjoying the 52/48 setup on my Percept, I think it complements the stiffer frame and give me the right balance of power and control. The Clash likely needs a setup more around like 55 constant and maybe even a stiffer string to balance out that lower 54 RA. I might give that a try next and report back.
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String and tension used for test:
Tennis experience/background:
44 year old, I play higher level 3.5 and 40+ 4.0 tennis in West Michigan. Been playing since I was a kid.
Describe your playing style (i.e. serve & volley): Exclusively a doubles player. I like to be patient from the baseline hitting big returns and groundstrokes and waiting for a short ball to come in behind. Volley pretty well but not super aggressively.
Current racquet/string setups: I've just transitioned from the Blade 98s (spin effect 18x16) to the Yonex Percept 100 (16x19). I'm a multi/hybrid guy. Been trying a few things but I'm really loving Technifibre x-one biphase in the mains and Wasabi X in the crosses right now. Both 1.25, 52 on the mains, 48 on the crosses.

I used the strings that came with the playtest but set it up with my normal Multi/hybrid at 52/48 (see notes all the way at the bottom, don't think I liked this).

How many hours did you play with the racquet? 3-4 Hours total over a couple of sessions.

Comments on racquet performance for each stroke (each section should be 3-5 sentences minimum):
Lower launchpoint then I was expecting, I seemed to be just barely hitting over the net on flatter shots and really had to try hard to hit a high/loopy/deep groundie. I have a pretty long groundstroke, LOTS of topspin, but I also swing pretty quickly. I've noticed with many rackets that if I can't swing fast enough either due to racket shape or swingweight that I'm just not liking the shape of my shots.
-Serves: Thought this was the highlight of the racket for me. Easy generation of spin and pace, easy on my arm. This is probably the one spot where the stiffness and speed/maneuverability of the frame didn't bother me. In other areas I felt like i had to change my game to adapt to the racket but with my serve I found it pretty easy to just swing away.
-Volleys: Middle of the road for me. I found a little instability I think due to how flexible the racket it. I think my preference is to a littler stiffer frame that returns power more as opposed to dampening the shot and not returning the power through the stroke.
-Serve returns: Same as volleys, not bad but not great. I'd like to be able to swing it a little faster to generate spin and depth, returns seemed to be lower and therefore not as deep in the court.

Comments on racquet performance in each area (should be 2-3 sentences minimum)
I feel like I'm going to be in the minority here but I think this racket is UNDER powered. I'm betting it's the RA rating vs what I'm used to. I think with a super flexible racket you lose some of the power as you're hitting and have to generate it back yourself. Great if you have a longer, slower swing. With my very fast swing it felt like I needed to concentrate more on getting the height, depth, power I'm used to. Maybe this racket is a little TOO dampened (for me)
Top Spin/Slice- See above on topspin. Had to focus a little harder on lengthening my stroke to get the topspin I'm used to. Slice was relatively easy to produce but similar comment on power and depth. I felt my slice was a little sloppy and had more potential to pop-up as opposed to my Percept that stays very crisp and very low with relatively no effort.
Comfort- Obviously the benefit of this racket. It's got good static weight and low RA and it is very comfortable. I do think you sacrifice some control and connectivity to the ball with the low RA.
Feel- A little TOO dampened for my liking. I'm not feeling like I'm the target audience for this racket. If it were a mid 60's RA with the same specs I might love it. It just feels a little disconnected from the ball and as stated I think you lose some power and control due to the over-dampening of the frame.
Maneuverability- Pretty good considering it's a 100. Felt like I would have liked it to be a little faster/more maneuverable for my game…maybe a thinner frame width here…but it has some of the characteristics of a pure drive or yonex frame where it's more maneuverable then you'd expect for a 100.
Stability- Going back to my comments about the RA, I think it's a little too low for me. This leads to some instability on bigger groundstrokes and volleys. It's not bad by any means but I've gotten used to the 67ish RA on the Percept and hitting the 54 on the Clash makes it feel a little more unstable then I'd like.

General reaction/comments on overall performance:
I can see why this racket is so popular. Yeah it's probably not something I'm switching to but it was fun to hit and experience the polar opposite in RA/flexibility then I'm used to. I think this racket will excel for anyone with a longer/slower groundstroke. If you have a shorter stroke with less backswing you may find it underpowered and a little bit tougher to create spin/pace/depth. It is a shame the 98 no longer exists…I can see where that would be a sweetspot btwn this stick and something a little stiffer and a little faster/more maneuverable.

As I'm typing and thinking out loud maybe I messed up the string setup on this. I'm really enjoying the 52/48 setup on my Percept, I think it complements the stiffer frame and give me the right balance of power and control. The Clash likely needs a setup more around like 55 constant and maybe even a stiffer string to balance out that lower 54 RA. I might give that a try next and report back.
What racquet is this the review for ? Pro or regular.