Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson RF 01 Family

TW Staff

Attention Talk Tennis Members:

We have a super exciting playtest for this month. We have a limited quantity of Wilson RF 01 Pro and RF 01 racquets to playtest. This playtest is open to USA Talk Tennis members only.

VERY IMPORTANT: Playtesters will be required to get their test racquet strung. Each racquet will be shipped with two set of strings. We will have two grip sizes available - grip 2 and 3.

Application period is closed (wow- we had an overwhelming number of applicants- thanks to everyone that applied!). Emails will be sent out on Friday, August 9th by 5 pm PST.

We have a very limited quantity of racquets to playtest. We select playtesters based on a number of factors, including message board participation and performance on past playtests.

Your review is due by Friday, September 13th, 2024 by 5 pm PST.

Posting a full review by the deadline is necessary to remain in good standing for future playtests. Reviews lacking sufficient effort will resort in disqualification from the playtest program.

Include the following in your review:

String and tension used for test:
Tennis experience/background:
Describe your playing style (i.e. serve & volley):
Current racquet/string setups:
How many hours did you play with the racquet?

Comments on racquet performance for each stroke (each section should be 3-5 sentences minimum):
-Serve returns:

Comments on racquet performance in each area (should be 2-3 sentences minimum)
Top Spin/Slice-

General reaction/comments on overall performance:

TW Staff

We will delete “request sent” emails, but encourage a lively “pre-game” discussion on the racquets.
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New User
Woah this is gonna be so excitiing!!! I wonder if it’ll be a modern take to the RF. Also a control racket? Hmmm. This is gonna be so good!!!!


New User
The only Wilson racket I have used in the past is the v7 Blade 98 18x20, so it would be awesome to be chosen for this playtest. Seems like it will be a 98 frame? 11.3 oz for the PRO in 16x19? Not much information on the web about them it seems. If I get chosen, it would be my first playtest of a racket here, so super stoked either way for these historical frames. Thanks TW @TW Staff for this opportunity!


New User
I look forward to reading the reviews for the 300g option! Would love to see the comparison, if possible, against the Head Speed MP


Pretty excited for the unveiling on the 8th!! I would really love to see Federer have a 'Jordanesque' line of racquets (honestly shoes and clothing would be great too) in the tennis space. Hope these racquets pave the way!!


New User
Pretty excited for the unveiling on the 8th!! I would really love to see Federer have a 'Jordanesque' line of racquets (honestly shoes and clothing would be great too) in the tennis space. Hope these racquets pave the way!!
I believe they're releasing a set of bags, a leather grip, and a dampener. Given this will be the initial launch, I can see shoes and clothing coming in the future years (hopefully)


Bionic Poster
I believe they're releasing a set of bags, a leather grip, and a dampener. Given this will be the initial launch, I can see shoes and clothing coming in the future years (hopefully)
Federer never used a dampener. Is this a new thing?


This racquet is going to be hyped like no other... And I'm all aboard! Would love to get the chance to try out the 01 and see how it stacks up against the Shift and Blades.
Federer never used a dampener. Is this a new thing?
More like another chance to milk the golden goose. Why not if you can charge $5 each or whatever for something that probably cost .20¢ to make? Too good to pass up

I believe someone already made unofficial ones you could buy if you happen to look and come across them too fwiw
Was just on the Head Extreme playtest so will let others get a chance for this one. Still looking forward to the reviews. Have finally moved on from the 2015 Babolat Pure Drives.


The hype is real. I can’t remember the last time I was this excited for a play test. Can’t wait!


I'm very interested in the reviews. I've been using the Pro Staff 85 for the last 2 years, the RF97 in v11 and v12 for the three years prior to that, and the 2014 Pro Staff 90 for the two years prior to that. I really want to know if they managed to capture some of that 6.0 spirit of the 85 and 90, if it is a derivative of the RF97 or 6.1 95, or if it is some other beast entirely. Roger did say in the Wilson pre-release video that he wanted more racquet head speed than the RF97 provided. If it really is a faster swinging RF97 on the forehand wing while still being just as sweet on the backhand and at net, this could end up being one of the greatest racquets of all time.


I have a one hander, and have been most successful with the Blade 98 v9 16x19. My weakest shot is probably my backhand service return, I feel it is a bit slow. I am hoping this frame gives me just a little more speed on my one hander, without sacrificing the consistency I get from the Blade. I've tried the regular prostaff 97, but I just don't play as consistently with it. The sweet spot seems much smaller (albeit it feels so good when you hit it). Really looking for that consistency I get with the blade with maybe a little more maneuverability for my one hander.


New User
Very interested in the Pro, glad they kept a heavy stick in the mix here despite definitely going for mass-market sales. I know this is going to get so much hype, curious to see how people feel about the actual racquet.


I'm very interested in the reviews. I've been using the Pro Staff 85 for the last 2 years, the RF97 in v11 and v12 for the three years prior to that, and the 2014 Pro Staff 90 for the two years prior to that. I really want to know if they managed to capture some of that 6.0 spirit of the 85 and 90, if it is a derivative of the RF97 or 6.1 95, or if it is some other beast entirely. Roger did say in the Wilson pre-release video that he wanted more racquet head speed than the RF97 provided. If it really is a faster swinging RF97 on the forehand wing while still being just as sweet on the backhand and at net, this could end up being one of the greatest racquets of all time.
Indeed, I love my RF97 but it feel sluggish at times even compared to similarly weighted racquets like 6.1 95, and it was interesting to see Roger comment on that.


From other threads:
RF01-Pro 320g 9 pts hl
RF01 300g 9 pts hl
RF01-Future 280g 7 pts hl
Interesting that the Pro is both light and less head light than we are used to. I was expecting 330-340g and 10-12 HL. With strings the Pro should be about 337g/11.9oz and 6 HL. If the swing weight is on the wrong side of 330, it'll be a challenge to beef up the racquet while keeping the HL balance considering it already comes with a leather grip. I really want to see how it does in stock form on the OHBH.


Interesting that the Pro is both light and less head light than we are used to. I was expecting 330-340g and 10-12 HL. With strings the Pro should be about 337g/11.9oz and 6 HL. If the swing weight is on the wrong side of 330, it'll be a challenge to beef up the racquet while keeping the HL balance considering it already comes with a leather grip. I really want to see how it does in stock form on the OHBH.
Swing weight for the Pro was mentioned to be around 330+
When you start at 320g static unstrung, there is no way around it but to have a lower HL than the usual ProStaff/6.1 95.
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Swing weight for the Pro was mentioned to be around 330+
When you start at 320 unstrung, there is no way around it but to have a lower HL than the usual ProStaff/6.1 95.
This might be the first time I'm thankful for Wilson's quality control. If this racquet is good, hopefully the tolerance bounds will let us get 11 HL 330g 300 SW unstrung specs.


Wow ! The wait is nearly over !! Release date on Fed's Birthday - 8-8 !! Class, performance and elegance - just like the man who inspired the racquet !



I think the Pr0 would be something fun to swing, most 315g+ frames I use have a smaller profile so this should crush the ball nicely!


This playtest looks really interesting in a good way. Interested to see how it fits in with the rest of the Wilson lineup. Realistically the 01 is in my wheelhouse, though I'd love to hit with the 01 Pro.

M Pillai

From other threads:
RF01-Pro 320g 9 pts hl
RF01 300g 9 pts hl
RF01-Future 280g 7 pts hl

Interesting. The regular RF97 which I am currently using (v13 all black) was 340g stock and 12 points HL. So Wilson decided to go down on mass and compensated it with more head heaviness for plough through?

Wilson ProStaff 97 v14 was 315g unstrung and 7 points HL, and I personally preferred RF97 a lot more when hitting it side by side with Prostaff97. So I am curious to find out what this new spec brings into the table.

M Pillai

I just found pics of the racquet from web. I am not sure I can post the pics here, but you can google it. Looks nice with all black. Plus it looks like leather grip, or is it a synthetic grip in leather color?


I am very interested in the 01 Pro. Nothing beats a fresh out of the box frame requiring 0 customization. I felt the original black and red rf 97 swung pretty easy and had plenty of precision and power but the static weight could at times make it harder. Seeing a new mold with a 98 head size and similar balance with a drop in weight sounds phenomenal.


Hall of Fame
I was on the playtest for the V11 RF, it was cool testing out a new frame. That’s the only playtest I have ever done, but this is so new
and seems very different from reading its specs. I am actually curious about Tennis Warehouse’s testing.


I am very interested in the 01 Pro. Nothing beats a fresh out of the box frame requiring 0 customization. I felt the original black and red rf 97 swung pretty easy and had plenty of precision and power but the static weight could at times make it harder. Seeing a new mold with a 98 head size and similar balance with a drop in weight sounds phenomenal.
The RF97 was 12 points HL unstrung. It appears the RF01 Pro is only 9 points HL unstrung.


Hall of Fame
Not gonna lie...pretty stoked for this playtest...this is the Wilson spec that I've been looking for - slightly more power and spin than the blade, more consistent string bed than the Shift - at least that's what I'm hoping for.
The question is.... does it have anything over the Pro Staff v14?
I just found pics of the racquet from web. I am not sure I can post the pics here, but you can google it. Looks nice with all black. Plus it looks like leather grip, or is it a synthetic grip in leather color?
I've read that the Pro has a genuine leather grip while the others have a leather coloured synthetic grip, and you can also purchase it separately, comes in a black package with more RF branding, not sure if they meant both the leather and synthetic or not
The RF97 was 12 points HL unstrung. It appears the RF01 Pro is only 9 points HL unstrung.
Glad I'm able to handle weighting it up to RF specs if needed, don't think I can gel with a 6pts HL strung specs but interesting one to try once again
The question is.... does it have anything over the Pro Staff v14?
Different string spacing, might boil down to preference, I never liked the spacing on the regular Pro Staff originally introduced in the V13 model

I'm assuming this provides more spin potential straight off than the V14 based on the marketing and geometry.

This still looks like a Shift type hoop, mixed with a Whiteout type taper viewed from face-on between the hoop and shaft, and Pure Strike-ish design elements in the throat to me

If Roger wanted more speed and versatility on the forehand side, he could have just stopped wrapping his overgrip all the way to the top and stopped somewhere above his hand or close to the top ala Stan since he has a one-hander, have P1 then customise so the weighting stays the same, or could also have gone down a grip size but stayed the same where he held the racquet if he really wanted too


Very much looking to get in on this.

Want to see how the 300g RF 01 compares to my 300g Prestige MP-L's, with strung spec at/around equivalent plow-through and output power.

Fingers crossed I get selected!


Never been on a playtest before, would be fun if picked! Especially the RF 01 Pro, as I mained the RF97 for a couple years.


I just found pics of the racquet from web. I am not sure I can post the pics here, but you can google it. Looks nice with all black. Plus it looks like leather grip, or is it a synthetic grip in leather color?
The Pro comes with a leather grip to keep the balance reasonable with the increased swingweight. The other two are coming with a synthetic grip to keep the weight low.


The question is.... does it have anything over the Pro Staff v14?
The Pro version appears to place above the Pro Staff v14 in terms of plow-through (+5 g static, +5 in sw) so slightly more powerful. To be seen if it is indeed faster through the air since the beam is wider.


Coming from the pro staff line originally, I would love the chance to try this to see if it can finally end my racket journey. However, even if it doesn't (which I hope isn't the case), I still love this cosmetic compared to the v14 pro staff and would probably still keep it regardless
Someone from Australia or NZ will also chime in now too haha

Not even Canada I believe, and Mexico for that matter, has access to playtests yet still ):

Just saw that both synthetic and leather grips will be available to buy separately, synthetic is meant to be a little thicker

M Pillai

For us customizers, I think the regular RF01 300g will be the gem of the bunch.
Of course the main review has to focus on the stock form. But yes, I am very interested to see the results from some crazy lead experiments from TTers as well.
I mained the original red/black PS97 RFA (it was my first players stick) for a few years when it first came out. I loved that it did everything well and swung super easily in my opinion. I ended up moving away from it because I wanted something a little more forgiving and the static weight could be a bit much over long matches and sessions. I'm super interested in the Pro version as it seems this may remedy all the "shortcomings" of the original RFA and I'm very curious to see if they have a similar feel!