DATSVERYINTERESTIN review of the Wilson RF01 PRO
String and tension used for test:
Babolat Xcel 16 mains 53lbs
Luxilon Alu 16l 51lbs
Tennis experience/background: old guy that's been playing for 25 years but didn't play as a kid. Always had power on shots especially on serve but learning control and spin has been a lifelong struggle! 4.5 rating but sinking to 4.0 due to my drinking solution!
Describe your playing style (i.e. serve & volley): Big Serve Big Forehand
Current racquet/string setups: currently demoing racquets but my last frame was the Aero98 that works well just doesn't have the feel im looking for. Currently the Ezone98 with leather grip is my plan going forward.
How many hours did you play with the racquet? 3 hours so far.
Comments on racquet performance for each stroke (each section should be 3-5 sentences minimum):
-Groundstrokes: pickup feel and weight is solid/heavy. Felt like too much racquet initially but the more I use it the more it feels right and other racquets feel light and hollow.
-Serves: missed the sweetspot more than usual. But when i timed it right the results were very good. Flat serves were great and this racquet definitely pancakes like TW reviewers like to say. Kick serves with this string setup especially were fast and spinny. Felt like i had pinpoint control too.
-Volleys: super solid and stable and plush feel. Headsize just feels kind of big. Feels like a Gravity Pro 100" to me. Which means it is forgiving but maybe not as maneuverable as a usual pro staff as a volleying machine.
-Serve returns: super stable. Almost the perfect return racquet. Get good combination of flat control and spin when you need it. Sort of feel it could use 18 mains or different string density for perfect control though.
Comments on racquet performance in each area (should be 2-3 sentences minimum)
Power/Control- i feel wilson did a great job of getting the power/control ratio right in middle. I didn't worry about too little power from a heavy players racquet and i didn't worry about balls sailing long if my timing was right. Sometimes with the Aero98 and Ezone98 I feel like I hit a ball perfectly but I don't always know it is going to stay in. With the RF01pro I definitely felt an increase in confidence from Control!
Top Spin/Slice- i let my friend try it and he performed the best slices I've ever seen him hit with the RF01pro. Spin is good/average/enough but nothing crazy. I had a good feeling/sensation of rolling over the ball using my wrist that created a fast shot with tons of spin too. Just not a loopy kind of spin.
Comfort- with my cheaper recreation of the Champion's Choice string setup using multi mains the comfort was fantastic. Firm but comfortable. Not flexy or plush but crisp and comfy. With full poly I might not enjoy it the same though.
Feel- pretty muted but good touch and control from the strings
Maneuverability- when i first got it i was thinking I shouldn't have asked for the pro version because it felt kind of heavy to swing. (Ive been demoing too much lately so my arm is kind of sore and dead too!). However the 12oz weight now feels good and enough to provide a super solid feel without being too sluggish.
Stability- super stable, never felt a wobble even on off center shots
General reaction/comments on overall performance:
The more I use this frame the more I like it. I will continue to update this review as I use it since I haven't used in a singles match yet. Right now I'd be more comfortable using it in doubles for its great serving and volleying capability. But maybe I will be surprised in my ability to use it while scrambling left and right too!
A quick video of me hitting some super dead ball machine balls. I don't use a 1 handed backhand but i tried a few! Worked ok and surprisingly spinny until I shanked one of the frame! Back to 2 hands for me!
String and tension used for test:
Babolat Xcel 16 mains 53lbs
Luxilon Alu 16l 51lbs
Tennis experience/background: old guy that's been playing for 25 years but didn't play as a kid. Always had power on shots especially on serve but learning control and spin has been a lifelong struggle! 4.5 rating but sinking to 4.0 due to my drinking solution!
Describe your playing style (i.e. serve & volley): Big Serve Big Forehand
Current racquet/string setups: currently demoing racquets but my last frame was the Aero98 that works well just doesn't have the feel im looking for. Currently the Ezone98 with leather grip is my plan going forward.
How many hours did you play with the racquet? 3 hours so far.
Comments on racquet performance for each stroke (each section should be 3-5 sentences minimum):
-Groundstrokes: pickup feel and weight is solid/heavy. Felt like too much racquet initially but the more I use it the more it feels right and other racquets feel light and hollow.
-Serves: missed the sweetspot more than usual. But when i timed it right the results were very good. Flat serves were great and this racquet definitely pancakes like TW reviewers like to say. Kick serves with this string setup especially were fast and spinny. Felt like i had pinpoint control too.
-Volleys: super solid and stable and plush feel. Headsize just feels kind of big. Feels like a Gravity Pro 100" to me. Which means it is forgiving but maybe not as maneuverable as a usual pro staff as a volleying machine.
-Serve returns: super stable. Almost the perfect return racquet. Get good combination of flat control and spin when you need it. Sort of feel it could use 18 mains or different string density for perfect control though.
Comments on racquet performance in each area (should be 2-3 sentences minimum)
Power/Control- i feel wilson did a great job of getting the power/control ratio right in middle. I didn't worry about too little power from a heavy players racquet and i didn't worry about balls sailing long if my timing was right. Sometimes with the Aero98 and Ezone98 I feel like I hit a ball perfectly but I don't always know it is going to stay in. With the RF01pro I definitely felt an increase in confidence from Control!
Top Spin/Slice- i let my friend try it and he performed the best slices I've ever seen him hit with the RF01pro. Spin is good/average/enough but nothing crazy. I had a good feeling/sensation of rolling over the ball using my wrist that created a fast shot with tons of spin too. Just not a loopy kind of spin.
Comfort- with my cheaper recreation of the Champion's Choice string setup using multi mains the comfort was fantastic. Firm but comfortable. Not flexy or plush but crisp and comfy. With full poly I might not enjoy it the same though.
Feel- pretty muted but good touch and control from the strings
Maneuverability- when i first got it i was thinking I shouldn't have asked for the pro version because it felt kind of heavy to swing. (Ive been demoing too much lately so my arm is kind of sore and dead too!). However the 12oz weight now feels good and enough to provide a super solid feel without being too sluggish.
Stability- super stable, never felt a wobble even on off center shots
General reaction/comments on overall performance:
The more I use this frame the more I like it. I will continue to update this review as I use it since I haven't used in a singles match yet. Right now I'd be more comfortable using it in doubles for its great serving and volleying capability. But maybe I will be surprised in my ability to use it while scrambling left and right too!
A quick video of me hitting some super dead ball machine balls. I don't use a 1 handed backhand but i tried a few! Worked ok and surprisingly spinny until I shanked one of the frame! Back to 2 hands for me!