Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Wilson RF 01 Family


DATSVERYINTERESTIN review of the Wilson RF01 PRO

String and tension used for test:
Babolat Xcel 16 mains 53lbs
Luxilon Alu 16l 51lbs
Tennis experience/background: old guy that's been playing for 25 years but didn't play as a kid. Always had power on shots especially on serve but learning control and spin has been a lifelong struggle! 4.5 rating but sinking to 4.0 due to my drinking solution!
Describe your playing style (i.e. serve & volley): Big Serve Big Forehand
Current racquet/string setups: currently demoing racquets but my last frame was the Aero98 that works well just doesn't have the feel im looking for. Currently the Ezone98 with leather grip is my plan going forward.
How many hours did you play with the racquet? 3 hours so far.

Comments on racquet performance for each stroke (each section should be 3-5 sentences minimum):
-Groundstrokes: pickup feel and weight is solid/heavy. Felt like too much racquet initially but the more I use it the more it feels right and other racquets feel light and hollow.
-Serves: missed the sweetspot more than usual. But when i timed it right the results were very good. Flat serves were great and this racquet definitely pancakes like TW reviewers like to say. Kick serves with this string setup especially were fast and spinny. Felt like i had pinpoint control too.
-Volleys: super solid and stable and plush feel. Headsize just feels kind of big. Feels like a Gravity Pro 100" to me. Which means it is forgiving but maybe not as maneuverable as a usual pro staff as a volleying machine.
-Serve returns: super stable. Almost the perfect return racquet. Get good combination of flat control and spin when you need it. Sort of feel it could use 18 mains or different string density for perfect control though.

Comments on racquet performance in each area (should be 2-3 sentences minimum)
Power/Control- i feel wilson did a great job of getting the power/control ratio right in middle. I didn't worry about too little power from a heavy players racquet and i didn't worry about balls sailing long if my timing was right. Sometimes with the Aero98 and Ezone98 I feel like I hit a ball perfectly but I don't always know it is going to stay in. With the RF01pro I definitely felt an increase in confidence from Control!
Top Spin/Slice- i let my friend try it and he performed the best slices I've ever seen him hit with the RF01pro. Spin is good/average/enough but nothing crazy. I had a good feeling/sensation of rolling over the ball using my wrist that created a fast shot with tons of spin too. Just not a loopy kind of spin.
Comfort- with my cheaper recreation of the Champion's Choice string setup using multi mains the comfort was fantastic. Firm but comfortable. Not flexy or plush but crisp and comfy. With full poly I might not enjoy it the same though.
Feel- pretty muted but good touch and control from the strings
Maneuverability- when i first got it i was thinking I shouldn't have asked for the pro version because it felt kind of heavy to swing. (Ive been demoing too much lately so my arm is kind of sore and dead too!). However the 12oz weight now feels good and enough to provide a super solid feel without being too sluggish.
Stability- super stable, never felt a wobble even on off center shots

General reaction/comments on overall performance:
The more I use this frame the more I like it. I will continue to update this review as I use it since I haven't used in a singles match yet. Right now I'd be more comfortable using it in doubles for its great serving and volleying capability. But maybe I will be surprised in my ability to use it while scrambling left and right too!

A quick video of me hitting some super dead ball machine balls. I don't use a 1 handed backhand but i tried a few! Worked ok and surprisingly spinny until I shanked one of the frame! Back to 2 hands for me!



That was a weak attempt at a video review! I apologize. More to come!

The design of the racquet was praised as beautiful and classy which typifies the Federer iconic style.

A powerful classic black racquet that embodies all of Roger's power and harkens back to the heritage and greatness of the Pro Staff lineage. However it fades to grey and much like the receding hairlines of Roger and Rafa hints at the mortality of even the greatest champions. Have you seen Jordan try to dunk lately? Is this racquet the equivalent of MJ coming out with Air Orthopedic shoes? Racquet Specs hinting at the surgical and demanding weapons of yore but tailored for ease of use for retirement age group?
Would this racquet ACTUALLY have been used by Roger if his knee had let him play on tour for a few more years? Or is this the racquet he will use to feed his kids balls now that his pro career is over?
Is this the ultimate modern weapon to battle the young guns wielding Aero98 or just a money maker for Roger similar to shilling for Just for Men or Grecian Formula hair dye?

No Play For Mr. Gray racquet
2025 US Open Secret Weapon that sadly never got to be unleashed ?

More testing will reveal the answer! Stay tuned...

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Fed thought the same, he ditched it.
I was always very puzzled by that because the tuxedo is essentially a more basic version of the nCode cosmetic which coincided with the most successful three year window of Roger's career and the GOAT forehand era where he had his big takeback.


Hall of Fame
I was always very puzzled by that because the tuxedo is essentially a more basic version of the nCode cosmetic which coincided with the most successful three year window of Roger's career and the GOAT forehand era where he had his big takeback.
Something felt and or looked off to him about it.

Power Player

Bionic Poster
I plan to review mine stock, at least to start. I believe that is what TW wants. But my lord, the SW is pretty low. May be rough on my timing. I do think they did this to mimic the EZ98. I don't need massive swingweights, but mid 320-330 range is where I usually settle.


Hall of Fame
I plan to review mine stock, at least to start. I believe that is what TW wants. But my lord, the SW is pretty low. May be rough on my timing. I do think they did this to mimic the EZ98. I don't need massive swingweights, but mid 320-330 range is where I usually settle.
Yeah mine came in 2 pts less HL than spec and SW was still only 318. I’d like to get mine to 322 or so after I Playtest it stock.


Specs on my RF01. 11.2 oz 6 points HL. Strung with NXT 16 orange 56/54. Have had the frame out everyday since Thursday. Some minor adjustments but the frame is in my wheelhouse. Really hits a very heavy ball when you hit a flatter ball and you have a relax a bit and employ more wrist snap to get better topspin. Serving was the part of my game that I had to make adjustment to. Trying to find the sweet spot on the serve was key to getting power and spin on the serve for me. Slice BHs are super and stay very low. Loving the frame at the net. Very solid. Super fast at net and stable for my level. The 98 head size plays bigger for sure.

The RF01 specs almost to the tee matches my everyday frame. Zero arm pain, of course I am using the NXT 16 which is really sweet. I have not played a very high end multi like this in years. You get what you pay for (in this case N/C for the string, THX Wilson) as the NXT delivers a solid thump and consistent string bed. Plush and powerful.

I am very much enjoying this frame.

More to come. I am hoping to get another string in this before the end of the play test window.


I have not played a very high end multi like this in years. You get what you pay for (in this case N/C for the string, THX Wilson) as the NXT delivers a solid thump and consistent string bed. Plush and powerful.
Just FYI, you can really thank Tecnifibre, as I'm 99% sure they make NXT (and all sub-variants) for Wilson, who then sells it as their own (and the double sale is probably why you hardly ever see NXT at a discount).


I've been hitting my RF 01 (300gr) for a week now so I wish to update my feedback. As others have said, it is a little less forgiving than my PS L (v13). That being said, when I make good contact, the power, spin, and feel is there. I need to adjust to the change in swing weight. A pusher will want something with a bigger sweet spot.

Power Player

Bionic Poster
RF01 is pretty nice, imo. The issue I have is the stock SW is too low. It doesn't even need to be that high, but under 310 strung is pretty unstable feeling. But good feel, good control. I will play a match with it tomorrow and be able to start really learning the frame more.


RF01 is pretty nice, imo. The issue I have is the stock SW is too low. It doesn't even need to be that high, but under 310 strung is pretty unstable feeling. But good feel, good control. I will play a match with it tomorrow and be able to start really learning the frame more.
Time to get it acquainted with some lead?


Yikes. That's not what I was hoping to hear.
Bear in mind, I'm a 4.0. Decent but nothing spectacular. Mostly Eastern and Continental grips but sometimes semi-Western. I also have a 1HBH. So take my comments within that context.


Bear in mind, I'm a 4.0. Decent but nothing spectacular. Mostly Eastern and Continental grips but sometimes semi-Western. I also have a 1HBH. So take my comments within that context.
For sure. But if you know the 97L well enough and have put in enough time with the 01, then I'm sure your insights are valid, at least to a certain extent. So thank you for the info, regardless.

Power Player

Bionic Poster
Time to get it acquainted with some lead?

Yes for sure, but TW requested we demo it first without modifications so that's what I did.

I am looking forward to playing with it more now that I have it modded. With an OG I have the specs at an interesting 324/324/32.4 simply by adding 6 grams across the tip. Mine came in a little underweight so even with weight it is still just 304 unstrung. It now has a 294 SW instead of a 277. I suspect that a perfectly specced RF01 has a target SW of 280 or so. That's just my guess.

Also have restrung with the included NXT multi at 56#s. Very nice feel. Now the serious play testing begins. ;)


This is just my opinion...i have played with all 3 frames now for over 2 weeks and i still prefer my blade 100 V9 over any of these.

they feel very muted, low powered (except the future after customization). However there is more spin.

1. The RF pro was a disappointment TBH, way off from the RF97's - plus very low powered with a small sweet spot
2. the 01 plays a lot lighter than the 320 SW. Plays like a 310.
3. Future - this may be the best one if you bring the SW upto 320-322.

Overall nothing special..!!!


This is just my opinion...i have played with all 3 frames now for over 2 weeks and i still prefer my blade 100 V9 over any of these.

they feel very muted, low powered (except the future after customization). However there is more spin.

1. The RF pro was a disappointment TBH, way off from the RF97's - plus very low powered with a small sweet spot
2. the 01 plays a lot lighter than the 320 SW. Plays like a 310.
3. Future - this may be the best one if you bring the SW upto 320-322.

Overall nothing special..!!!
I really did like the Blade v9 too. The more I play with my RF 01 the more I hit its sweet spot. Not sure about the blade but the 01 has more power and spin than my PS L v13.


I really did like the Blade v9 too. The more I play with my RF 01 the more I hit its sweet spot. Not sure about the blade but the 01 has more power and spin than my PS L v13.
I have not played the new pro staffs, but taking the 97L and customizing it would be a good playtest. :)

I swapped to a leather grip on the RF future. i feel the new RF's need to be around a 325-330SW to get value out of them


I did not measure the SW. My current frames are 320 (measured) and the RF 01 plays very close to them. If anything, the RF01 hits a heavier ball and is more stable.

TW listed spec for the RF01 is 318, which is an average of number of measured frames. Been playing and testing frames quite a while now. I know my comfort range for SW. I will see if I can get this one measured in the next week or so. The sweet spot also seems pretty generous. That might be due to using the NXT at 56/54. Using stiffer poly can really reduce the sweet spot. As the NXT loses tension the frame is giving me more free power and larger hitting zone.

Thursday I get another 2 hours of live hitting and match play. More to report after.
How do you all measure the SW so easy, at home? I have no clue about my many rackets except for my own estimates, and if they are measured in a pro shop. How do you all know your SW so fast??
I asked a fellow TT member to measure it on his Briffidi :cool: . But I have also used the Tennis warehouse university swingweight calculator to measure my other frames which has been +/- 2 SW compared to a Briffidi measurement.



SwingTool app on iPhone, informed by a food scale for mass, sewing tape aka tailor’s tape measure for balance measured on the edge of a table with a 90 degree edge, and 2 lengths of brass hobby hanging over the edge of a table with 5 lbs weights anchoring them to swing the racquet from using the top cross.


-i strung up the new RF pro with lux.element.SOFT.IR @54lbs
-worked well for me, good tension, good comfort for that racquet
-BONUS, it adds much needed COLOR to an all black frame (which is not my cup of tea!)

-also tried lux element at 52lbs, i would do 53lbs next time
-also tried lux alu power at 51lbs, i would try 52lbs next time


Hall of Fame
I hit with a RF Pro last weekend with a Toroline hybrid and it was enticing. Ngl, I went straight to my Wilson account and put two in the cart. Out of nowhere, my wife asks “What are you planning to buy?” It’s tough because I have a dzn unused racquets laying around.


I hit with a RF Pro last weekend with a Toroline hybrid and it was enticing. Ngl, I went straight to my Wilson account and put two in the cart. Out of nowhere, my wife asks “What are you planning to buy?” It’s tough because I have a dzn unused racquets laying around.
which Hybrid? i have some K-pop sitting around..
i currently have my pro strung with O-Toro.. and plays very well.
DATSVERYINTERESTIN review of the Wilson RF01 PRO

String and tension used for test:
Babolat Xcel 16 mains 53lbs
Luxilon Alu 16l 51lbs
Tennis experience/background: old guy that's been playing for 25 years but didn't play as a kid. Always had power on shots especially on serve but learning control and spin has been a lifelong struggle! 4.5 rating but sinking to 4.0 due to my drinking solution!
Describe your playing style (i.e. serve & volley): Big Serve Big Forehand
Current racquet/string setups: currently demoing racquets but my last frame was the Aero98 that works well just doesn't have the feel im looking for. Currently the Ezone98 with leather grip is my plan going forward.
How many hours did you play with the racquet? 3 hours so far.

Comments on racquet performance for each stroke (each section should be 3-5 sentences minimum):
-Groundstrokes: pickup feel and weight is solid/heavy. Felt like too much racquet initially but the more I use it the more it feels right and other racquets feel light and hollow.
-Serves: missed the sweetspot more than usual. But when i timed it right the results were very good. Flat serves were great and this racquet definitely pancakes like TW reviewers like to say. Kick serves with this string setup especially were fast and spinny. Felt like i had pinpoint control too.
-Volleys: super solid and stable and plush feel. Headsize just feels kind of big. Feels like a Gravity Pro 100" to me. Which means it is forgiving but maybe not as maneuverable as a usual pro staff as a volleying machine.
-Serve returns: super stable. Almost the perfect return racquet. Get good combination of flat control and spin when you need it. Sort of feel it could use 18 mains or different string density for perfect control though.

Comments on racquet performance in each area (should be 2-3 sentences minimum)
Power/Control- i feel wilson did a great job of getting the power/control ratio right in middle. I didn't worry about too little power from a heavy players racquet and i didn't worry about balls sailing long if my timing was right. Sometimes with the Aero98 and Ezone98 I feel like I hit a ball perfectly but I don't always know it is going to stay in. With the RF01pro I definitely felt an increase in confidence from Control!
Top Spin/Slice- i let my friend try it and he performed the best slices I've ever seen him hit with the RF01pro. Spin is good/average/enough but nothing crazy. I had a good feeling/sensation of rolling over the ball using my wrist that created a fast shot with tons of spin too. Just not a loopy kind of spin.
Comfort- with my cheaper recreation of the Champion's Choice string setup using multi mains the comfort was fantastic. Firm but comfortable. Not flexy or plush but crisp and comfy. With full poly I might not enjoy it the same though.
Feel- pretty muted but good touch and control from the strings
Maneuverability- when i first got it i was thinking I shouldn't have asked for the pro version because it felt kind of heavy to swing. (Ive been demoing too much lately so my arm is kind of sore and dead too!). However the 12oz weight now feels good and enough to provide a super solid feel without being too sluggish.
Stability- super stable, never felt a wobble even on off center shots

General reaction/comments on overall performance:
The more I use this frame the more I like it. I will continue to update this review as I use it since I haven't used in a singles match yet. Right now I'd be more comfortable using it in doubles for its great serving and volleying capability. But maybe I will be surprised in my ability to use it while scrambling left and right too!

A quick video of me hitting some super dead ball machine balls. I don't use a 1 handed backhand but i tried a few! Worked ok and surprisingly spinny until I shanked one of the frame! Back to 2 hands for me!

What do you mean by that?
It will be interesting to hear about the weight when you actually play. I can use a Prestige even during matches for about 45 minutes but then it feels like real work hitting the ball(instead of instinct).


It was just a joke, sorta.. but I do drink too much and have gained weight as a result.
Also I've just gotten older and although parts of my game have gotten better , physically I am definitely slower and get tired faster.

No problems with the weight of the RF 01 pro now. Just feels solid. I usually weight my racquets up to 12oz though but usually keep the SW lower in the 320s.
So throughout a match but especially as it goes on I miss some of that quick whipability(?) of a lower SW but the tradeoff is easy plow and depth when you have a little more time.


This is just my opinion...i have played with all 3 frames now for over 2 weeks and i still prefer my blade 100 V9 over any of these.

they feel very muted, low powered (except the future after customization). However there is more spin.

1. The RF pro was a disappointment TBH, way off from the RF97's - plus very low powered with a small sweet spot
2. the 01 plays a lot lighter than the 320 SW. Plays like a 310.
3. Future - this may be the best one if you bring the SW upto 320-322.

Overall nothing special..!!!
Also play the blade v9 100 and bought an rf01 to try. Mine came in with a low swing weight too so pretty similar feelings as you. Had to add 5 grams to the head to be playable. Still wasn’t convinced. Sold it.


Hall of Fame
I have an RF 01 Pro in my possession. I received it strung with a prepackaged Wilson hybrid with Alu Power in the mains and NXT power in the crosses at 16 gauge (the Alu Power might be 16L?). Strung specs with an overgrip and O-dampener are 344g, 7 pt HL balance, 324 SW per Briffidi. My experience matches the reviews: feels quicker than a Pro Staff, hits a solid ball with pretty good feel and is biased towards flatter hitting and slice, and has a small and unforgiving sweet spot. I can also see how the hitting experience does feel similar to the RF97 when I make clean contact: it does have that solid, smooth, and powerful response and it drives the ball well. Overall it's a challenging frame to play with in a different way than the Pro Staff v14 or RF97; those are more sluggish but also more forgiving and give easier access to topspin because of the wider string spacing.

Mine was strung at 50 lbs and I’m thinking even lower tension with a thinner poly for more bite. If that doesn’t open up the sweet spot too then possibly just a bit of lead at 3 and 9.
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I have an RF 01 Pro in my possession. I received it strung with a prepackaged Wilson hybrid with Alu Power in the mains and NXT power in the crosses at 16 gauge (the Alu Power might be 16L?). Strung specs with an overgrip and O-dampener are 344g, 7 pt HL balance, 324 SW per Briffidi. My experience matches the reviews: feels quicker than a Pro Staff, hits a solid ball with pretty good feel and is biased towards flatter hitting and slice, and has a small and unforgiving sweet spot. I can also see how the hitting experience does feel similar to the RF97 when I make clean contact: it does have that solid, smooth, and powerful response and it drives the ball well. Overall it's a challenging frame to play with in a different way than the Pro Staff v14 or RF97; those are more sluggish but also more forgiving and give easier access to topspin because of the wider string spacing.

Mine was strung at 50 lbs and I’m thinking even lower tension with a thinner poly for more bite. If that doesn’t open up the sweet spot too then possibly just a bit of lead at 3 and 9.
Very good summary. Things I would add are: slightly more powerful but less feedback than the Pro Staff. The sweet spot is not only small, but when hitting outside of it you get an unstable response with the ball either flying (3 and 9) or dying (12).

Power Player

Bionic Poster
I'm going to spend another week with the RF01 even though I feel like I could write my review right now. Want to give it a few more runs.


Hall of Fame
After initially not really being impressed it is growing on me. Spent about 6 hrs and first 2 hrs were like I was playing on the moon. But I went from prestige pro which is a low powered noodle in comparison to this new rf that at times it felt like a foreign object.

On full strokes it felt too quick racquet face glided through the air so fast that I almost hit the ball with the top of the racquet instead of the strings on some of the first few balls.
Slices I found but was punching them too deep, felt like pure drive 98 but with 14 oz of lead. Just I could not find it.
Second outing I kind of reset and started from light slow mini tennis to hitting super slow groundstrokes. It felt almost like I had to relearn how to hit every stroke. Spent few hours just figuring it out with low, no pressure hitting and by the 3rd time I was out I played a quick match and it was effortless.

Basically I could use 30-40% of the effort to produce great pace. Almost Everything was clicking. Returns volleys slices one harder was a dream forehands effortless.
Only thing I could not find consistently is the first serve which felt like needed more time to find it. It was either out net or an ace one every 20 balls lol. Aces felt quick so I can see the potential I just didn’t know how to use it.

All in all I am considering using this as my “daily driver” as I could get the same result with minimal effort in comparison to prestige pro or blade 98. Yes it’s stiff AF and looks weird imho but easy power was addicting.

You might think of, course you need time to adjust, but this is highly unusual for me. I switch racquets for fun all the time and at best it takes me 20-30min not 5hrs to understand the racquet.
All in All I’m kind of glad I stuck with it. After the adjustment, I can see the resemblance of RF 97 and even a glimmer of pro staff 90 with that crispy response.

Forgot to say for all 6hr so far it was strung with champs choice at 57 and it feels perfect.


Indeed, this is a racquet you need to give it a lot of time before you can "click" with it. I went through many phases, from excitement to disappointment, then frustration, and then despair and only with loads of patience and a lot of trial and error I was able eventually to decipher it and make it work for me, finally able to hit the ball hard and with confidence. This happened after more than 20h with it on the court, which is a lot more than any new racquet I played with. The easy power is addictive and it gets under your skin fast. After the long trial period with the RF01 Pro, I switched back to the Pro Staff and well well well, I quickly discovered how lazy I became: "no more free power for you!" :)
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