Tennis Warehouse Playtest: Ytex Quadro Twist

TW Staff

Attention Talk Tennis Members:

The sign-up period for Ytex Quadro Twist 1.26mm has ended. The selected playtesters have been notified by email.

We have a very limited quantity of strings to playtest. We select playtesters based on a number of factors.

Playtest reviews are due by Friday April 24.

Include the following in your review:

Tension(s) used for playtest
Regular string set up
Racquet brand and model used for test
Power of test string
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?)
Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time)
Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?)
Compare to the string you use most often
Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?)
List any additional thoughts (optional)
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Hall of Fame
What does someone have to do to be apart of these playtests? I would have loved to had playtested this string. I actually have a pack here to play with soon.


What does someone have to do to be apart of these playtests? I would have loved to had playtested this string. I actually have a pack here to play with soon.

Your timing has to be good. Once you see the announcement, send in the info immediately.

If you already have a pack to try, then you don't need the free set. I've already tried it and wanted to let others do the same so I'm not participating either.


Yup, you have to be very quick. I saw the post but I've used this string before so I'm going to let the next guy.


I was selected. First time to get in on a play test so very excited! :)

Can wait to string this myself on the good ole Klipper!


New User
Strung this up yesterday at 55lbs and had a hit with it today, its relatively comfortable so normal tension would do. Fun string to hit around with.


Attention Talk Tennis Members:

The sign-up period for Ytex Quadro Twist 1.26mm has ended. The selected playtesters have been notified by email.

We have a very limited quantity of strings to playtest. We select playtesters based on a number of factors.

Playtest reviews are due by Friday April 24.

Include the following in your review:

Tension(s) used for playtest
Regular string set up
Racquet brand and model used for test
Power of test string
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?)
Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time)
Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?)
Compare to the string you use most often
Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?)
List any additional thoughts (optional)

Hello TW:

Do you require us (the play testers) to string in a full bed or can we do a hybrid...

Ytex Quadro Twist - Mains... other string cross?


jim e

I had some extra time to hit this week and put in a good # of hours hitting. Hit with the string for its usable playability time and just cut it out. I thought I should post this now before I forget how it hit.. so here is my review.

Tension(s) used for playtest: 50 LBS.
Regular string set up: Wilson Natural Gut 16g. 64lbs
Racquet brand and model used for test: Head Radical
Power of test string: 3.5/5 Power is average for poly for big ground strokes or maybe a little better, but... short swings and volleys lack pop. Power is there with big swings
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?)4/5 Felt crisp to me, but I am a nat. gut hitter. String has more feel than most polys I have used
The string hits well on off center hits as well.
Spin:4/5 String snaps back on big ground strokes and there is plenty of spin. one of the best attributes of this string, although I am more of a flat ball hitter
Comfort: 4/5 Soft on arm, a comfortable string for a poly
Durability:3/5 String held up till I cut it out after 9 hours. See comment on playability duration.
Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time) 3/5 Hit with it for 8 hours (single hitting) , and after that the playability and comfort dropped and it was time to cut it out by the 9th hour.
Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?) 4/5 There was decent control and spin, especially with big ground strokes and the ball stays in .
Compare to the string you use most often: Hard to make a good comparison to nat. gut as nat. gut hits well until it breaks as this string hit decent up to the 8 hour time then playability and comfort went down
Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?) If I used this string again, I would use a lower tension probably in lower 40 lb. range to see if there would be a longer playability duration and also to see if that would help with help with the lack of pop with the short swings and volleys
List any additional thoughts (optional)String edges are rounded and that makes this string an easy string to string up. Took very little time to string it up. Stringers should like this poly to string.
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Hall of Fame
Tension(s) used for playtest: 57 ibs

Regular string set up: Pro's Pro Vendetta @ 57 ibs

Racquet brand and model used for test: Wilson Prostaff RF 97

Power of test string: Its in the middle of the road for this string. It has its power of its own, but not enough to make my racket a rocket launcher.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): Its on the firmer side on all the polys that i used. It does bother my arm for a bit after it came off the machine. After 2 hitting session, it started to soften itself up.

Spin: Spin production was good on this string due to the shape. It isnt as much as Babolat RPM blast because of its slick surface, but its above average compared to other polys.

Comfort: It took couple of hitting sessions to get the comfort that I'm expecting from this string. After that, it played comfortably throughout the playtest.

Durability: It didnt last very long on my RF 97. I do tend to break strings on this stick more than the PS90 that i formally use. It lasted around th 5th hitting session. Which is the 5th hour.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): It did drop in control around the 3rd hour. When the 5th hour came, the control was completely lost and i had a hard time controlling my shots until it broke.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): Its a control string. It was easy for me to place the ball where i wanted it to be at.

Compare to the string you use most often: It plays similar to a Genesis Twisted Razer. They both have the same spin production and the control that they offer

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?): I would string it around the 55s or 52 ibs to make it more playable after it came from the stringing machine.


Hall of Fame
I know there's only two reviews so far but wow.... Andy and Chris raved about the playability duration and power in their reviews, and these two play testers are saying just the opposite.

jim e

I know there's only two reviews so far but wow.... Andy and Chris raved about the playability duration and power in their reviews, and these two play testers are saying just the opposite.

Very possible they could have used a lower tension than I did, that may effect playability duration. That's a reason there can be different reviews, as there are different variables like different racquets with different patterns like 16x20 or 18x20, mp or OS size, type of hitter player is, as well as reference tension and the type of stringing machine used, this is what makes different reviews from different players.
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Tension(s) used for playtest- 50lbs on a lockout
Regular string set up- VS Touch 16 /Lynx 17 (55/45)
Racquet brand and model used for test- Weighted up Blade 93 2013
Power of test string- About medium power for a poly. Sits in between ALU Power and BHB7 for me. I felt that I could swing pretty aggressively without it flying on my. Medium power for a poly, maybe even towards the higher power level.
Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?)- This string felt super mushy and muted. It felt like the ball really sunk into the strings, but it didn't shoot off with as much power as I was expecting, and in that way it felt a little dead almost. It was also really muted. I felt like I was unsure where the ball would be landing after I hit it.
Spin- Spin was mediocre. I really didn't experience the massive spin potential that Andy and Chris experienced. I didn't feel like it grabbed the ball well, and the extreme pocketing feeling didn't help in that regard either.
Comfort- One thin about this string is I did feel it was quite comfy. That super deep pocketing and mushy, muted feeling helped the comfort.
Durability- This string felt pretty thick for a 1.26mm. It took me just under 2 weeks to break it.
Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time)- It became even muddier and mushier feeling over time and it felt as though it lost a good deal of tension. However, such is the norm for poly. I thought it was pretty middle of the road in terms of playability duration, maybe a hair better than average.
Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?)- Due to the super mushy and muted feel, I had a hard time gauging where my balls would land, especially depth wise. The response wasn't necessarily inconsistent, I just didn't have a good idea of where the ball was going to land and with what degree of spin it would have. The control was pretty good though, I felt like I could keep the ball in the court pretty well without it flying on me unexpectedly.
Compare to the string you use most often- My current setup is a little crisper and cleaner feeling. I feel the spin is pretty close too, maybe with a slight edge to the Y-Tex. My setup wins comfort wise and the Y-Tex wins control wise. Overall I much prefer my setup.
Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?)- After hitting it, I would try to go up in tension to drain out that awful mushy feeling. However, if I went up significantly more, I would be concerned about it having enough power to get the job done from the baseline.
List any additional thoughts (optional)- This string could pair well with a super stiff racket, since it is very comfy and muted. Its not a bad string, just not the feel I enjoy and the string thats right for my racket.


Tension(s) used for playtest: 53/50 on a drop weight (47.7lbs reading from racquet tune)

Regular string set up: 52/55 Shaped mains (Cyclone, TB, Rpm) and syn gut crosses

Racquet brand and model used for test: Volk C10 Pro

Power of test string: Medium to medium-high for a poly. Easy power for put aways and such.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): Muted and soft for full polyester. I don't have a problem with the feel but it was accentuated by my already soft frame so this would would probably suit stiffer frames if you don't want to hit with a pillow.

Spin: I was surprised at how (relatively) little spin I got from Quadro Twist. Spin was fairly average for me as far as full beds of polyester go, and a good bit less than what I get with my usual setups.

Comfort: I have no issues with comfort, but I did notice some jarring at the edge of the stringbed. Once again, the soft feel was appreciated, but not really a plus or a minus to me, as the C10 is an inherently soft frame itself.

Durability: I'm not a fast string breaker, but Quadro twist seems to be holding up well. I've played a couple matches and about 10 hours of practice hitting with it and there's notching.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): I really didn't like it my first outing on groundstrokes, but loved it on the serve from the get-go. It softened up after a bit, and my groundies felt better with a bit more spin and pop, but I didn't feel the same point and shoot type feel with the serve after that. It does get noticeably softer and more powerful as it stays in the frame. Spin stays pretty much the same, with a bit of a drop off later in my playtest.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): Control was good, although when really trying to flatten out a shot, the softness made the ball fly. I had to tame some of those shots with spin, as to not let that happen more so than I'm used to.

Compare to the string you use most often: Not as much spin, less crisp, similar comfort, with more power especially now with double digit hours put into the string.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?): I thought the tension performed alright, though I wish it didn't lose tension and gain power so quickly. I might have to experiment later with a bit higher and lower tensions.

List any additional thoughts (optional): A good soft, relatively powerful poly with average spin for me. Thanks for TW as always!


New User
So interesting how varied the responses are to any given string depending on the user, racquet and set-up, style and level of play, etc. It makes one wonder what the usefulness of these playtests really are to anyone other than the play-testers themselves. That's why I prefer the actual TW reviews because it's the same players reviewing many different strings, players who's styles and skill levels I at least have some idea of based on both their comments and seeing them hit on video reviews. My results with Quadrotwist were almost a mirror image of Chris and Andy's.

I'm a 4.0 player who relies on heavy topspin off both wings and a big kick serve to compete with players who may have better touch and consistency than I do. Quadrotwist is my favorite string so far and I get more spin and control with it than any other in my Prince Tour 100T ESP at 54lbs. I believe it's due more to the amazing slickness and snap-back than to its shape. I also get superior comfort, durability and playabilty duration from this string, although spin potential is my #1 priority. I've done recent comparisons with, in descending order of preference:

Diadem Power: Amazing spin and control and could be as good or better than Quadrotwist, but it's only been in my racquet for 90 minutes of hitting, so the jury is still out. It's not a slick string so it really relies on its super-sharp edges to produce spin. That makes me wonder about its playability duration compared to Quadrotwist - we'll see how it goes. I have a pack of Diadem Pro which will be the next string to test - can't wait - these are really fun strings!

Tier 1 Firewire: Great spin, slightly less than Quadrotwist, with less control and little snapback, so the spin and control disappeared relatively quickly compared to Quadrotwist as the edges wore down.

Ytex Square-X: As good as Quadrotwist in every way with except slightly less initial spin production. Flatter hitters might prefer it as I felt a little more control on flat balls, but I almost never hit a flat ball.

Wilson gut - Head Hawk hybrid: Such a pleasure to play with, great touch and power, #1 in playability duration, but not enough spin for me.

Solinco Tour Bite: Great spin, though I got a hair more from Quadrtwist. Just not comfortable enough for me (I have a touch of tennis elbow by the way).

Volkl Cyclone: Good string, just couldn't quite match Quadrotwist in any department for me, spin, control or comfort. I actually cut this one out pretty quickly.

Kirschbaum Max Power Rough: A little bit out of my wheelhouse since I like comfy, powerful strings. I could generate really good spin with great control if I swing extremely hard on every shot, but way too tough on my arm to do that and still not as much spin as Quadrotwist with a normal swing.

I still have all of the other Tier 1 strings in my bag yet to test and I have Cyclone Tour on order. I don't string my own racquets so this is getting VERY expensive. So much fun though, I guess I better get a stringing machine and learn how to string.


Ytex Quadro Twist

Tension(s) used for playtest: 50lbs on lockout machine

Regular string set up: MSC CoFocus 50 lbs

Racquet brand and model used for test: head extreme pro ig 2.0

Power of test string: above average. This is one of the poly I felt more powerful than I liked.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): Crisp. It is very lively string bed with good power on ground strokes. On volley, it felt very firm.

Spin: average. This string does not provide good spin. The spin production is average to the best for a poly. I can produce spin but on the well hit top spin balls, I do not see much action on the other side of the court. To me, this is a bit of disappointment.

Comfort This is the best part of this string. very comfortable for a poly. Even though I strung at 50lbs, I think it should be quite comfortable if I strung up few more lbs.

Durability very good. I am not a string breaker and it holds up pretty well.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time) It holds pretty well in the first 10 hours and felt more powerful than I like after that. Throughout the play test, it performed pretty consistent.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?) Control is about the average for me. The control mainly come from spin and I cannot generate enough spin with this string. Make it more difficult, this string is more powerful than my regular setup, so I hit a lot of balls long and have to adjust. Once I made the adjustment, I can hit the ball deep on the court but the ball lack the action and very flat.
On serve, I have pretty good control on directional. I had a bit issue to control the depth on kick serve but ok after some adjustment.

Compare to the string you use most often Compare to MSC CoFocus, it is more powerful, less spin and less control. I feel much more comfortable with my regular setup and able to hit more freely. For the comfort, this string is more comfortable than my regular setup.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?) 52-54lbs. I had it string at my normal tension and did not enjoy the play test as much due to its power. If I have the chance to play it again, I will string up few more lbs to lower the power and hopefully to gain a bit more spin by swing harder. Currently I have to manage the depth and unable to swing freely.

List any additional thoughts (optional) This is a great comfortable string with good durability. It is also a powerful string. I can see this string will suit a lot of 3.0-3.5 players who need some power assistance and hits flat. Also this string is a good choice for player who have elbow or shoulder issue.


After hitting with this for a full week and playing both singles and doubles matches I am posting up my review.
Glad I waited because my opinions of this string changed from my first hit through to my last hit.

Tension(s) used for playtest: 50lbs strung on a dropweight Klippermate

Regular string set up: Prince syn gut @55lbs in mains, ISOSPEED Baseline Control 16 @50lbs in crosses

Racquet brand and model used for test: Wilson Pro Staff 97, 1 overgrip on top of regular grip and a Wilson vibration dampner

Power of test string: 8/10 on power I had to reel back my forehand as balls would consistently fly long if I tried to hit full power. High power greatly helped my one handed backhand which is usually low on power so backhands were deeper than normal.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): One of the better feeling polys I have played with. It felt crisp yet soft/comfortable. I felt like there was plenty of feedback on the string without being harsh and hurting my elbow (a common theme for me with full poly string jobs).

Spin: 7/10 This is the aspect of the string that changed the most for me from my first to the last hit. At first I felt the string was very low on spin potential and I did not like it. My second and third times out with it though the spin dramatically improved. Spin improved enough that I had my opponents comment on how much action the ball had on my kick serve and groundstrokes. For once I could truly value one of their opinions as I played against the head varsity coach of the mens TCU tennis team. He told me that my balls were kicking fantastically after the bounce. My theory on the spin improvement is on my first hit the strings may have been strung too tight for the racquet and did not get enough movement. On my second and third hit the strings had been used and lost some tension allowing more movement and imparting better spin.

Comfort: 9/10 By far one of the most comfortable polys I have played with as a full string job. The string is not harsh or stiff but still offers good feedback and decent feel.

Durability: 9/10 I have hit these strings for 8 hours now and they show no signs of wear. As for tension loss I would give these strings a 8/10 which is really good for a poly. They lost some tension after the first hitting session but nothing dramatic like Kirschbaum Pro Line II or my ISOSpeed baseline control.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): Better than average for a poly. Initially I felt the string may have been strung a tad too high and I was not getting enough spin. On my 2nd and 3rd hits the strings lost a bit of tension and the spin really kicked in. In my experience full poly beds usually are terrible after 1 or 2 matches. I felt that these strings were still ok after by the end of my 2nd match. By the end of the 3rd match I could tell the strings were starting to lose their life.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): 7/10 The strings are very predictable and as long as I kept from trying to outright blast a winner I was able to hit nice deep and spinny shots. I was never quite able to dial in with this string well enough to go for outright winners as I would spray my shots long every time.

Compare to the string you use most often: Compared to my regular string I think the big takeaway here is durability. My regular string setup, which is a syn gut main, would be heavily notched by now and quite possibly be broken. This string ultimately offers a touch more spin but less controllable power than my regular setup.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?): For my racquet I think the 50lbs I strung at initially was pretty close to ideal but if doing it over again I might drop down to 48 just so it would be ready right out of the bag without needing to drop a few lbs of tension after hitting.

List any additional thoughts (optional):
  • Stringing: I strung this myself on a Klippermate dropweight machine. This was a very easy poly to string with and light years better than something like Kirschbaum Pro Line II. Since its not a super stiff poly the coil memory isnt too bad and the crosses are not the usual nightmare when you get down to the last 3 or 4.
  • I would be interested to try this string out as a hybrid using a smooth poly for the crosses. Due to the texture on the string I think as a full bed you lose out on some spin. I may buy some a put my normal ISOSpeed baseline as the crosses and this as the main. The smooth poly cross would probably help me get even more spin.
  • Overall I give this string 8/10 for a poly and ended up enjoying the playtest quite a bit. This string started out as a dud but really came alive my 2nd and 3rd times out.

AC Tennis

My Review

Tension(s) used for playtest: 50lbs on a drop weight machine

Regular string set up: Prince Beast XP 17g at 50lbs

Racquet brand and model used for test: Prince Tour 100 16x18

Power of test string: Initially I thought the power was fairly low, but after 5 or 6 hours, the power increased (as tension dropped) to average power for a full bed of poly.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): This also changed over time. At first I didn’t like the feel. It was stiff with very little power and felt muted and dead. But as the string broke in the feel improved and it began to feel comfortable, more powerful and controllable. I actually liked the feel once it broke in.

Spin: Started off terrible. I couldn’t really understand how a full bed of shaped poly could have so little spin. But again, after about 5 or 6 hours, spin improved. I think as the string stretched out it became more elastic and snapped back better. Now, after about 12 hours it generates pretty good spin. Nothing exceptional, but average for a shaped poly.

Comfort: Same as above. Poor initially, but after about 6 hours, the comfort was very good.

Durability: 12+ hours and going strong. No notching.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): As mentioned above, the playability got better over time and once it stretched out and settled, the playability has been excellent. And it has not changed after about 6 hours. A strong factor for this sting.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): Poor at first. Dead and no feel. Better as it broke in. It is now predictable and generates some decent spin. It also has good touch on angles and drop shots due to the elasticity. After it settles, it is fairly powerful and flat shots tend to sail. I found I have to put a lot of spin to control short balls and hit them deep with spin to be aggressive.

Compare to the string you use most often: Beast XP gives more spin, power and feel. The Quadro gives a little better control and maintains its playing characteristics for much longer. Durability and playability were much better with the Quadro.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?): This is a hard one. At first I was going to recommend lowering the tension to get some more power, but after it broke in and settled the 50lbs was just about right.

List any additional thoughts (optional): An interesting string. It had a much longer break in period than any other string I have tried. Most polys I play with settle after about 2-3 hours. This string took twice as long. Not a bad string, but don’t think it will be my go to.
Tension(s) used for playtest: 60lbs on electronic constant pull with 5% pre-stretch

Regular string set up: Volkl Cyclone 17 @ 60lbs on electronic constant pull with 5% pre-stretch

Racquet brand and model used for test: Wilson Six.One 95 16x18

Power of test string: This string pocketed the ball well, but I was disappointed with the lack of put away power on serve. During groundstrokes I was never comfortable taking a huge cut at the ball because of its lack of spin and control.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): The feel of this string was dead and mushy. It was not very responsive and I never felt comfortable going for touch shots. I found a much longer dwell time with Quadro Twist compared to Cyclone.

Spin: Coming from Cyclone 17, I was very unimpressed by the amount of spin I was getting. I had never played with a shaped poly with so little spin.

Comfort: This string was much softer than my usual setup, but I do not have a history of arm issues (used to use Big Banger Original at 68lbs with no issues) so I am not a good judge of comfort level, but I thought it was above average for a poly.

Durability: I broke this string in my third hour of hitting (2 hours of drilling and 1 hour of match play). This is on par with my normal setup, so I would rate the durability as average for a poly.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): For the three hours I used the string I did not notice much drop in playability.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): This was the biggest downfall of this string. I am used to getting much more spin and less power from my normal setup, so I was hesitant to take huge cuts at the ball. I found decent lateral control, but struggled in controlling my depth.

Compare to the string you use most often: I much prefer my usual Cyclone 17 because of its added spin and less power.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?): I feel that I the tension I used (60lbs) was a good starting point, but I would probably go up in tension if I decided to use this string again (which I won't).

List any additional thoughts (optional): This is a string I do not have a desire to use again as I struggled with control and spin. It was both dead and mushy.
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scotus' review of Ytex Quadro Twist

Tension(s) used for playtest: 42 lbs (each string was tensioned for 1 minute CP)

Regular string set up: Luxilon ALU Spin 16L, Volkl V-Torque 16, Head Hawk 16, etc. all around 40-42 lbs.

Racquet brand and model used for test: Wilson Pro Staff 100LS, extended to 28 inches.

Power of test string: Sufficient. Enough to hit winners, not too much to cause control issues.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): It felt crisp, but stiffer than the other polys I use. I will adjust accordingly next time.

Spin: Excellent. It wasn’t quite as good as ALU Spin or V-Torque when hitting low-to-high loopy topspin shots, but it was by far the best when I hit through the ball. Just close the racquet face a bit and then drive the ball with a whole lot of racquet head speed, as if going for a flat winner. The string shoots the ball with ample power and brings it down into the court at the last moment. What a rush, that was just too much fun.

Comfort: Not as comfortable as the other polys listed above. I am definitely going to string it a couple of pounds lower.

Durability: I played 3 sessions of doubles and it is now moving around like crazy. Time to re-string.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): Playability has been great all throughout. I would say the first session was the worst, and that's probably due to the tension being too high for me.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): Control was excellent and very predictable. The launch angle was also predictable and quite normal (not high) even at low tension.

Compare to the string you use most often: As mentioned above, the fast drive was the sweetest aspect of playing with this string. Overall excellent spin, but my other strings are all excellent spin strings, so Ytex does not trump them in the spin area. Also, this string is stiffer than my other polys, but I believe I can control that with tension. Tension maintenance was superior to my other polys.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?) I will go down 2-3 lbs on my next try.

List any additional thoughts (optional): This is an excellent, top-notch string. I would recommend this not only to topspin players but also to flat hitters.

Many thanks to TW for allowing me to participate in the playtest.
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SteveI's Review : Ytex Quadro Twist - 16L

Tension(s) used for playtest: 52/50 lbs. CP - Machine

Regular string set up: Tourna Big Hitter Silver 17G / Syn. Gut 16G Hybrid - 50 / 48

Racquet brand and model used for test: Dunlop Bio 400 (Modified - 11.6 oz - 6/7 points HL)

Power of test string: Power was very average. I was expecting more for reading other reviews and user comments left at TW and Talk Tennis. My normal set-up provides more free power. That may be sure due to the fact that it is a hybrid and the syn gut in my normal set-up is selected to soften the stringbed, open up the sweetspot and provide better feel.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): Crisp, I was hoping for a softer feel. My normal setup has a bit better feel.

Spin: The spin potential was about on pair with my normal set-up. Nothing out of this world.. Sorry to say

Comfort: Not as comfortable as my normal set-up. Of course I would not expect it to be.

Durability: Happy with this aspect for sure. Very little string movement and the stringbed is still playing crisp and tension seems to be holding quite well so far.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): Playability has great... very very happy with this string. Better than my normal set-up.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): Control was excellent and very predictable. The launch angle was also predictable and quite normal even at low tension. Loved it..

Compare to the string you use most often: Please see above.. I have been comparing this string to my current setup in each section. I am planning to string this in a hybrid. Going to use a round, smooth and soft poly as the cross.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?) I would go down 2 lbs. on my next try for sure to see if I can get a little softer feel and a bit more free power.

List any additional thoughts (optional): Pretty nice string for the price. Easy to string and a decent price/point. I am impressed for sure.. I would and have bought this again... :)

Thanks TW.. maybe a Happy Hour Special would be in order or a Facebook Discount... :)
Tension(s) used for playtest: 48 lbs with a Wise tension head

Regular string set up: Prince Warrior Hybrid Touch at 50 lbs

Racquet brand and model used for test: Prince Textreme 100T

Power of test string: medium powered for a poly

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): crisp but not as soft as I had hoped for

Spin: very good

Comfort: ok. From reading all the reviews on the forum, I thought they would be super plush but they were a little firm for me

Durability: pretty good, played with them for about 10 hours, finally cut them out due to tension loss

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time):the strings stayed pretty consistent throughout the playtest, I felt a big drop in tension around the 8 hour mark and shots became difficult to control, spin was pretty consistent even after the edges had worn off

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): control was great, it was very easy to control depth by using the good spin potential, I felt like the faster I swung the more control I got with these strings, touch shots were ok (I've never been a fan of poly for volleying though)

Compare to the string you use most often: compared to my current string, Quadro twist offered more spin at the cost of comfort and feel

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?): I would drop the tension a couple more pounds to see if I could get some more feel/comfort

List any additional thoughts (optional): Honestly, I was kind of disappointed because I had high expectations from reading all the great reviews. But I just did not feel the softness that everyone was raving about. Don't get me wrong, it is a fantastic poly when we're talking about all out performance but it was just lacking in the feel/comfort department. I would definitely recommend this string to anyone who likes to hang out at the baseline and hit lots of heavy groundstrokes.

Thanks TW for allowing me this opportunity! You guys rock!


Tension used for playtest: 53 lbs

Regular string set up: MonoGut ZX Pro/Gamma TNT2 @59 lbs

Racquet brand and model used for test: Prince Tour 100 16x18

Power of test string: This string has a decent amount of power for a poly string.

Feel: It is muted and soft for a poly string. It offers a good solid and soft ball pocket.

Spin: Spin is decent but not exceptional for a poly.

Comfort: This part stands out for this string. It is very comfortable and soft for my elbow.

Durability: I am not a string breaker but there are no notches for over 10 hours on this string.

Playability Duration: This string bed was getting softer after first 2 hours of play. Its softness and good ball pocketing are still fine after 10 hours of play.

Control: It is good for depth and direction control but requires fast and full swings to generate them.

Compare to the string you use most often: I currently play with MonoGut ZX Pro/TNT2. This set up is great for comfort, durability, and playability. This setup is more comfortable and playable compared to Quadro Twist. However, Quadro Twist is very soft and comfortable for a poly-based string.

Tension recommendations: Around 50 lbs will be ideal for this string.

List any additional thoughts: This string is a soft and comfortable poly with a decent power. I recommend this string whoever wants to use poly with arm problems.

I appreciate TW and Ytex having this opportunity.
Last edited:


Tension(s) used for playtest: 53 Lbs. constant pull

Regular string set up: Prince Premier Control 16

Racquet brand and model used for test: Volkl C10 Pro 98 (2010)

Power of test string: Medium power

Feel: Surprisingly soft feel for a poly. I suspect this may have something to do with the fact that Polyolefin is one of the materials mixed in with this co-poly string. Head RIP control uses this and I like the feel of that string.

Spin: Spin was kind of disappointing considering some of the hype I've read about this string. I don't have exaggerated topspin strokes so I wasn't expecting magic, but I've gotten better spin from other shaped polys I've tried such as WC B5E.

Comfort: Very comfortable string. I've used poly strings on and off in the past and this is one of the few polys I could switch to without worry about joint pain.

Durability: Very good in my book but I am not a string breaker. Have about 10 hours on it now and no sign of issues. String seems to snap back to its original position well.

Playability Duration: The first time out, the string felt a little tight but after the first few outings it settled in and had good play-ability through the 10 hours I've used it.

Control: Control was good for me. At 53 lbs the string almost played for me like a multi at 58-60 lbs. Every once in a while I would launch a ball deep with this string so it can be quite powerful but I blame that more on technique than string. I would string it a little tighter if I was to use it again maybe like 55-56 lbs. For me, touch and feel compared to a multi or gut are just OK, but that is my normal opinion of poly strings in general.

Additional thoughts: This is a comfortable string which would be a great choice for someone trying out poly for the first time. Stringing was quite easy and it did not have extreme coil memory like most poly strings.

Thanks TW for including me in this review !


New User
Tension(s) used for playtest - 55lbs
Regular string set up - Volkl Cyclone at 55lbs
Racquet brand and model used for test - Babolat Pure Drive

Power of test string - Power for the Ytex Quadro feels medium to medium low to me. Right from the start, it felt like I had to generate my own pace, nothing is given to me unless the incoming ball has a lot of pace on it. It has plenty of pop if you are working with a full swing.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?) - Feel on it is a bit soft and muted but not mushy. I had the Ytex in a Pure Drive so the blend of soft strings in a stiff racquet works out nicely. As I hit, I really enjoyed how the string cushioned the hard incoming ball and gave it a plush feel. At the same time, I still felt my swing was very connected to the ball and not all muted out.

Spin - Spin was good, I'd say about average to slightly above average. I didn't feel the twist shape on the string gave it that much additional spin but it was still adequate. I thought the softness of the string bed pocketed nicely and that was the main reason for spin production of the Ytex.

Comfort - Needless to say, comfort for the Ytex is one of the highlights for this play test. Shots that hit the sweet spot has a nice plush feel to it, off center shots were cushioned that it did not jar the arm/elbow enough to be noticeable. Even with a high level of comfort, the string still had a very lively feel to it, high marks here.

Durability - Durability was below average. After the first hour of hitting, I've noticed notching in the strings. For the fun and exciting hits it provided for that time, I would say it was worth it. The string broke after a couple weeks of hitting but for those that are not string breakers, you should be fine. Try it out, you will enjoy it.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time) - Playability and tension wise I thought it held up quite well. Ytex had a nice feel to it when first strung up, after a few hours of hitting there is a slight drop off in performance but nothing dramatic. It kept most of its characteristics until the end. I was impressed with the Ytex in this category.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?) - Control for me was excellent, control on depth was fairly easy and consistent. When hitting out on shots my usual setup Cyclone can get a bit springy and send some balls flying but I never had that feeling with the Ytex, everything hit was well under control, partly I have to attribute this to the lower power compared to Cyclone.

Compare to the string you use most often - Ytex and Cyclone is an interesting comparison, they are both on the softer side of co-polys but Cyclone has more power, plays a bit more crisp and has more spin. Ytex has a higher level of comfort, feels more connected to the player thus it had better control and feel. Its had less power, slightly muted and less durability.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?) - To me normal tension would do, this is a very soft/comfortable string, for those that like stiffer strings you may consider going up a couple pounds on this.

List any additional thoughts (optional) - First impression on Ytex, this is a very comfortable string, slightly muted but nothing to complain about, played very nicely, string was very responsive and I felt very connected between string, racquet and myself. After the first few hours of play, notching appeared and string broke after a couple weeks of play. Overall this was a very enjoyable string to play with and at this price point I would recommend others to give it a try.


Tension(s) used for playtest: 55 lbs

Regular string set up: Solinco Tour Bite Diamond Rough 1.20 @ 55

Racquet brand and model used for test: Yonex Ezone AI 98

Power of test string: It is definitely more on the powerful side of polys. Similar power levels to Tour Bite Soft, perhaps a bit less than Tourna BHB7

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): I find it to be right in the middle between firm and soft. It starts out a bit softer but gets firmer with age for me.

Spin: For the rave spin reviews that it got, I didn't really find that it lived up to the hype. Granted, it is still above average than most, but I still feel like I get more out of a 1.20 gauge string.

Comfort: Overall, I never had an issue with comfort. This is definitely one of the more comfy strings that I have used, and it compares well with "soft" marketed strings.

Durability: I usually have to cut before I break strings, so durability held up well enough for me.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): I do find that the playability drops around the average mark for a poly, 5-6 hours, but not drastically so. Like I mentioned earlier, while it does lose tension, it seems to firm up for me, which gives a little extra feedback in ball placement. Still high overall playability duration though.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): The control was about average for me, I've found more control with Luxilon and Solinco strings, but it wasn't anything terribly uncontrollable. I did find that the occasional shot would sail long that usually felt good.

Compare to the string you use most often: It plays very similar to another Ytex offering, Square-X, with a bit more power and more bite. On the other hand, it also is a more controlled version of BHB7, also with a little less bite.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?): Usually my golden rule is not to string above 52 unless I know it's a legit power poly, but perhaps around 54 would be best, just to mitigate the little added extra pop that comes from the string.

Additional thoughts: To me, I was definitely excited to try the string out, having seen some of the reviews and heard some of the hype. While it is definitely a nice string, I'm not sure if it quite lives up to the hype, and part of that may be because it didn't gel with the racket. Often, I felt like I lost the ball in the AI98, when I prefer to get more crisp feedback with the stick. I've tried this string in other rackets and the performance was also much different.

At any rate, Thanks to TW and Ytex for letting me playtest another great product!
Tension(s) used for playtest: 55/54lbs

Regular string set up: Volkl Cyclone 17 @52lbs

Racquet brand and model used for test: Head Graphene Speed Pro

Power of test string: Noticeably more powerful than my usual string set-up. Felt a little excessive at times.

Feel: Soft and muted, I attribute it to the shaped and twisted design of the string. I could feel the ball sink into the strings.

Spin: Above average, but not outstanding. Great spin on my second serves though, that thing was shooting up all over the place I must say. Heavy groundstrokes came by just as easily as with my usual set up.

Comfort: Due to the soft nature of the string, comfort was never an issue. I'm fairly young and have never had problems with comfort playing poly at high tensions so I'm not the best gauge for determining comfort.

Durability: My set snapped at the 3.5 hour mark after 2 hours of high intensity drills and a 3 set match.

Playability Duration: I broke the strings before I noticed any drop in playability.

Control: Depth control was excellent, didn't have to swing all out to get consistent deep placement. Directional control felt a slight bit less reliable, couldn't completely go for the lines, had to give myself a bit of a wider margin. Volleys were point and shoot with this, really enjoyed put aways.

Compare to the string you use most often: Cyclone really lets me feel the ball get crushed and deflected off the strings, Quadro twist lets the ball sink in a bit more with dwell time. Spin was about even with the YTex, power was definitely higher which was nice on serve and backhands, but forehands could've appreciated a bit less power.

Tension recommendations: I use an 18x20 string pattern so I don't suggest anything higher than 55 unless you're using gut, but this was pretty soft at 55 so you could go higher if so desired.


Tension(s) used for playtest: 45 Lbs (JET method), strung with electronic CP machine

Regular string set up: Yonex PTP or PTHS

Racquet brand and model used for test: Yonex Ai98

Power of test string: I found the power level to be similar to other soft polys. It's not a low power, control string....and it isn't a string board either. It's a manageable power level that would be great for first time poly users.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?): I found Quadro Twist to be muted. I prefer a crisp feel and sound on impact. This string is closer to Big Hitter Black 7 is its feel. BHB7 is very stringy. QT isn't as springy, but I defintely felt like the ball got a little lost on the stringbed.

Spin: I hit with a lot of spin with all strings, so I am not always a good judge for this category. In terms of spin, I didn't notice anything significantly different in spin production. I was hoping to after reading the TW review from Chris and Andy. Spin production was at normal poly levels, IMO.

Comfort: I found comfort right from the start with this string. After having suffered a couple acute tennis elbow injuries in the last 2 years, I am very sensitive to harsh strings. Ytex QT is a nice, comfy, arm friendly string !!! For an all poly setup, comfort is at the top for the poly list. It is as comfy as many 18 gauge polys ( PTP 120 and Prince XT.)

Durability: I had no issues with durability. It notched just like all polys... visible notching in the 1st hour. deeper notching in hours 2-4. after hour 4, notching seems to settle in and not get much deeper. This is about the same for every poly i play though. For reference, syn guts and multis break within 2-3 hour mark for me.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time): This was interesting for me. In the first couple hours of hitting, the strings felt amazing. great snapback, strings remained shiny, shots dropped into play, etc. In the later hours of play, especially in 3-7, I noticed more flyers, more balls going out, not as much kick on serves. By the 8th hour of play, I thought there was something wrong with my racquet. Any shot not squarely in the sweetspot felt like I was hitting with a 2x4 ! I've never felt that feeling before. It almost felt like when a carbon fiber baseball/softball bat "loses it pop." Not only did it feel weird, the shots sounded odd. I was really concerned that my racquet had issues. At this point, I cut out the Ytex Quado Twist.... and the strings had no elasticity left. cutting the strings only made the strings pull back about an 1/8-1/4" from the cut. That's dead, folks! I restrung the racquet and played later.... the racquet was fine.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?): When I think of control, I think of very low powered strings. QT is a good string, but it has too much power to be a "control" string. It is certainly better than playing with multis of synguts. this is a well rounded string with a balance of power, control, and touch.

Compare to the string you use most often: I would compare QT mostly to when I play with a gut/poly hybrid. It has the muted power that a gut hybrid gives you. it also has similar spin production. The gut/poly last a lot longer in terms of playability, but gut/poly is considerably more expensive. I usually restring my poly crosses once before the gut evenutally gives way. Qt would be a great string to get that gut/poly feel but without the cost or care needed for using gut.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?): ahh.... tension.... this is where I have a feeling that some guidance from Ytex would have been great. I have a feeling that QT should not be strung at lower tensions (40s). From reading other reviews, there are wildly different opinions on spin production. I think this string was independantly rated for having the 2nd best spin production, too. The only thing I can think of is that this string should be strung in the upper 50-60 range. On some other playtests, the manufacturers have repsonded to threads and given advise or thoughts to the playtesters. I wish Ytex would have jumped in on this one. As such, I bought another pack of QT and am going to test it out at higher tensions. I think there is more to this string than I discovered in my playtest.

A big thanks to Tennis Warehouse and Ytex for letting me playtest this string. Please let know if there is something to my theory that this is not a string that shines in low tensions. I want to find the bite and spin that Chris and Andy raved about. Once I test it out at high tensions, I'll add it back into this thread.
Tension used for playtest: 53 lbs.

Regular string set up: Isospeed Baseline Spin 17L or Babolat Pro Hurricane around 52-55 lbs.

Racquet brand and model used for test: Head Microgel Radical MP

Power of test string: This string felt like it had more power compared Ytex Square X, which I had play tested a few months earlier.

Feel: Quadro Twist is softer and more muted than Pro Hurricane. Its feel is more in line with Baseline Spin.
Spin: I was getting a little more spin compared to Pro Hurricane of the same gauge, but it was less than I was expecting for a textured string.

Comfort: I found this string to be pretty comfortable from the beginning of the playtest. Off center shots weren’t too jarring.

Durability: I’m not a string breaker, so aside from some notching, I didn’t notice any wear.

Playability Duration: This string was consistent throughout my playtest. I got about 8.5 hours of play time on it and didn’t notice a big drop off in tension or control.

Control: This string had more power than some other polys that I’ve used. Additionally, the spin potential wasn’t greatly improved over other polys. If I was rushed at the baseline, I would occasionally not get enough spin and my shots would go long. I was able to place volleys and serves where I wanted to.

Compare to the string you use most often: This string is softer and more powerful than Pro Hurricane, but it lacks some control from the baseline. Pro Hurricane is also a little more communicative, so you have a better idea of how cleanly you hit a shot.

Tension recommendations: If I used this string again, I would increase the tension to 54 or 55 lbs.

Thank you Tennis Warehouse for the playtest opportunity!


I posted my reply, and when I submitted it, the system went back to the log in screen.

I'll rewrite it tomorrow.
Tension Used: 52#s

Regular String Set Up: Cyclone 18 Mains (52#s)/Gosen Micro 18 (55#s)

Racket Used: Babolat Aeropro Team

Power: I thought the power of the string had more pop than my normal sting setup that I use. I felt like control suffered as a result. If I would have strung it again, I would have gone up to 54#s.

Feel: To me, this string felt pretty muted compared to what I use. It felt more like Cyclone Tour or Tour Bite Soft in my opinion.

Spin: I really liked the amount of spin I got from Quadro Twist. I really felt it was very close to what I normally use.

Comfort: No issues here and I cannot use certain poly strings due to shoulder or elbow issues. This one felt as comfortable as Cyclone Tour.

Durability: Again, no issues with durability. The tension did not drop in my opinion but I would have strung it higher the next time around.

Playability Duration: After about 8-10 hours, I had to cut the string out. Definitely felt like the tension declined to the point that it was hard to control after 8-10 hours.

Control: Another strength of this string. I liked the control and spin that I got from this string even at 52#s.

Compare to my String Setup: I thought this string was more powerful than Cyclone at the same tension. The comfort level was probably better. Spin and control was about the same. Again, I wished I would have raised the tension a few pounds because I felt like the ball sailed at times.

Recommended Tension: 54-55#s

Additional Comments: I really like this string but it was too powerful compared to my normal set up at the same tension as the poly I used. Also, I let my son try it out for a junior match to see if he felt the same way. He uses the same racket that I use and same string set up although I string Cyclone at 54#s in his racket. He really liked the power and spin but he was making a lot more errors with this string at 52#s. During a doubles match, he had a lot more errors returning serve and a lot of his forehands were going about 5 ft past the baseline. I really think it was just due to the tension that I strung it at. When he went back to his normal string setup, his confidence went back up when he would swing away from the baseline.

Overall, I really liked this string and my son felt the same the 2 hours that he tried it out. But we both agreed we would go up to 54-55#s next time.

In summary, Ytex Quadro Twist is a great string but I would have to experiment with the tension. In my opinion, it produces a lot of spin/control while the comfort level was just right.

Thanks to Tennis Warehouse and Ytex for the opportunity to try this string out the past month.


Not for me.

Tension(s) used for playtest:
40 lbs

Regular string set up:
Tourna Big Hitter Black 7

Racquet brand and model used for test: Wilson Six.One 95 16x18

Power of test string:
I was not impressed with the power of this string. I'm not used to relying on strings for power, but rather prefer control. But this felt like a dead string bed as soon as I began hitting with it.

Feel (Stiff? Mushy? Muted? Crisp?):
Very dead. Not at all crisp, or solid as I've come to expect from some of the copolyester strings I've tried in the past. I could not get confident in my strokes with this set up.

I hoped that the lack of power would mean that I'd be rewarded with spin, or control. I can't say that this had any particular benefit for me in the spin department; however, I'm used to a very spin friendly set up with BHB7. The spin was more than a synthetic gut might provide, but for a polyester, not at all impressive.

I don't have any problems with arm pain, and this string didn't raise any concerns for me. Throughout the month, I was able to hit comfortably with this string.

I had no issues with durability. I played about 5 hours with this string and noticed just a bit of notching. Of course, I didn't use it for any competitive matches, and only casual hitting.

Playability Duration (share thoughts on if/how the playability changed over time):
For the time that I used the string, I didn't notice any real playability change. It seemed to be the same string I started with.

Control (predictable trajectory? Easy to control depth? performance on different strokes and swing speeds?):
I could not find any control with this string. It felt boardlike, and didn't generate enough spin to allow me to hit particular spots on the court. Even my kick serve felt unreactive with this set up. I couldn't find any consistency in the depth of groundstrokes either.

Compare to the string you use most often:
For my game, and at this tension, this string was no where near the performance of my Tourna string. I couldn't gauge depth, find any control, or feel confident that my spin would bring the ball down in the court.

Tension recommendations (after hitting it, would you recommend a different tension? Why?):
I have come to believe that polyester strings shouldn't be stretched over 50 pounds or so, and recommend the same to my clients. However, if I were to try this string again, I'd go with a more traditional tension in hopes of finding some semblance of control and power.

List any additional thoughts (optional):
I do appreciate the opportunity to test this string and was hopeful as I've heard good things about Ytex strings. But this was not the string for me. It was eye-opening to see a polyester that performed so differently than the many others I've tried. Again, I would guess that a different tension might help.


This string is amazing.
I have played with it more than 30 hrs now.
This poly string is still soft.
Most of polys are dead after 15 hrs of play.

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
Really curious abot these strings, thanks for reviews!

I've made several recent posts about the Quadro Twist and I'm also one of those who have found a significant lack of spin capability, even compared to some round strings. Comfort and power were really the only notable characteristics - it was otherwise a very average poly string.


I found good spin. I like the bite of a square -non-twisted string best. They really tried to make the string arm friendly and I felt like it seems mushy. I don't want to string it too high to get some feel, but it's so soft.


I found good spin. I like the bite of a square -non-twisted string best. They really tried to make the string arm friendly and I felt like it seems mushy. I don't want to string it too high to get some feel, but it's so soft.
I use it as my cross and find it to be a great string. It is my go-to string set up now with gut mains. I HATE the board like quality of just about all the poly's. I like the softness so it does not kill your arm, wrist, should, elbow when you play with it. I play 4-5 times a week without any of those problems. It is a great string to try IMO. I usually string it little tighter than my other crosses I have used, maybe by 2-3 lbs. Great control and feel.


I use it as my cross and find it to be a great string. It is my go-to string set up now with gut mains. I HATE the board like quality of just about all the poly's. I like the softness so it does not kill your arm, wrist, should, elbow when you play with it. I play 4-5 times a week without any of those problems. It is a great string to try IMO. I usually string it little tighter than my other crosses I have used, maybe by 2-3 lbs. Great control and feel.

Does play very soft...


I use it as my cross and find it to be a great string. It is my go-to string set up now with gut mains. I HATE the board like quality of just about all the poly's. I like the softness so it does not kill your arm, wrist, should, elbow when you play with it. I play 4-5 times a week without any of those problems. It is a great string to try IMO. I usually string it little tighter than my other crosses I have used, maybe by 2-3 lbs. Great control and feel.
What do you use on the main? tension for main and cross you have? Which racquet? Thx.


Hall of Fame
I use it as my cross and find it to be a great string. It is my go-to string set up now with gut mains. I HATE the board like quality of just about all the poly's. I like the softness so it does not kill your arm, wrist, should, elbow when you play with it. I play 4-5 times a week without any of those problems. It is a great string to try IMO. I usually string it little tighter than my other crosses I have used, maybe by 2-3 lbs. Great control and feel.

im not a fan of shaped poly as cross cuz it inhibits movement of mains making it harder to generate spin and/or shredding your mains. Personally, I like yonex poly tour pro or signum pro poly plasma as a cross string...smooth round copoly that is soft but low powered and maintains tension well. I tried quadro twist in mains with SPPP cross at 52/50 in my ezone 98 and was pretty good in the beginning but once the shaped wore off, I had hard time generating spin and the launch angle goes WAY down since it starts playing like a round poly. I would consistently dump balls into the net since I like to hit balls that barely clear the net. Pretty good power and quite soft but once the shape is worn down, expect it to play like a round poly. I’m not really a fan of the ‘twisted’ was ok but I dont see any distinct advantages to it over nontwisted shaped polys.

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Hall of Fame
I found good spin. I like the bite of a square -non-twisted string best. They really tried to make the string arm friendly and I felt like it seems mushy. I don't want to string it too high to get some feel, but it's so soft.

have you tried hexa shaped poly? I’ve tried hyperG and tourbite soft but solinco strings simply dont have enough power for me, or maybe I didnt string it low enough. I’ve tried dunlop black widow which was solid but I heard it has massive dropoff in playability after a few weeks and is not that great after the shape wears off. Also have tried MSV cofocus hex which was decent...signum pro Xperience is another hex shaped poly that provides good bite but recently got into volkl cyclone yellow which I must say takes the cake. It is gear shaped similar to RPM blast except it has sharper edges and is 10 sided. I thought the more edges, the more bite on the ball but I could be mistaken...anybody know???

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


MSV cofocus hex: I have tried it and just did not have the playability. I string my TB 16 g at 54 lbs and swing all out. I have had success with quadro and was even a sales rep for them for a short bit. I just could never get the touch or feel out of it at net that I wanted.


What do you use on the main? tension for main and cross you have? Which racquet? Thx.
I use Luxilon gut mains at 59# and the crosses at 55#. I am currently using the Yonex V Core Duel G 97 (330). IF I am playing in the heat of summer outdoors, usually in the 90's I up the tension to #62 mains, and 58# crosses.