
John Yandall did a great job with this site. It has more info and seems to be put together a little better than The only problem I found is the cost. My membership is almost up and I was thinking of switching to, but after seeing the price I don't think I can. What do you guys think? Is $100 a year a bit too much for you to spend? It was hard for me to shell out $40 for

SC in MA

I agree. It appears that is well-done and has a lot to offer. But, for a $100 at one shot for the year, or $20 per month, it's too rich for my blood. I wish they would get rid of the two-tier price model and go to something more like a one price model of $9.99 a month (or less would be even better! :)).


If tennisOne is $40 or whatever a year, is worth $100, especially if they keep adding new content.

Just one man's opinion...


New User
Tennisplayer is NOT worth it. Not right now anyway. Althogh I'm thinking of joining anyway (hypocrit) but only because I'm tired of looking at the Tennisone vids and need something new.

But I'm thinking of joining Tennisone again when they get more of those t1- whaterver slo-mo shots. Those are pretty crazy, best footage of any site i've seen yet by far! Hopefully Tennisplayer will put together some nice footage like that.


Hall of Fame

Actually if you go look at the Stroke Archive page, you will see that there are over a dozen high speed clips already on Tennisplayer. You may not be aware that Advanced Tennis (the non-profit for which I serve as director) has been doing that type of filming for over 7 years. Now we're sharing some of that footage with Tennisplayer. You can also get it on DVD--there is 14 hours of it, so far! (

Sorry to say it, but unfortunately the people at Tennisone learned about it and how to do it from me when I was there.

Currently Tennisplayer has Federer, Roddick, Henin-Hardenne, Sampras and other players they don't have. The have something like 5 partial forehands. By the way if you look at their Moya forehand he didn't make the ball...

Everyone can evaluate the relative merits for themselves, but at least lets get the facts straight about what's on the sites!

John Yandell


New User
Your Federer stuff looks like the Blake sample on Tennisone? How many frames are you shooting for you high speed stuff? Please answer this, don't wuss on me now.


New User
JohnYandell said:
250 frames


Now, you said in some other thread somewhere that you did the filming for Tennisone. So now I'm asking you what ratio of old stuff to new stuff do you have. Example "Oh, it's about 70 percent new footage and 30 percent older stuff I did with Tennisone". Because I noticed you had a good list of about 15 to 20 or so guys who don't play anymore and you couldn't have possibly filmed them with your new stuff right?

Take for example Sampras. Now, I'm a big Sampras guy, and I want to see a lot of his videos, but being that he retired what, two years ago? (I should know this, I'm a Sampras fan right) the footage is going to be that "poor quality" stuff you filmed when you were with tennisone. That reallly sucks John. I was hoping you filmed him using the newer stuff you got whatever that is and they would look less like the sampras sample (tennisone quality) and more like the Agassi, Roddick, Sharapova, Federer samples. Oh well, can't have it all I guess.

I really am sorry for being such a pain in the ass. I'm a tough sell and I think (since you do visit message boards often) that for 20 bucks a month we should have the right to ask some detailed questions. John I hope your going to keep it 20 bucks and not raise it on us like that other site. I mean, John, you are charging double.

Gosh I wish the tennisone people would pay us a visit :lol:
Tennisplayer is much beefier than Tennisone and the individual pieces are, on average, of a much higher quality. I've toured the sight at my friend's place, who is a member, and was very impressed with the layout and detail.

I'd definitely join at a slightly lower monthly price where I was locked in for a year of monthly renewals (it's the "under-the-bridge" theory: I'll spend more in small increments. Look at the credit card industry: if you want to boil somebody, you have to turn up the heat slowly). The current rate is fine, but I think there are a lot of people that would get hooked with a more attractive offer, i.e., the sight is that good; if you spend time there, you'll want to go back. Moreover, you can tell that it will have a nice influx of new content. I realize the creator(s) need to recoup their costs, so they might not have much price flexibility. If my pimp lets me keep more bling from my tricks, I'm gonna jump in. Overall, though, best tennis sight on the internet hands down; many props! That slow mo stuff is incredible.


Hall of Fame
You know at this point, I've already answered all these questions and my suggestion would be to go back and try to read (or understand the posts). As for the Pete stuff, I guess you'll just have to risk $20 if you want to know the answer to that. Somehow I doubt that'll ever's obviously a huge amount of coin to you. That's too bad. I want to help people understand my site, but only if there is some measure of good faith in the questions. You fail that test.