

Bionic Poster
I registered a couple of months ago, tried to log in a few days ago and I couldn't log in, (Correct password and username as firefox remembers them), It asked me to make sure I was accepting all cookies, I checked my settings and sure enough they were set to do so, and I still can't log in.Can anyone help me out?

Please tell me (or PM me) only your username. I can ask the admin to check. Else, the faq also has a password recovery form. See if that works/is functional (

Click this and see if you can access the PM button to the staff.


Bionic Poster
thanks sentinel, my user name on TennisTorrents is behappy, same as on TW except all lowercase.
I have sent them your earlier post. let's see. They may write to you directly on your registered email id.

Adcourt, the PM functionality requires some number of postcounts. I think that is to prevent spamming.


Please enable your email so i can mail you an invite.

But first of all, I hope you are familiar with the torrents system and what your obligations are.

Once you have downloaded a torrent, you will need to keep your comp on for a few days so others can share from your comp.

You must upload (roughly) as much as you have downloaded.


You can also immediately register at before they start the invite system. they have torrents too.

can I get an invite as well? I have quite a few WTA matches I can upload. Thanks, ahead a time! :)


Bionic Poster
Please send a PM to either jamauss, stormholloway or me for an invite. Send to only one person.

Currently, I don't know who has an invite and who does not. Sorry for the inconvenience. And please enable emails/PM so we can send back.


Bionic Poster
Thanks a lot, Ringworm, there's been so much pressure here for people signing up ever since you "closed".

Hope people avail fast.
Awesome news that they're doing open sign-ups.

Thing is, I registered and they're supposed to send me a confirmation email, but I haven't gotten it yet... o_O It's been awhile now. What should I do?


Bionic Poster
Awesome news that they're doing open sign-ups.

Thing is, I registered and they're supposed to send me a confirmation email, but I haven't gotten it yet... o_O It's been awhile now. What should I do?
try logging in with what you registered.
maybe there;s a server malfunction, it seems their server does go down now and again -- their web server -- this does not seem to affect downloads/uploads.
If after a day nothing happens, either see if you can contact staff or try registering again -- i suppose a day is over by now.
try logging in with what you registered.
maybe there;s a server malfunction, it seems their server does go down now and again -- their web server -- this does not seem to affect downloads/uploads.
If after a day nothing happens, either see if you can contact staff or try registering again -- i suppose a day is over by now.

cool, thanks for the tip

i actually registered earlier tonight, so i'm gonna wait overnight to see if i can access it tomorrow. if not, i'll take up your advice. *thumbs up*
oi, the user delete form doesn't work either.. when i try to delete the account to register a new one ('cause i didn't get the confirmation email), there's a message saying:

"Bad user name or password. Please verify that all entered information is correct."



Bionic Poster
cool, thanks for the tip

i actually registered earlier tonight, so i'm gonna wait overnight to see if i can access it tomorrow. if not, i'll take up your advice. *thumbs up*
put in a post here giving the username you registered with so i can PM the admin, or better email it to me via the email link.
put in a post here giving the username you registered with so i can PM the admin, or better email it to me via the email link.

i would, but...

"Sorry! That user has specified that they do not wish to receive emails. If you still wish to send an email to this user, please contact the administrator and they may be able to help."

i don't know how i can send you an email, but here's my username anyhow!

i have some stuff to upload, so i'm eager to share and receive once it's all set up, thanks bud!


Bionic Poster
I have sent the admin an email. let's see.

Sorry, i had disabled email some while back and was wondering why none was coming !


New User
HI all,

We have disabled confirmation e-mails, simply log in with the username and password of your choice after signing up.



Sentinel, can I please please get an invite? It says I need one. There are so many matches I missed this year, and it was sheer torture hearing how good they were but not being able to see. Please please please, i beg so hard i'm losing dignity. Please let me know what I need to do. I don't want to publicly show my email, can I pm you or something?


Bionic Poster
Sentinel, can I please please get an invite? It says I need one. There are so many matches I missed this year, and it was sheer torture hearing how good they were but not being able to see. Please please please, i beg so hard i'm losing dignity. Please let me know what I need to do. I don't want to publicly show my email, can I pm you or something?

Yes, hotsauce and babbette, please email me (and enable your email so i can reply back with an invite). had said that for the duration of the FO, invites will not be needed.

Pls also register at - no invites needed.

Hot Sauce

Hall of Fame
Hotsauce, they have disabled invites for this period (FO), so please register immediately. You do not need an invite at present.

They may re-enable invites in a day or so.

Hmm, I just tried. I left the invite box blank, but it said signup failed-invite not found.


New User
Looks like invites are required again for both sites. Does anyone have invites could send to me? I'll "pay it forward" as well. Thanks!

mistermugu at ya hoooo


Hall of Fame
I joined about a week ago and I've downloaded about 3 matches and a lesson dvd type thing. Free signup at the moment so join even if you don't need it yet. Downloaded like 1.5gig and uploaded like 2. So I'm sweet.


I joined about a week ago and I've downloaded about 3 matches and a lesson dvd type thing. Free signup at the moment so join even if you don't need it yet. Downloaded like 1.5gig and uploaded like 2. So I'm sweet.

Need an invite code to sign up.


New User
As a long time tennis fan I have suffered with missing out on delcious tennis matches for years not. With the advent of torrents I am hoping this will no longer be the case, could I have an invite for both Tennis Torrens and T3nnis. I would really apprciate an invitation for any of these sites.


New User
I'm willing to trade a invite for a one, but I'd appreciate a free tennistorrents invite all the same.


Dear Sentinel,

I just became aware of this thread and would sincerely appreciate an invite.

I use BitComet and have been seeding Feds v. Safin 2005 OZ Open semi for two years.

Much thanks to anyone who could offer an invite.
