Tennys Sandgren defaulted after taking a shot to the balls by a ball kid


If you use the word tushy in a sentence then you are the moral victor.

Incidentally, he wasn't defaulted for getting hit in the balls by a ball. He was defaulted for indirectly hitting what sounds from Tennys description of the events like a slow moving linesperson. This will help accelerate the exit of linespersons especially once the cost of the technology comes down. This penalty was overkill. Imagine if this were at a tournament where spectators paid for pricey tickets. How about a game penalty?
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Bionic Poster
The worst part of the incident is that it basically happens off camera, so no doubling-over or backside rubbing.


This is bizarre.
Now, it sounds like Sandgren (again, by the sound of it) hit the ball hard in frustration, but I have no idea where it hit the linesman and at what velocity.


Bionic Poster
They would argue that they are trying to prevent "overkill". For better or worse, they don't care about intention. If the ball strikes an official then you're out. Harsh, but clear.

This is insane. The rule is overkill and needs to soften to some warning or lesser. Stupid


Or...maybe day dooo!



Not surprising. Players take inspiration from the top pros. Tsitsipas inspired to take toilet breaks, now this guy hitting line judge.....


Hall of Fame
They would argue that they are trying to prevent "overkill". For better or worse, they don't care about intention. If the ball strikes an official then you're out. Harsh, but clear.

Well John McEnroe stated they should be able to review it soon after at least to determine if it's blatantly unintentional and no one got hurt (some degree of discretion). So I'm not the only one who thinks there's room for flexibility to the rule to prevent "overkill".


The man was essentially kicked in the groin and was in pain. A ref was lightly hit in the rear. There should be discretion allowed in applying the rule. Obviously. But common sense has went out the window.
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The man was essentially kicked in the groin and was in pain. A ref was lightly hit in the rear. There should be discretion allowed in applying the rule. Obviously. But common sense has gone went out the window.

Raul as usual the voice of reason.:giggle:

The strict and mindless application of rules particularly against the weak (in this case the tennis player has no power other than the nuclear option of walking off the court) is something to expect from a judge but the ATP needs to do better. The linespeople will pay the real price anyway; when they’re all gone.

“You can take a tennis ball in the nuts once in a while and keep your job or no balls to the nuts and no job but you can’t have both.” — Neil Gorsuch dissenting in TransAm Trucking, Inc. v. Administrative Review Board, 833 F.3d 1206
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They should test these ball kids skills before letting them loose on court :laughing:

I’m pretty sure they do but if you want to use children for free labor to run down balls like many events do then you can’t really complain about the quality of the work. And no one is perfect anyway. The occasional ball to the nuts should be expected.:X3:


Bionic Poster
They should test these ball kids skills before letting them loose on court :laughing:

I’m pretty sure they do but if you want to use children for free labor to run down balls like many events do then you can’t really complain about the quality of the work. And no one is perfect anyway. The occasional ball to the nuts should be expected.:X3:

Test these (testes). Not an easy pun to pick up o_O