The 18x20 nCode 6.1 95

All Court

I just had the opportunity to demo some racquets. I had just tried out the nCode 6.1 95 after borrowing a friend's briefly, and it was AMAZING. IT was the 16x18. So I saw the racquet in the bunch of demo frames (demoing is free at my club! :D), except it was the 18x20 version. I normally use a Head Liquidmetal Prestige MP (LOL, my club usually just stocks up mostly on three racquets: The LMP MP, RDX500, flexpoint radical MP, since they sell the most by far, although they have lots of demo frames, so I got the Prestige), and it has a dense string pattern as well.

So I gave the 18x20 nCode a try.


All the shots felt COMPLETELY muted (it's not like there's too much feel in most of the nCode racquets anyway), felt dead no matter what shot or what I tried to do. I felt like I was swinging a 2x4. Ugh. I couldn't do anything with my shots either.

Has anyone else tried the 18x20 6.1 95? I loved the 16x18, but not this one. It wasn't the string or tension either, the person said the demo frame was strung with the exact same strings and tension my own racquet has. 60 tension, and Gamma Synthetic Gut, for that matter.


I prefer the 18x20 with thinner string and lower tensions. All things being equal, the 18x20 will feel more boardy than the 16x18. But your experience of loving one and hating the other seems a little extreme and leads me to believe it was the string and tension. They are not that different.

I strung my 16x18 with NXT Tour 16 @60 and at first went with the same with the 18x20. It was too much.

I now string my 18x20 with NXT Tour 18 @55, or NXT Tour 17 @53. Nice feel, pop, and better control than 16x18.


All Court said:
All the shots felt COMPLETELY muted
I think both needs certain kind of strings, the 18x20 absolutely. Maybe the ones prone to great feel and touch, but not explosive (powerful).
With the 16x18 I feel a more substatial dwell-time, even if for real it could be just the same.
The 18x20 is very smooth on movement, which me and everyone like, but sadly it hasn't the classic Pro Staff headlight balance (8pts HL instead of 10/11pts HL) and has even more weight :( (but as much as the 16x18 ).