Just smelling the smoke. Let’s sprinkle some factoids over this campfire. Because again, this trade is the most fun thing about this nba season so far.
There have been 4 NBA All-Star games where Captain LeBron got to draft his all star roster for Team LeBron during the years that Luka was voted into the all-star draft pool. 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 (2024 they went back to east va West format).
Over that 4-year span, there have been only 4 guys that LeBron drafted at least 3 years, and only 2 that he drafted all 4 years.
The guys LeBron drafted 3 times?
CP3 and Steph. And we already know that the lakers tried to trade for CP3 and got vetoed by Adam Silver. And of course there have been plenty of rumors floating about LeBron-Steph teaming up. But that ship sailed, and he didn’t draft either guy in 2023 as they were both almost LeBron’s age and already on the way down.
The only 2 guys Captain LeBron drafted all 4 years?
Luka and Jokic. That’s it.
No feasible path to team up with Jokic. And LeBron knows he’d get killed by his critics for joining up with his conqueror of the last 2 playoffs anyway.
That leaves Luka. LeChosen One.