***The Donnay Pro One Int'l MP Club***


Hall of Fame
Hi Professor, why is that? cos of the dense pattern so its hard to weave or what?

No it does not have anything to do with the string pattern. Basically the problem are the CAP grommets. Some Volkls have a similar system but the Head CAPs are different because they have a very thin groove in the middle where there is only space for one strings' width.

So I think the key is to string the whole racquet before starting to tend the strings, because if you do tend the mains first and tie off the knot, you will be blocking the entrance for the lowest grommets on the crosses.

(Om het in het Nederlands te zeggen: de gleuf in het midden van de CAP is zo dun dat er eigenlijk maar plaats is voor een snaar. Op sommige plaatsen moet je echter twee snaren naast elkaar kunnen leggen, of op elkaar, om de snaren af te kunnen knopen, maar het probleem is dat als je de snaren al gespannen hebt, je niet meer bij het grommetgat kan voor de snaar die van boven komt. Of nog eenvoudiger: neem een gewone racket en bekijk de de laagste grommets van de zijkant. Je zal zien dat meestal op de laagste drie grommets een paar snaren naasteen lopen. Beeld je nu in dat je die snaren in een gleuf moet proppen die slechts een snaar breed is. Ik denk dat de oplossing erin bestaat de snaren allemaal in de racket te steken en dan pas ze te beginnen opspannen.)


Hall of Fame
No it does not have anything to do with the string pattern. Basically the problem are the CAP grommets. Some Volkls have a similar system but the Head CAPs are different because they have a very thin groove in the middle where there is only space for one strings' width.

So I think the key is to string the whole racquet before starting to tend the strings, because if you do tend the mains first and tie off the knot, you will be blocking the entrance for the lowest grommets on the crosses.

(Om het in het Nederlands te zeggen: de gleuf in het midden van de CAP is zo dun dat er eigenlijk maar plaats is voor een snaar. Op sommige plaatsen moet je echter twee snaren naast elkaar kunnen leggen, of op elkaar, om de snaren af te kunnen knopen, maar het probleem is dat als je de snaren al gespannen hebt, je niet meer bij het grommetgat kan voor de snaar die van boven komt. Of nog eenvoudiger: neem een gewone racket en bekijk de de laagste grommets van de zijkant. Je zal zien dat meestal op de laagste drie grommets een paar snaren naasteen lopen. Beeld je nu in dat je die snaren in een gleuf moet proppen die slechts een snaar breed is. Ik denk dat de oplossing erin bestaat de snaren allemaal in de racket te steken en dan pas ze te beginnen opspannen.)

Yea i see what you mean, i had that problem too a few times, be glad you're not stringing gut then :), you can really damage the string with the string mover, the key is to be gentle and find the right spot, the more you string the better you get to put them through...

ps: de eerste keren ik besnaarde heb ik dit probleem meermaals gehad en de snaar serieus beschadigd, om zot te worden! ;-)
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Hall of Fame
Yea i see what you mean, i had that problem too a few times, be glad you're not stringing gut then :), you can really damage the string with the string mover, the key is to be gentle and find the right spot, the more you string the better you get to put them through...

ps: de eerste keren ik besnaarde heb ik dit probleem meermaals gehad en de snaar serieus beschadigd, om zot te worden! ;-)

Hi Ericsson,

I actually do not string myself, but I often watch stringers work and I think I could learn it quickly. Actually sometimes I tell them what they have to do if I see they are doing it wrongly.

But I took it to a stringer who strings at challengers and he did a very professional string job.

Have you ever played the PC600?

I just took it out for a spin... I don't want to say too much now because I am too much under the impression of it... I think I am in love... NO, NO not with the PC600, that frame is way too expensive... I am fighting it....

Anyway, I got one for an interesting price, so it did not hurt my wallet a lot.


matchmaker, you're right with the stringing part. I don't string them myself but my stringer is a friend of mine and he hates to string my racquets. The CAP grommets don't make it a lot of fun.

Concerning your love affair, I completely understand...but I also agree with you it might be better to fight it :p These racquets are quite expensive and hard to find, especially if you want similar specs and feeling.


New User
Please add me to the list. Have been hitting one for the past week and loving it. My 1hbh has never been better. Great for returns as well.


String Setup Suggestions-

I am getting back into the game after many years off. I used to hit with the WIlson 6.1 Classic strung at 65-67lbs with Prince Syn Gut w/ Duraflex 16. When I made a small come back a couple of years ago with the 6.1 i found it too stiff and also preferred tensions in the 58-62 range. I love the flex and control of the Donnay over the old wilson.

I am an all around player with semi-western forehand and One hander BH. I hit a big serve Flat and kick. I like to drive my gorundstrokes with a topspin motion, but not clay-court topspin. I like to flatten out my forehand putaways. I have been using the Donnay Pro One MP for about six months now and love the feel, control, and comfort (flex). I play pretty well with any string or tension, but I have to adjust my strokes. Here's what I have tried so far:

Tecnifibre Pro Redcode 60 lbs. (loved the control & spin, slightly lacked in power, felt too disconnected from the racquet)

Babolat Natural Gut VS 16 60 lbs. (like feel, good slice-but not enough topspins, liked comfort and ball cupping, not enough pop on blocked shots and chips)

Big Hitter 17/Head syn gut-max tension (got it like this used) couldn't hit with it, cut it out after two short hitting sessions. waaay to stiff, my arm couldn't take it.

Cyber Flash 17mains/ ProSupex 16 syn gut durflex 57/60 --great spin could really swing out on the ball....too boardy around the net, but surprsingly had decent pop on blocked shots......I am new to poly so i am still getting used to the feel. This one was too hard on my arm.

Cyber Flash 17.Pro Supex Titan 39/42 <<----did this on accident on a drop wieght late one night. Incredible touch and feel at the net. Groudnstrokes have great topspin but I have to really brush the ball. If i try to flatten out my strokes at all the ball goes sailing. BUt I have been hitting with this one the most, because it feels wonderfull around the net and on kick serves. BUt I can't keep blocked or flat shots any where near in.

Big Hitter Blue/Maxim touch 52/55- pretty comfortable..hits strange: blocked balls have no power, but if I swing with any amount of pace, the ball goes sailing. Can only keep the ball in with tons of spin, don't like this setup, but it is comfortable enough.

Gosen syn gut 62lb-decent all around, prefer the spin and power(able to hit out more) I get with the poly. but everything else about this string is pretty good. Anyone strung this string loose? My first experience with this string. I couldn't believe the price so i bought a reel.

Kgut 16/cyberflash17 51/48-- LOVE the feel of this, even more than nat gut. great at the net good amount of topspin. Played well in doubles play...in singles, the ball just doesn't "drop in" like it does with the poly setups. Once again, the ball sails on me a bit when I try to flatten it out. ANd i don't like the price of the kgut. I did get reel on sale here at TW, but I am afraid of getting too close to this string....and then I can't afford it anymore.

I have several strings here at home and a stringer, but I am open to trying anything. Have only tried the full poly once. Should I try this again....I have:

Cyber Flash 17
Big Hitter Blue 17
Gosen 16
Kgut 16
1/2 set of Pro Supex Titan
1/2 set of Pro Supex SpiralFlex
Full set of Pro Supex Syn Gut


Thanks ahead for those of you who take the time to read this monstrosity of a post!!!!


Today, I received the three sets of Pro One mid grommets I ordered



I got my replacement grommets today!!! Thank you Chris and everyone else at TW for taking care of your loyal customers!:)


Hall of Fame
I also orderd some, but I will have to wait a little for them to arrive. I hope they are of a better quality than the first set of grommets that cracked.


Thanks a lot

I'd just like to say thanks to all you guys for the details of the Pro One International. I've been interested in this racket for sometime now, and I finally have enough confidence that it is a racket worth buying. I'll try to get one ASAP and update on my personal experience. Thanks


Hall of Fame
Could anyone give me a tip on how to place new grommets in the frame. I received two grommet sets, but really struggle to get the bumper section in the frame. In comparison, I put CAP grommets in a PC600 in five minutes. That was a piece of cake, but the Donnay grommets are a p*** in the a**.


Could anyone give me a tip on how to place new grommets in the frame. I received two grommet sets, but really struggle to get the bumper section in the frame. In comparison, I put CAP grommets in a PC600 in five minutes. That was a piece of cake, but the Donnay grommets are a p*** in the a**.

hey matchmaker, which POI are u putting the grommets on? im only wondering if they fit on ANY version.



Hall of Fame
hey matchmaker, which POI are u putting the grommets on? im only wondering if they fit on ANY version.


The TW MP version. I just can't seem to get them installed on the frame. I don't have an awl but I am using a very thin screwdriver to get them in line. Doesn't seem to help however. In comparison I put a set of microgel CAP grommets in a PC 600 in 5 minutes. That was a piece of cake, but the Donnay grommets are a p*** in the *ss. Do you have the same problem?


The TW MP version. I just can't seem to get them installed on the frame. I don't have an awl but I am using a very thin screwdriver to get them in line. Doesn't seem to help however. In comparison I put a set of microgel CAP grommets in a PC 600 in 5 minutes. That was a piece of cake, but the Donnay grommets are a p*** in the *ss. Do you have the same problem?

I havent tried changing grommets yet, partially because im not sure the new TW grommets will fit on the old black/yellow POI.

They should fit right?:confused:
i'll get back to you ASAP, sorry


i have my 10 grommets of the donnay !!!

i change to 3 rakets

IMO look like the ones they have the raket :neutral:

maybe are more durable ... !!!!



i just got my hands on a TW Pro One today, and it feels good! This rackets is just as everyone said it is. I'm still adjusting to the serves though, other than that, this is a great racket.:)


Hall of Fame
Can anyone tell me if the stock grip is a relatively thick one?

For example, the standard stock grip on a Yonex racquet is very, very thin. It's difficult to find replacement grips because all of the other replacement grips are thicker than the Yonex stock.

Can someone give me a comparable replacement grip that would represent what the Donnay's grip is?

Or even if you have one and can give me a measurement, that would be great.


Hall of Fame
Can anyone tell me if the stock grip is a relatively thick one?

For example, the standard stock grip on a Yonex racquet is very, very thin. It's difficult to find replacement grips because all of the other replacement grips are thicker than the Yonex stock.

Can someone give me a comparable replacement grip that would represent what the Donnay's grip is?

Or even if you have one and can give me a measurement, that would be great.

It is a very thin overgrip. Indeed when you put another one on, even a rather thin one from another brand the grip ends up bigger than it was. I think that maybe the thinnest leather grip or those super thin replacement grips that certain brands offer may help. Or else you can just put a few overgrips on the bare handle.


Hall of Fame
Oh, and BTW, I got the grommets into the racquet. You really need an awl. Without an awl, the Donnay is far to oval to be able to put them in.


i just got my hands on a TW Pro One today, and it feels good! This rackets is just as everyone said it is. I'm still adjusting to the serves though, other than that, this is a great racket.:)

key with this racq i found is that you shouldnt rush the serve. kinda let it do its thing. dont arm, need nice smooth motion.


can i get some suggestions on grip setup for this racq. currently its at 6pts HL, am trying to get to 8pts.

will a leather grip and OG do it for me? does it impact the performace and feel. i'm sure many folks are playing this combo. please comment.


guys any ideas with what SW you are getting?

i hav one at 326 w/ any grips on.
another at 344 with 2 Ogs on, and full poly. is this accurate?


guys any ideas with what SW you are getting?

i hav one at 326 w/ any grips on.
another at 344 with 2 Ogs on, and full poly. is this accurate?

Overgrips have almost not effect on the swingweight, it might add a point at best. Polyester strings might be a little heavier than average but not much, so it doesnt affect swingweight a lot (certainly not 326 to 344).

Were these measure taken on an RDC machine ?


nope..just own own do it at home SW measures. those are 2 diff racqs by the way.
i was wanting to slap leather on to the 326, but was taken aback when i measured the second one at 344 w/o leather. i agree that OGs almost do nothing for SW.


nope..just own own do it at home SW measures. those are 2 diff racqs by the way.
i was wanting to slap leather on to the 326, but was taken aback when i measured the second one at 344 w/o leather. i agree that OGs almost do nothing for SW.

It is possible that your racquets are quite different in specs. I don't know about Donnay quality control but two of my Head are 8 grams apart. Did you measure the static weight and balance of your racquets ?

problem is the do-it-urself measurement method is extremely sensitive to time and length.

I agree, I did it a couple of times and didn't think it really reflected the way the racquet played.


Hall of Fame
nope..just own own do it at home SW measures. those are 2 diff racqs by the way.
i was wanting to slap leather on to the 326, but was taken aback when i measured the second one at 344 w/o leather. i agree that OGs almost do nothing for SW.

No way that a leather grip brings the SW to 344. I think the DIY method is too flawed. 344 is about the SW of a KPS 88, no way the Pro One has that SW.


what do you guys have for SW on ur donnays?
i'm also swinging the ag100...which after leather is at 321. i can relate to that.


Mine has a swingweight of 340 strung with full poly, sampras O dampener, gamma head tape, measured on a Prince PTC.


ok. i can go with that. it is interesting how high the SW seems to be for this racq. any reasons?
i have my diablos which are heavier they are around 333. i wonder if the balance affects the SW.


New User
Donnay Pro One

Hey Ericsson, Would you consider selling one of your old 92 or 94 Pro Ones you posted? I've been using my old 92 more on and then off since it came out. I remember that great print advertising campaign for the Pro One. Also, I remember watching Leconte at the French Open just walloping the ball back in the day! I recently bought the TW version and like it very much but maybe it's the flex in the original--but it just feels right with the 92 tho I admit the new one is more powerful.


Hall of Fame
Hey Ericsson, Would you consider selling one of your old 92 or 94 Pro Ones you posted? I've been using my old 92 more on and then off since it came out. I remember that great print advertising campaign for the Pro One. Also, I remember watching Leconte at the French Open just walloping the ball back in the day! I recently bought the TW version and like it very much but maybe it's the flex in the original--but it just feels right with the 92 tho I admit the new one is more powerful.

Most of my older Donnay's are gone, sold them to an Asian collector, some were brand new with tags on, i also had a lot of the later Pro Ones (Rusedski model) which contains kevlar, i played this stick quite some time but i ran out of them and then i switched to Volkl since.

Are you still using the original International or the limited?


New User

Well, I missed the boat on that. I'm going between the original International and the new TW version. I like the power in the TW version, but as I said the old one just feels right. Maybe it's because you have to modify your strokes a bit to accomodate a new racquet. I tried several different racquets but it's the whole feel thing. Even the original International racquet head seems bigger than the TW version tho they are the same size. What did you think of the Rusedski version by comparison to the other Donnays you used? I'm curious as to which Volkl you used?

And just for value of concensus I'll add that the TW version's grip feels hollow somehow even with Tournagrip on it.


Hall of Fame
Well, I missed the boat on that. I'm going between the original International and the new TW version. I like the power in the TW version, but as I said the old one just feels right. Maybe it's because you have to modify your strokes a bit to accomodate a new racquet. I tried several different racquets but it's the whole feel thing. Even the original International racquet head seems bigger than the TW version tho they are the same size. What did you think of the Rusedski version by comparison to the other Donnays you used? I'm curious as to which Volkl you used?

And just for value of concensus I'll add that the TW version's grip feels hollow somehow even with Tournagrip on it.

Well, note that there were two versions of the "Rusedski" pro one, the original and the later Rusedski pro, i played the original, i have several Rusedski pro's too but not my thing, too stiff and thicker beam, not a bad stick but didnt feel right for my game. The pro was based upon the Wilson 6.1, Rusedski's former stick. Now i play a modified Tour 10 mp generation 1


Well, I missed the boat on that. I'm going between the original International and the new TW version. I like the power in the TW version, but as I said the old one just feels right. Maybe it's because you have to modify your strokes a bit to accomodate a new racquet. I tried several different racquets but it's the whole feel thing. Even the original International racquet head seems bigger than the TW version tho they are the same size. What did you think of the Rusedski version by comparison to the other Donnays you used? I'm curious as to which Volkl you used?

And just for value of concensus I'll add that the TW version's grip feels hollow somehow even with Tournagrip on it.

I have the black and yellow Pro One Int'l if you're interested. Toss me one: duyanle92@yahoo.com


I had a nice find at a junk shop this week - this baby (see below) was going for next to nothing so I picked her up :)

I briefly played with her with ancient strings and disintegrating grip and...wow! I picked her up in the middle of a set (friendly match against a pusher I usually beat 1 or 0) and I exploded! I immediately felt like I could place bombs on a dime with my serve - and I did! Groundstrokes had amazing control - lacked a bit of power but I'm sure that was the strings. The swingweight, balance and thin beam just spoke to me and gave me the confidence to hit huge serves and groundies and keep them in. Admittedly I only played 3 or 4 games with her before our session ended, but I was in love :)

I immediately removed the ancient strings and grip and took her down to my usual tennis store to give her some VIP treatment. Nothing but the best - VS Team 17g mains with CyberBlue 16g crosses at 54/51. I picked her up freshly strung last night, took her home and gave her some lightweight clear Yonex head tape and three Yonex Wet Super Strong overgrips, the middle one wrapped upside down (my particular grip fetish).

I have today (Friday) off work and had booked a three hour court session - I was really looking forward to taking her out on our first serious date...except it's p***ing down in Nagoya today! :evil: The weather is also going to be inclement for Sat and Sun so I won't be taking her and her VS Team to my weekend club either. :( I will post a review here when I finally get to play with her.
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Thanks Dennis :)

Do the TW version's grommets fit the original? Knowing the fragility of Donnay grommets I am likely to need some replacements if I start playing with this stick regularly.
Do the TW version's grommets fit the original? Knowing the fragility of Donnay grommets I am likely to need some replacements if I start playing with this stick regularly.

Not sure if they're identical/interchangeable. I'm sure an old-school Donnay fan on these boards can answer this (if they haven't already on another thread). Good luck!