The handle in the Yonex Vcore 89 Tour has holes to insert silicone?


Does the 89 tour has in the handle hollow cavities to add silicone? like the head rackets?

I know the buttcap comes staple but I do not want to remove it until confirm it has the 2 holes to insert silicone.

I found a thread were a particular Yonex racket did had the hollow but on another thread it mentions it has foam all the way out to the buttcap.

Has anyone taking off the buttcap of this vcores?


The handle of Ezone Xi 98 is completely filled with urethane foam. You should just remove the butt cap and take a look.


i have an 89t but i haven't tried removing the buttcap. how do you intend to do it? it doesn't seem to have the slot to pop the buttcap open like the head racs.


i have an 89t but i haven't tried removing the buttcap. how do you intend to do it? it doesn't seem to have the slot to pop the buttcap open like the head racs.

You need to remove the factory grip, then remove the staples, and take the entire butt cap off, since the butt cap doesn't have a trap door.


ahh, understood.
sounds like a pain. every butt needs a trap door. but it also sounds like an opportunity to switch the butt cap out for a wilson one.


Hall of Fame
Yonex use molds, I dont think there are any holes under the butt cap. Its unfortunate as a Yonex with Head pallets would make me very happy.


Yeah I think is a shame, because I added lead tape to the handle above the buttcap, and it stands out a little bit on my grip, but its ok.

Thanks guys


Yeah I think is a shame, because I added lead tape to the handle above the buttcap, and it stands out a little bit on my grip, but its ok.

Thanks guys

The Rdis 200 has hollow hairpins, I suspect the 89 does too. Taking the buttcap off to check is not difficult but putting it back on requires a plan (either a powerful stapler or packing tape wrapped tight). If getting your added mass off the buttcap is important to you it might be worth the hassle of removing the buttcap for a looksee.


I just to make all the customization in my head rackets, but the buttcap and head pallets are kinda soft, so with my staple i could staple back on the buttcap.

But the yonex cap seems to be very hard, I think I will take the chances and do it.

I was hoping someone has already done it. :(



I just to make all the customization in my head rackets, but the buttcap and head pallets are kinda soft, so with my staple i could staple back on the buttcap.

But the yonex cap seems to be very hard, I think I will take the chances and do it.

I was hoping someone has already done it. :(


It's usually not sufficient to staple the cap into the foam; you need to penetrate the graphite hairpin. Most any stapler will penetrate the buttcap, but you need something with some pop to get through the graphite. Alternatively, you can wrap clear packing tape around the buttcap and handle joint very tightly. This as well as staples for many people. I also can't stand built up buttcaps and always put tailweight inside the handle. I don't understand why all companies don't make their buttcaps with trapdoors.


I just to make all the customization in my head rackets, but the buttcap and head pallets are kinda soft, so with my staple i could staple back on the buttcap.

But the yonex cap seems to be very hard, I think I will take the chances and do it.

I was hoping someone has already done it. :(


If you don't have a staple gun powerful enough, you can try re-using the staples that you have removed.

Using a micro flat screwdriver with a hammer, gently tap it under the staple. Sometimes you may need to jam it deep into the butt cap. Remove the staple as gently as possible and mark the spot where each staple came out of.

When you're done inspecting, you can put the buttcap back on exactly the same way and then line up each staple to the particular hole it came out of. Push the staple back in with your thumb and then gently tap it all the way in with a hammer.

If I'm careful, I can have about 90% success rate of doing this.

But if you do this often, you might consider investing in a staple gun powerful enough for the job.

I tried Hansen tackers. Didn't work.

But the Craftsman 9.6v cordless works well enough.
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But if you do this often, you might consider investing in a staple gun powerful enough for the job.

I tried Hansen tackers. Didn't work.

But the Craftsman 9.6v cordless work well enough.

The cheapest option I've found are hammer tackers. These are designed to swing down like a hammer, which will drive a staple very powerfully. But we can't use them like this to affix buttcaps, unless we have exceptional hammer accuracy. But, if you have an assistant, they can work quite well: simply position the business end of the hammer tacker where you want to deliver the staple, have your assistant hold the hammer tacker in this position, and then strike the head of the tacker with an actual hammer. The actual hammer does not have to be swung that hard to drive the staple because hammers have such high swingweights :) Hammer tackers can be picked up cheap at hardware stores and garage sales.


I emailed to "yonex usa" , asking about the hollow cavities and practically told me that it can be done, but not as easy.

It seams to be a little messy if I do not do it right, I think I will stick to the lead tape.

Thanks guys!

Hello Carlos.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Under the buttcap is hollow but there is foam material covering the end of the grip. If you break that material, you could get to the butt end.
The hollow cavities are in between the graphite rod running through the handle.
It seems to be filled with foam but the foam is only on the bottom part of the handle and is only 1/8" thick so you won't see through the handle.
If you are willing to break this foam, you could get to the handle.
Start with one and see if it works for you.