How about cyclists? Do they exhibit those signs? Yet we know they have been caught using steroids - clenbuterol for example:
Fascinating read, here's a few snippets from the article:
So what exactly does a stimulant like Clenbuterol (or Ephedrine) do when it stimulates those Beta Receptors? Well, it serves to increase your body temperature a bit by increasing heat production in the Mitochondria, increase your basal metabolic rate, and decrease your appetite (1). This partly explains how Beta-2 agonists directly stimulate fat cells and increase lypolysis (fat-loss)(1)(13). And also, because Clenbuterol is a Beta-2 agent, clen can decrease insulin sensitivity (2), unfortunately.
And some more ...
Well stick with the earlier 7-9 hour life for dosing purposes, and take our clen every 3.5-4.5 hours that were awake, stopping early enough to still be able to get to bed. Clenbuterol can, in some people, cause insomnia (and as with all stimulants, can cause anxiety in some). Recently, its become popular to take a whopping dose of clen in the morning, and thats it for the day. Theres nothing wrong with this, I guess, but Id rather not go through that kind of roller-coaster of sweating and shaking until it wore off.
some info on
Clenbuterol can also cause a downregulation in testicular androgen receptors and in pulmonary, cardiac and central nervous system beta-adrenergic receptors(6.) possibly making steroids less effective (if there is androgen receptor downregulation elsewhere as well, then its highly probable) while you are on clen; but definitely making clen less effective as time goes on and you keep taking Clenbuterol .
This is where Benadryl comes in...
Like I said, fascinating stuff.