New User
Hi, welcome. I am a user of the DR98+ and am looking to get an extended version of the Angell TC100. May I ask why you went with 27.25 and not 27.5 which is same length as the DR98+. How does the TC100 27.25 play compared to the DR98+? Also would love to hear how you find the new TC101 too once you have played with it. In your experience should I go with a 27.5 or a 27.25.
Thank you. I enjoyed very much the way DR 98 + played, because it was like a DR 98 on steroids. It helped me significantly to increase the speed of my serve and to consistently find deep with my 2HBH. Of course that all the extra power came at a small cost of manueverability, especially at net.
However, in my opinion, Angell frames are just of an overall higher quality than Yonex (and I used to be a hardcore fan of that brand). I think that is very likely that coming from the DR 98 + you will be glad with either extended version of the TC100.
In my case, I just wanted to try something completely new and it pay off nicely. I also decided to order a 27.25 inches length, because I wanted a slightly higher swingweight, but I was afraid that 27.5 inches would increase it too much. Besides, I remember that when I was tired at the end of a match, it was sometimes difficult to generate enough topspin with my forehand with the DR 98+. I have not had that issue with 27.25 inches frames. I usually play on slow red clay courts, and some long matches can last many hours. I believe that the TC100 27.25 plays better than the DR 98 + in every aspect. I can point out that it gives me a more powerful and controllable response. It is aldo much more manueverable with its thinner beam. Above all, maybe its greatest attribute is the spin potential, which is crucial for my game. I do not know what length would fit you better, but a 27.25 might be a more conservative move. As you can appreciate, I am very happy with my current pair of TC 100, but I could not refrain myself from the tempting TC101.
I hope my experience helps you a little bit.
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