I realise this is an Angell thread but has anyone here played a Yonex VCore 95? I've had a VCore 98 (2021) for a while and dabble with it now and then in between my TC100 and modded ASi. The Vcore 98 seems to be string sensitive, i didn't like it a first, too launchy and powerful but with the right string/tension can feel pretty sweet. A friend talked me into trying a VCore 95 (also 2021) and I have to admit I'm impressed with the balance of power and control. Being an Angell junkie I'm now looking for the closest feel in an Angell frame, I'm thinking TC97 16x19. I have a TC97 18x20 but the tight pattern and lower launch angle seems to work against me. Psychologically a 97" frame was the smallest I was willing to go but the VCore 95 has a special feel about it, anyone have any other suggestions that would feel close to a VCore 95?