The Official Angell Users Club


Anyone have any idea if Angell is planning to refresh/renew the K7 silo? The standard-length Red is completely sold out, and grip sizes are dwindling in the others.


Hall of Fame
Anyone have any idea if Angell is planning to refresh/renew the K7 silo? The standard-length Red is completely sold out, and grip sizes are dwindling in the others.
I think the lime has been unavailable for a while, assuming I did not just misunderstand how to use the angell website


I finally decided to buy an Angell racquet, and I'm really happy with it. The foam filled frame is a great feeling. Took a while to find the right string, tension, gauge to control the launching angle.The strings move a lot

Base Frame: TC95

String Pattern: 16 x 19

Stiffness: 64 RA

Length: 27"

Weight / Balance: 11oz / 9Pts HL

Handle Size: L5

Handle Shape: B

Q1) Would you recommend gut/poly stringing on this racquet to get a little more power?

Q2) If I'm looking for a slightly easier frame to play those matches when my timing and footwork aren't working, which frame would you recommend? TC100? Should I order the same specs as the TC95?

I've been emailing Paul, but he replied only after two weeks and a couple of reminders.
It would be great if the shop could improve in this area; otherwise, it's great.


I finally decided to buy an Angell racquet, and I'm really happy with it. The foam filled frame is a great feeling. Took a while to find the right string, tension, gauge to control the launching angle.The strings move a lot

Base Frame: TC95

String Pattern: 16 x 19

Stiffness: 64 RA

Length: 27"

Weight / Balance: 11oz / 9Pts HL

Handle Size: L5

Handle Shape: B

Q1) Would you recommend gut/poly stringing on this racquet to get a little more power?

Q2) If I'm looking for a slightly easier frame to play those matches when my timing and footwork aren't working, which frame would you recommend? TC100? Should I order the same specs as the TC95?

I've been emailing Paul, but he replied only after two weeks and a couple of reminders.
It would be great if the shop could improve in this area; otherwise, it's great.
When I used to main the TCs, I had two matched TC95 16m 64RA and a matched TC100 64RA. The TC100 is perfect for one of those weird/lazy days. lol. Have fun!

It is summer time in the UK and understandably Paul and the team can be late in responding. Calling might be a good options at times.


I finally decided to buy an Angell racquet, and I'm really happy with it. The foam filled frame is a great feeling. Took a while to find the right string, tension, gauge to control the launching angle.The strings move a lot

Base Frame: TC95

String Pattern: 16 x 19

Stiffness: 64 RA

Length: 27"

Weight / Balance: 11oz / 9Pts HL

Handle Size: L5

Handle Shape: B

Q1) Would you recommend gut/poly stringing on this racquet to get a little more power?

Q2) If I'm looking for a slightly easier frame to play those matches when my timing and footwork aren't working, which frame would you recommend? TC100? Should I order the same specs as the TC95?

I've been emailing Paul, but he replied only after two weeks and a couple of reminders.
It would be great if the shop could improve in this area; otherwise, it's great.
Tc95 has same specs as my aero98, when measurements are length n width from inside frame


Hall of Fame
What are you specs , grip shape and size and what strings and tension will you start with ?

Do you like the paintjob etx
325 grams 10pts HL leather grip grip shape B size 3. 27.25" length 305 SW.
I'll string it with TF Multifeel 1.25. Not yet sure about what tension. Maybe 24/23 kg.

Yes it is really a stunning glossy paintjob. Nice vibrant red and orange colours! The yellow tints in the pictures are actual orange.


TC100 V4 user (occasionally), the specs I have as follows;
335mm/2pts Balance
I have strung mostly all poly in these racquets, FW Boost 16ga, middle of the rec tension range

Has anyone measured the swingweight on one of these? What I've noticed is the timing is CRITICAL to keep the ball in play with this racquet! I'm using a more "modern" grip for both FH (between eastern and semi-western) & OHBH, I'm thinking of shortening the racket to reduce the swing weight. I also play with a Pro Drive + and that racquet I can definitely create more racquet head speed for better spin. I have tried using some tungsten putty under the butt cap which helped, but still not the same "whip" as PD+.

Also had a TC95/27.5, 330gm, 305mm/12pts HL, 70RA 16x19, same as above, really liked the feel/contact on this racquet, but just not the same spin capability as the PD+. Also had a TC100/27.0, 63RA 290gm/325mm balance and this racket seemed to pocket the ball well, just not enough pop. I then added 1/2" to it and really liked it, I just didn't like the feel of the 3d printed butt cap. Probably should order one built up this way to try it...


I finally decided to buy an Angell racquet, and I'm really happy with it. The foam filled frame is a great feeling. Took a while to find the right string, tension, gauge to control the launching angle.The strings move a lot

Base Frame: TC95

String Pattern: 16 x 19

Stiffness: 64 RA

Length: 27"

Weight / Balance: 11oz / 9Pts HL

Handle Size: L5

Handle Shape: B

Q1) Would you recommend gut/poly stringing on this racquet to get a little more power?

Q2) If I'm looking for a slightly easier frame to play those matches when my timing and footwork aren't working, which frame would you recommend? TC100? Should I order the same specs as the TC95?

I've been emailing Paul, but he replied only after two weeks and a couple of reminders.
It would be great if the shop could improve in this area; otherwise, it's great.
the tc95 has nice power as is so test out with your regular string set up and tension.


Hall of Fame
Today I received my TC99 from my local stringer. However I am not sure if he didn't string the right way.
I sent him the stringing instructions that are available on the Angell website but I noticed he tied off at the same main string (see picture).

I don't have much knowledge about stringing but did he still string it on an acceptable way?


Hall of Fame
Yesterday I hit with my TC99 against the wall and today I practiced my serve on court.

Compared to my Prince Phantom 100x 18x20 and Head Prestige Pro Auxetic I noticed the following:
  • The comfortable solid filled feel because of the foam core is superior
  • Definitely more power but still very good control and a little more tamed than the TC100 with its 16x19 string pattern.
  • More serve power and spin potential with a nice plow through effect
  • Forgiveness is comparable to my Prince Phantom whereas the Head Prestige Pro is the most demanding frame but that one has the most connected and maneuverable feel.
  • However the slightly thicker beam of the throat (and the slightly extended length of 27.25 inch) of the TC99 feels a little beefier in my non-dominated hand that I need to get used to.
So overall a very satisfied first impression!
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Hall of Fame
Yesterday I hit with my TC99 against the wall and today I practiced my serve on court.

Compared to my Prince Phantom 100x 18x20 and Head Prestige Pro Auxetic I noticed the following:
  • The comfortable solid filled feel because of the foam core is superior
  • Definitely more power but still very good control and a little more tamed than the TC100 with its 16x19 string pattern.
  • More serve power and spin potential with a nice plow through effect
  • Forgiveness is comparable to my Prince Phantom whereas the Head Prestige Pro is the most demanding frame but that one has the most connected and maneuverable feel.
  • However the slightly thicker beam of the throat (and the slightly extended length of 27.25 inch) of the TC99 feels a little beefier in my non-dominated hand that I need to get used to.
So overall a very satisfied first impression!
Have you played with the t fight iso 305 to compare ?


Hall of Fame
If you can demo the iso 305 , I understand you may not want to or may not even have access but as a top 18*19 frame your thoughts would be intriguing


Just ordered TC99 custom 315/10 pts HL - cant wait to try it out, Ive played w TC95v2 16x19 switched to TC95v3 Octane 18x20 which is what I prefer now and been playing for years; also have TC97 Octane but I hit too flat for that racquet, so its just collecting dust. Very curious how TC99 18x19 will stack up against TC95v3 18x20 as Im pretty happy with it, but if I can get same performance with a little more forgiveness and a slightly higher launch angle maybe that will be worth an upgrade (I also suspect I enjoy the octane paint job more than glossy v5 but def not a deal breaker). Overall TC95 18x20 been a monster of a racquet to put away balls and push people around from the baseline.
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New User
I managed to visit them today - a lovely time and a great chat.

I've ordered 2 TC99s at 320gm/10 points HL - with the leather grip and they take that into account when quoting weights.

After a general mooch around I came away with more info and a few thoughts...

The thin beam is because many layers of carbon are used so you don't need a wide beam to give strength when it is needed due to fewer layers. There is a cost consideration that probably affects the big brands more so they have wider beans with less carbon layers = cheaper cost. Thickness of beam doesn't really affect power.

The TC99 is a React with a foam filled hoop - it says so on the website but I hadn't appreciated it before. On balance I prefer the React paint job (matte rather than shiny and the colour highlights look great in the flesh) but it isn't foam-filled. I prefer matte paint jobs anyway.

The L4 B grip matches my Wilson Pro Staff L4 grip.

I had a sneak peek at the new K racket. No spoilers but I thought the paint job looked flippin' awesome. Simplistic with a '70s car paint job vibe. I loved how it looked and I'd be quite happy with a couple in my bag even if I never used them!

Every racquet I held felt "right" regardless of which one it was or which head size or grip. This is purely subjective of course but I was a bit surprised by it. The ASI is an interesting concept as it allows much more customisation including colours, so we'll have to see how that works out once it is further developed.

Like many small producers the enthusiasm and drive to get things just right was clearly evident. They'll never be a Head, Babolt or Wilson etc due to sales volumes, but they may be ahead when it comes to quality control and looking at what players want, rather than how players are targeted with marketing. Hell, everyone knows that pros don't use the racquets that they apparently hold, so why perpetuate the myth? Go with what works for you rather than what the big brands say you should use. For me, right now, I need something slightly bigger and slightly more forgiving than my 97s. More than anything I need a G&T right now.

I'll feed back my thoughts on the racquets once I've had them for a couple of weeks.

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The TC99 is a React with a foam filled hoop - it says so on the website but I hadn't appreciated it before.
Aside from the shape and size of the hoop, is the shape of the beam also the same as the RC99 or is it the same as the TC series?


New User
I didn’t pay that much attention to the hoop tbh but as far as I know it is a React mold racquet with a foam-filled hoop and TC paint job.



Hall of Fame
Just ordered TC99 custom 315/10 pts HL - cant wait to try it out, Ive played w TC95v2 16x19 switched to TC95v3 Octane 18x20 which is what I prefer now and been playing for years; also have TC97 Octane but I hit too flat for that racquet, so its just collecting dust. Very curious how TC99 18x19 will stack up against TC95v3 18x20 as Im pretty happy with it, but if I can get same performance with a little more forgiveness and a slightly higher launch angle maybe that will be worth an upgrade (I also suspect I enjoy the octane paint job more than glossy v5 but def not a deal breaker). Overall TC95 18x20 been a monster of a racquet to put away balls and push people around from the baseline.
Your experience mirrors mine, except that I have also spent time with the TC100. Of the other frames, my preference was the 16x19 pattern in the TC95 and the 18x19 in the TC97. The TC95 18x20 is nice, but in that pattern I think I like the more direct feel of the TC97. I also feel the TC95 (both patterns) perform better with a bit of lead at 10 and 2 to help with the stability. Stability has not been an issue in the TC97. As for launch angle, I don't notice a difference between the TC95 and TC97 in the 18x20 pattern. The feel / flex is different, but for my mechanics, they deliver the same flat / penetrating ball, with the flipside being less net clearance and ball length. The 16x19 TC95 is a different beast altogether, much more powerful, with a high launch angle. And the TC100 is basically a more extreme (power, launch angle) version of the TC95 16x19.

I have received a few days ago a TC99 with the same specs as yours (315g / 310mm), with a leather grip. At first sight, the hoop looks very similar to that of the TC100, but the throat and bridge have been completely redesigned. And then, obviously, the 18x19 pattern is a lot more closed than the very open 16x19 of the TC100. I would not be surprised if it plays more like a TC100 with a lower launch angle rather than a TC95 18x20 with a higher launch angle.

In any event, I will take it out for a hit tonight, and again tomorrow morning, and I will share my impressions.
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New User
I have the React 99 and a TC99 ordered. I plan match them reasonably close and string them up the same - will post impressions once I can.
Any updates to share? I am particularly interested in the difference between these two frames!


New User
I have a React MPP (99 18x19) arriving tomorrow, I've been reading back through the thread for feedback/ideas etc. Does anyone have any particular string/tension combo suggestions that work well in this frame? I'm going to start with my go-to setup of Halo Bite mains / Poly Tour Pro crosses @48lbs but any other suggestions are welcome. I also picked up a cheap TC101 V4, i'm keen to compare it to my other Angell frames.


Hall of Fame
I have a React MPP (99 18x19) arriving tomorrow, I've been reading back through the thread for feedback/ideas etc. Does anyone have any particular string/tension combo suggestions that work well in this frame? I'm going to start with my go-to setup of Halo Bite mains / Poly Tour Pro crosses @48lbs but any other suggestions are welcome. I also picked up a cheap TC101 V4, i'm keen to compare it to my other Angell frames.
What are you looking for in a string? Power or control, low or high launch angle?


Hall of Fame
I’ve now clocked in 3 hours of singles with the TC99 against 3 of my regular hitting partners (+/- 4.5) over the past week, so I think I am in a position to provide my first impressions. To make this as useful as possible, I will compare its main characteristics against the other Angell frames I’ve been using over the years.

I am a 54 years old player around the 4.5 level, who has learned tennis at age 7 with a wooden racquet. Eastern forehand, one handed backhand, mostly sliced, good serve relying on placement / slice / kick rather than speed, I play aggressively and will come to the net to finish points.

Caveat / disclosure: I’ve been playing mainly with the Head Prestige Classic 2.0 for the past 9-10 months, so switching to a frame that’s 10 bigger, 15g lighter and with a different string pattern will obviously feel very different and might have influenced some of my impressions, but I have tried to take this into account to be as objective as possible.

Specs of my custom TC99:

- 315g static weight

- 310mm balance (10pt HL)

- A shape pallet

- leather grip

- strung with Head Lynx Tour black 1.30 at 50 mains / 48 crosses

My previous Angell’s had all been 310g / 315mm specs, but I figured for this one I wanted a bit more heft, while leaving it very headlight in case I felt a few grams of lead in the hoop were needed.

The first thing that struck me was how user friendly the racquet was. Imparting speed on the ball is effortless, while retaining a decent control. And, as always with the TC line, that plush / comfortable feel. I haven’t been playing my best tennis of late, as life got in the way of tennis, but this is where I feel the racquet really helped. Had I stubbornly persisted with the Prestige Classic 2.0, I have no doubt that those 3 games would have resulted in me getting spanked. It’s not the kind of frame you can just pick up if you’re not on your A game. Whereas I was competitive in all 3 of them, and ended coming on top in 2 of them. Those two guys commented that I gave less free points than usual. The third guy is just too consistent, and I would need to play close to my top to beat him, regardless of the racquet. In the first session, I was a bit surprised by the power, and the launch angle that was a bit higher than I anticipated from a 18x19. But I think this is due to the transition from the super tight 18x20 in the 89 Head. By session 3, I had already adjusted.

Before I get to a comparison with the other Angell’s I own(ed), here’s my history with them, in chronological order:

- TC100 (63RA): hits a huge ball, especially on serve; extreme launch angle that I found very hard to control; I was breaking strings at a higher rate than any frame I have ever played (some 1.3mm polys like Confidential would break in 3-4 hours)

- TC95 (63RA) 16x19: very powerful for a 95, it feels like putting a hammer to the ball; launch angle slightly lower than the TC100, but still pretty high given the very open strings pattern; some instability, which can be remedied with a bit of lead in the hoop; string breakage reduced vs. the TC100, but still not great (~6 hours)

-TC95 (63RA) 18x20: very controlled, great for slice; a marked step down from its 16x19 sibling in power; extremely flat launch angle, not much net clearance; stability is better than the 16x19; string breakage not an issue

-TC97 (67RA) 18x20: very similar to the TC95 18x20, but a different flex profile, and a bit more power from the higher RA / thicker beam / slightly bigger hoop; same flat ball; stability or string breakage not an issue

My pick of those 4, so far, are the TC95 16x19 for the addictive power, and the TC97 18x20, which is just a great player’s racquet.

I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect from the TC99: was it going to be a tamer version of the TC100, or a TC97 with more power and a bit higher launch angle? Let’s state it upfront: it’s the former rather than the latter. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, depending on what one is looking for.

I will not attempt to compare all aspects of the frames, but here is how I would grade these frames in relation to each other on power and launch angle, which is where I feel they differ the most:

- Power: TC95 18x20 – 1 / TC97 18x20 – 3 / TC99 18x19 – 8 / TC95 16x19 – 8 / TC100 16x19 – 10

- Launch angle: TC95 18x20 – 1 / TC97 18x20 – 1 / TC99 18x19 – 6 / TC95 16x19 – 8 / TC100 16x19 – 10

Basically, I feel that the TC99 has the same level of power as the TC95 16x19, but achieves this through the size of its hoop rather than the openness of the string pattern. The launch angle is also lower and more manageable than both the TC95 16x19 and the TC100. But it’s still significantly higher than that of the 18x20 TC95/97, which helps with net clearance. The one area I feel I needed to adjust the most was my sliced backhand, as it was not as biting as I would have liked, at least at first. But serve is great, forehand is great, and volleys really easy. The big plus vs. a mid is in defence, where just bunting the ball back still allows to clear the net. One of my partners has a big serve, and he put an excellent slice on the deuce side, which I somehow managed to get my racquet on. To my surprise, it made it past the net, and forced a mistake. I remember thinking: “There is no way this would have gone over the net with the Head, or any of the Angell’s 18x20”.

Also, after 3 hours of playing, I have noticed no notching in the Lynx Tour, so it doesn’t seem to chew through the strings like the 16x19’s do. I will probably do away with the tension differential between mains and crosses, though, as I don’t think this pattern needs it like a 18x20 does.

I will continue to play this frame, and if I still like it in a few weeks, will probably order a second one to play the upcoming club doubles season in HK. It’s a very nice frame, which fills a hole in the Angell Customs lineup. It's also a more realistic racquet for me to play than any of my mid's, as much as I like them. Since I am not getting any younger, this might provide a long term solution.
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Hall of Fame
I’ve now clocked in 3 hours of singles with the TC99 against 3 of my regular hitting partners (+/- 4.5) over the past week, so I think I am in a position to provide my first impressions. To make this as useful as possible, I will compare its main characteristics against the other Angell frames I’ve been using over the years.

I am a 54 years old player around the 4.5 level, who has learned tennis at age 7 with a wooden racquet. Eastern forehand, one handed backhand, mostly sliced, good serve relying on placement / slice / kick rather than speed, I play aggressively and will come to the net to finish points.

Caveat / disclosure: I’ve been playing mainly with the Head Prestige Classic 2.0 for the past 9-10 months, so switching to a frame that’s 10 bigger, 15g lighter and with a different string pattern will obviously feel very different and might have influenced some of my impressions, but I have tried to take this into account to be as objective as possible.

Specs of my custom TC99:

- 315g static weight

- 310mm balance (10pt HL)

- A shape pallet

- leather grip

- strung with Head Lynx Tour black 1.30 at 50 mains / 48 crosses

My previous Angell’s had all been 310g / 315mm specs, but I figured for this one I wanted a bit more heft, while leaving it very headlight in case I felt a few grams of lead in the hoop were needed.

The first thing that struck me was how user friendly the racquet was. Imparting speed on the ball is effortless, while retaining a decent control. And, as always with the TC line, that plush / comfortable feel. I haven’t been playing my best tennis of late, as life kind of got in the way of tennis, but this is where I feel the racquet really helped. Had I stubbornly persisted with the Prestige Classic 2.0, I have no doubt that those 3 games would have resulted in getting spanked badly. It’s not the kind of frame you can just pick up if you’re not on your A game. Whereas I was competitive in all 3 of them, and ended coming on top in 2 of them. Those two guys commented that I gave less free points than usual. The third guy is just too consistent, and I would need to play close to my top to beat him, regardless of the racquet. In the first session, I was a bit surprised by the power, and the launch angle that was a bit higher than I anticipated from a 18x19. But I think this is due to the transition from the super tight 18x20 in the 89 Head. By session 3, I had already adjusted.

Before I get to a comparison with the other Angell’s I own(ed), here’s my history with them, in chronological order:

- TC100 (63RA): hits a huge ball, especially on serve; extreme launch angle that I found very hard to control; I was breaking strings at a higher rate than any frame I have ever played (some 1.3mm polys like Confidential would break in 3-4 hours)

- TC95 (63RA) 16x19: very powerful for a 95, it feels like putting a hammer to the ball; launch angle slightly lower than the TC100, but still pretty high given the very open strings pattern; some instability, which can be remedied with a bit of lead in the hoop; string breakage reduced vs. the TC100, but still not great (~6 hours)

-TC95 (63RA) 18x20: very controlled, great for slice; a marked step down from its 16x19 sibling in power; extremely flat launch angle, not much net clearance; stability is better than the 16x19; string breakage not an issue

-TC97 (67RA) 18x20: very similar to the TC95 18x20, but a different flex profile, and a bit more power from the higher RA / thicker beam / slightly bigger hoop; same flat ball; stability or string breakage not an issue

My pick of those 4, so far, are the TC95 16x19 for the addictive power, and the TC97 18x20, which is just a great player’s racquet.

I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect from the TC99: was it going to be a tamer version of the TC100, or a TC97 with more power and a bit higher launch angle? Let’s state it upfront: it’s the former rather than the latter. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, depending on what one is looking for.

I will not attempt to compare all aspects of the frames, but here is how I would grade these frames in relation to each other on power and launch angle, which is where I feel they differ the most:

- Power: TC95 18x20 – 1 / TC97 18x20 – 3 / TC99 18x19 – 8 / TC95 16x19 – 8 / TC100 16x19 – 10

- Launch angle: TC95 18x20 – 1 / TC97 18x20 – 1 / TC99 18x19 – 6 / TC95 16x19 – 8 / TC100 16x19 – 10

Basically, I feel that the TC99 has the same level of power as the TC95 16x19, but achieves this through the size of its hoop rather than the openness of the string pattern. The launch angle is also lower and more manageable than both the TC95 16x19 and the TC100. But it’s still significantly higher than that of the 18x20 TC95/97, which helps with net clearance. The one area I feel I needed to adjust the most was my sliced backhand, as it was not as biting as I would have liked, at least at first. But serve is great, forehand is great, and volleys really easy. The big plus vs. a mid is in defence, where just bunting the ball back still allows to clear the net. One of my partners has a big serve, and he put an excellent slice on the deuce side, which I somehow managed to get my racquet on. To my surprise, it made it past the net, and forced a mistake. I remember thinking: “There is no way this would have gone over the net with the Head, or any of the Angell’s 18x20”.

Also, after 3 hours of playing, I have noticed no notching in the Lynx Tour, so it doesn’t seem to chew through the strings like the 16x19’s do. I will probably do away with the tension differential between mains and crosses, though, as I don’t think this pattern needs it like a 18x20 does.

I will continue to play this frame, and if I still like it in a few weeks, will probably order a second one to play the upcoming club doubles season in HK. It’s a very nice frame, which fills a hole in the Angell Customs lineup. It's also a more realistic racquet for me to play than any of my mid's, as much as I like them. Since I am not getting any younger, this might provide a long term solution.
Great review, thanks. Looking forward to getting a custom tc99 with 27.25 length at some point. Wonder what pecs Donald Young is using......


Hall of Fame
I’ve now clocked in 3 hours of singles with the TC99 against 3 of my regular hitting partners (+/- 4.5) over the past week, so I think I am in a position to provide my first impressions. To make this as useful as possible, I will compare its main characteristics against the other Angell frames I’ve been using over the years.

I am a 54 years old player around the 4.5 level, who has learned tennis at age 7 with a wooden racquet. Eastern forehand, one handed backhand, mostly sliced, good serve relying on placement / slice / kick rather than speed, I play aggressively and will come to the net to finish points.

Caveat / disclosure: I’ve been playing mainly with the Head Prestige Classic 2.0 for the past 9-10 months, so switching to a frame that’s 10 bigger, 15g lighter and with a different string pattern will obviously feel very different and might have influenced some of my impressions, but I have tried to take this into account to be as objective as possible.

Specs of my custom TC99:

- 315g static weight

- 310mm balance (10pt HL)

- A shape pallet

- leather grip

- strung with Head Lynx Tour black 1.30 at 50 mains / 48 crosses

My previous Angell’s had all been 310g / 315mm specs, but I figured for this one I wanted a bit more heft, while leaving it very headlight in case I felt a few grams of lead in the hoop were needed.

The first thing that struck me was how user friendly the racquet was. Imparting speed on the ball is effortless, while retaining a decent control. And, as always with the TC line, that plush / comfortable feel. I haven’t been playing my best tennis of late, as life got in the way of tennis, but this is where I feel the racquet really helped. Had I stubbornly persisted with the Prestige Classic 2.0, I have no doubt that those 3 games would have resulted in me getting spanked. It’s not the kind of frame you can just pick up if you’re not on your A game. Whereas I was competitive in all 3 of them, and ended coming on top in 2 of them. Those two guys commented that I gave less free points than usual. The third guy is just too consistent, and I would need to play close to my top to beat him, regardless of the racquet. In the first session, I was a bit surprised by the power, and the launch angle that was a bit higher than I anticipated from a 18x19. But I think this is due to the transition from the super tight 18x20 in the 89 Head. By session 3, I had already adjusted.

Before I get to a comparison with the other Angell’s I own(ed), here’s my history with them, in chronological order:

- TC100 (63RA): hits a huge ball, especially on serve; extreme launch angle that I found very hard to control; I was breaking strings at a higher rate than any frame I have ever played (some 1.3mm polys like Confidential would break in 3-4 hours)

- TC95 (63RA) 16x19: very powerful for a 95, it feels like putting a hammer to the ball; launch angle slightly lower than the TC100, but still pretty high given the very open strings pattern; some instability, which can be remedied with a bit of lead in the hoop; string breakage reduced vs. the TC100, but still not great (~6 hours)

-TC95 (63RA) 18x20: very controlled, great for slice; a marked step down from its 16x19 sibling in power; extremely flat launch angle, not much net clearance; stability is better than the 16x19; string breakage not an issue

-TC97 (67RA) 18x20: very similar to the TC95 18x20, but a different flex profile, and a bit more power from the higher RA / thicker beam / slightly bigger hoop; same flat ball; stability or string breakage not an issue

My pick of those 4, so far, are the TC95 16x19 for the addictive power, and the TC97 18x20, which is just a great player’s racquet.

I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect from the TC99: was it going to be a tamer version of the TC100, or a TC97 with more power and a bit higher launch angle? Let’s state it upfront: it’s the former rather than the latter. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, depending on what one is looking for.

I will not attempt to compare all aspects of the frames, but here is how I would grade these frames in relation to each other on power and launch angle, which is where I feel they differ the most:

- Power: TC95 18x20 – 1 / TC97 18x20 – 3 / TC99 18x19 – 8 / TC95 16x19 – 8 / TC100 16x19 – 10

- Launch angle: TC95 18x20 – 1 / TC97 18x20 – 1 / TC99 18x19 – 6 / TC95 16x19 – 8 / TC100 16x19 – 10

Basically, I feel that the TC99 has the same level of power as the TC95 16x19, but achieves this through the size of its hoop rather than the openness of the string pattern. The launch angle is also lower and more manageable than both the TC95 16x19 and the TC100. But it’s still significantly higher than that of the 18x20 TC95/97, which helps with net clearance. The one area I feel I needed to adjust the most was my sliced backhand, as it was not as biting as I would have liked, at least at first. But serve is great, forehand is great, and volleys really easy. The big plus vs. a mid is in defence, where just bunting the ball back still allows to clear the net. One of my partners has a big serve, and he put an excellent slice on the deuce side, which I somehow managed to get my racquet on. To my surprise, it made it past the net, and forced a mistake. I remember thinking: “There is no way this would have gone over the net with the Head, or any of the Angell’s 18x20”.

Also, after 3 hours of playing, I have noticed no notching in the Lynx Tour, so it doesn’t seem to chew through the strings like the 16x19’s do. I will probably do away with the tension differential between mains and crosses, though, as I don’t think this pattern needs it like a 18x20 does.

I will continue to play this frame, and if I still like it in a few weeks, will probably order a second one to play the upcoming club doubles season in HK. It’s a very nice frame, which fills a hole in the Angell Customs lineup. It's also a more realistic racquet for me to play than any of my mid's, as much as I like them. Since I am not getting any younger, this might provide a long term solution.

Very comparable to my tennis background and Angell racquets history.

I agree with your experiences on the TC99. It is just more like a controlled TC100.

Yesterday I played for the first time 1 set of doubles with my TC99.

First thing I noticed the TC99 is more powerful and plays more like a tweener than my Head Prestige Pro and Prince Phantom 100x 18x20. We also played with new balls so they were flying often wide and I hold back my strokes more than I used to. However volleys and smashes were a piece of cake to hit.

After one set I switched to my Head Prestige Pro and suddenly I felt a bit more confident as I was able to keep more balls in play with more control because of the lower power (though I still didn't play great after that).

So it is clear that I need to get more used to the TC99. By the way I also heard ping sounds with some strokes. Maybe that has something to do with the strings (TF MultiFeel 1.25)?

However I didn't play tennis last month and I noticed that as my timing was often off. So take that into account as well.
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Very comparable to my tennis background and Angell racquets history.

I agree with your experiences on the TC99. It is just more like a controlled TC100.

Yesterday I played for the first time 1 set of doubles with my TC99.

First thing I noticed the TC99 is more powerful and plays more like a tweener than my Head Prestige Pro and Prince Phantom 100x 18x20. We also played with new balls so they were flying often wide and I hold back my strokes more than I used to. However volleys and smashes were a piece of cake to hit.

After one set I switched to my Head Prestige Pro and suddenly I felt a bit more confident as I was able to keep more balls in play with more control because of the lower power (though I still didn't play great after that).

So it is clear that I need to get more used to the TC99. By the way I also heard ping sounds with some strokes. Maybe that has something to do with the strings (TF MultiFeel 1.25)?

However I didn't play tennis last month and I noticed that as my timing was often off. So take that into account as well.

Why multifeel? It’s probably why your having some trust issues with control


Hall of Fame
Why multifeel? It’s probably why your having some trust issues with control
Yeah, I also was considering trying a copoly again. I still have some sets of MSV CoFocus in stock.

I use TF MultiFeel as I always tend to get some slight arm issues from poly (MSV Focus Hex 1.10, Solinco Tour Bite 1.10, Pacific PolyPower Pro 1.25 at 23/22 kg tension). Even with hybrid stringbeds.

But next time I'll try MSV CoFocus 1.18 at a very low tension in my TC99. Maybe 20 kg?
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Yeah, I also was considering trying a copoly again. I still have some sets of MSV CoFocus in stock.

I use TF MultiFeel as I always tend to get some slight arm issues from poly in the past (MSV Focus Hex 1.10, Solinco Tour Bite 1.10, Pacific PolyPower Pro 1.25 at 23/22 kg tension). Even with hybrid stringbeds.

But next time I'll try MSV CoFocus 1.18 at a very low tension in my TC99. Maybe 20 kg?
Multifeel mains n soft round poly fixed my TE reaccurance...21/19 kilos
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Yeah, I also was considering trying a copoly again. I still have some sets of MSV CoFocus in stock.

I use TF MultiFeel as I always tend to get some slight arm issues from poly (MSV Focus Hex 1.10, Solinco Tour Bite 1.10, Pacific PolyPower Pro 1.25 at 23/22 kg tension). Even with hybrid stringbeds.

But next time I'll try MSV CoFocus 1.18 at a very low tension in my TC99. Maybe 20 kg?
CoFocus is soft and I would string it 21kg for 1.17.
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Custom racquet delivered in less than 10 days. I ordered a custom TC100 on Aug 23rd and received it early this week. Came in exactly on spec for the 330 gram weight. Need to string it and get on the court. Big thank you to Paul for all reaching out and confirming my specs prior to manufacturing the racquet.
Pics on link below.
You got a racket faster then I get a reply for my emails
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How was the v5 tc90? im thinking of getting one myself im just little concerned about the stiffness rating being 71
I can't find any used v5 tc90 ANYWHERE... not USA or Europe auction sites or marketplace or Here...want to try it used n cheap so I don't have to try n resell a 90 inch racket