The Official Head Youtek IG Extreme Pro 2.0 Club


Hall of Fame
It is good for second serves, but I just couldn't get satisfied with the flat first serves.

Anyway, great stick. Glad you like it. A lot of people can't accept the round head shape, but it never bothered me.

And don't forget Youzhny...

Youzhny is alright, he just doesn't wow me like Gasquet. The spin that man produces is unreal.

It's been awesome being on this new travel team because I've gotten to try out numerous rackets such as the extreme pro 2.0, yonex RDiS 200, Wilson tour limited 95, aero pro team 2013, and a friend is letting me borrow his Head TiClassic for a while which is comparable to a prestige MP. It's really quite awesome and the group of guys that I play with is awesome.

I've also come to the conclusion that I can play tennis with just about anything. However, in a match situation when I'm trying to get a little more oomph on the ball, the Extreme Pro 2.0 REALLY came through for me. I'm super impressed.


Simple string selection advice

I don't live in a tennis "mecca." However I have options for private individuals or local OVC college kids to string my racquets. Complex hybrids are kind of not happening for me. I currently play with Wilson 6.1 Team 95s with a poly/multi hybrid at 52lbs weighted to 4pts HL at 12 oz strung by the local hardware store owner/Wilson rep. The Wilsons do the work OK but I am not loving this setup for my serve, other aspects are just fine and now that I have the racquet up to 12oz I am getting better plow through than the original specs. I would like to buy one of these Head Ex Pro 2.0's strung from TW as base to start from. Obviously I am not a sophisticated tennis player, but a huge pro fan and have played long enough to have played in HS with Jack Kramers and Davis Imperials. One-handed backhand of course. Sort of evolved into a "modern" player from a Margaret Court - style player over the last 3 or 4 years. Baseball, softball, volleyball, wrestling, martial arts, gym rat background. Starting to focus on tennis as my only ball sport at age 59. Favorites are Dolgopolov, Monfils, Gasquet, Stan, The Fed. On the women's side: Cornet, Cibulkova, Errani, Serena's serve on a good day.

I'm thinking a full poly at about 56lbs, but which one or?

SC in MA

When I returned to tennis, my initial racquet purchase came down to a decision between those two frames. I ultimately went with the Extreme because I liked it better and played better with it.

I did not like syn gut in the Extreme. I felt like poly strings really unleashed the strengths. It allowed me to swing out more. The poly strings seemed to tame some of the frames power. It is a great frame for generating spin, and the poly setup really upped the control.

If it is a possibility for you, I'd recommend trying a full bed of poly in the Extreme, or at least a hybrid. It is an excellent frame. Obviously, I've since switched, but I would have kept one Extreme for fun, but I needed the money and didn't really need an extra frame.

I'll be curious to see if the Graphene update is as good. I think HEAD will have a hard time improving on this frame.

Thanks spinovic. I'm getting a good deal on a 2nd EP2 which will make it easier for me to experiment with string setups.

I believe I read that you've had positive experience(s) with Technifibre rackets. A good number of years ago I played a short time with the TFight 335 and really liked it, especially for big serves. But, alas, it gave me elbow problems (which I never have - my arm problems are mostly shoulder related), so I gave it up. Anyway, I was checking the specs on the new Tecnifibre TFlash 315 ATP and they looked very similar to the EP2. Have you had a chance to hit with it or heard anything about it ?


Hall of Fame
I haven't. I have only tried the TFight 315 & 320. Obviously, I really liked both. I don't know what the TFlash frames are like.


New User
Hi all,

I normally break string every a month and a half.
However, since I swapped to EP 2.0 pro, I rarely break string, let say now once every 3 months (not sure).

Anyone feel the same?


Hi all,

I normally break string every a month and a half.
However, since I swapped to EP 2.0 pro, I rarely break string, let say now once every 3 months (not sure).

Anyone feel the same?

Not really, I break em every week-2weeks, granted I am playing most days. Really depends on the strings you are using, tension setup, are you usually playing with new balls or old ones, your level of hitting partners/ opponents etc

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
I have been through the entire HEAD line and the better PRINCE Player's Racquets. I have demoed every top rated Players and Tweener racquet reviewed by Tennis Warehouse. I cannot find another stick out there that does so many things so well. Hitting is believing!

I have 3 Head Youtek IG Extreme PRO 2.0 all strung with YONEX POLY TOUR PRO 1.20 and they are fabulous!

I vary the tension on each racquet 3 lbs to adjust for heat and humindity on any given day. It does help.

The mid-tension stick is the one listed in my signature below.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Love the awesome feel of this racquet but I seem to be getting some shoulder pain playing with it. It's likely due to its heavier weight than what I'm used to with my Steam 99S, TFight 320.

Going to keep playing with it when I can to see if the shoulder issues will go away before pulling the trigger on a few more.

Is there another Head racquet that feels similar but a tad lighter with the same or lighter HL balance?

What are you stringing it at and what kind of strings are you using?

I think this stick plays best with a full bed of soft co-poly strung LOW.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
The Extreme is for me definitely the best racket of this bunch. Its a well kept secret as not many people use it where I play.

The Graphene Rad Pro is very very nice though.

Im waiting to hear of a Graphene version of the Extreme. Im sure its nearly been out 2 years and is due a change?

That would be the only racket id potentially switch to.

Check out the specs on the Extreme Pro 2.0 and the new Graphene Rad Pro, Doc. It is amazing. They are nearly identical in weight, power, and spin measurements. What is NOT the same is the sweetspot on the Graphehe Rad Pro, which is 10-15% SMALLER.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
I tried putting a leather grip on mine took weight up 360 grams, fel like thors hammer and I could not wield it. So back to the soft overgrip. I threw the leather grip on my Extreme MP's 2.0's and they are feeling somewhat like the pros now!

I agree with everyone that the Head grip that comes with this racquet reduces feel and makes it harder to feel the bevels in the handle. Leather is better, but as I like a tacky OVERGRIP on my racquets, I find the sweat and moisture soaks through the overgrip into the leather and never really dries - creating a wet slippery feel. I have found, however, that if you replace the grip with BALOAT SKIN FEEL replacement grip, the mosture is wicked away and the overgrip stays tacky while you acheive better handle feel by using this very thin replacement.

Babolat Skin Feel is an ultra thin replacement grip with a nice tacky feel. Provides a firm feel without rounding the bevels on the grip pallet. As used on the new Pure Storm GT series of Babolat racquets. TRY IT!


Thanks Big Kahuna. I just popped MSV Co-Focus on my EP 2.0 and might try a lower tension. Your setup seems extremely low but I'm willing to give it a go! any reason why your crosses are strung tighter on this frame? I have Poly Tour Pro 1.25 on my extreme 2.0 MP's at 53 and they feel great.

You don't think the graphene version would top this model? lol


Been trying with YPTP yellow and black, YPTS at similar tensions as yours. Still find it too powerful and heavy to handle. Love the plush feel though. I will be doing some mods to lighten the head a bit to hopefully solve my issue.

What are you stringing it at and what kind of strings are you using?

I think this stick plays best with a full bed of soft co-poly strung LOW.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Thanks Big Kahuna. I just popped MSV Co-Focus on my EP 2.0 and might try a lower tension. Your setup seems extremely low but I'm willing to give it a go! any reason why your crosses are strung tighter on this frame? I have Poly Tour Pro 1.25 on my extreme 2.0 MP's at 53 and they feel great.

You don't think the graphene version would top this model? lol

Search the STRING forum for my thread on VARYING STRING TENSION between mains and crosses. The idea pertains solely to a full bed of poly and has been out there for some time. I fin fit works especially well with this racquet as the crosses are so long.
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The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Published on the GGTennis Blog 10/24/12:

"For as long as we have been stringing there has been an ongoing discussion revolving around the pros and cons of altering the tension between the main strings and cross strings. Many years ago we concluded it was a matter of personal preference. The players in the camp advocating a lower set tension argued that because the cross strings are shorter they should be pulled at a lower tension. Those in the opposite camp believed that pulling at higher tension reduced string movement. Both camps argued emphatically that their method produced a better feel. When it comes to a criteria like “feel” we are in objective territory and that is why we concluded it was largely a personal preference.

However, back when we drew this conclusion we were not in the era of polys and hybrids. The physical properties of these strings have not only altered the game, but have also provided a strong rationale for increasing the tension on the cross strings.

When a racquet is strung with the set tension the same in the mains and the crosses the differential between the two (as measured by a Stringmeter) is often in the 32 – 37% range. You read that correctly. The mains will measure (on average) 35% tighter than the cross strings. In the context of a full synthetic or a natural gut setup, this has not been an issue. It has been status quo. However, with full polys or poly hybrids it is less than ideal. The differential in tension with poly-based strings should ideally fall in the range of 20 – 25%…no more. When the differential in tension is brought closer together, the mains and crosses are able to work in unison with one another. When they are further apart, (greater than 25%), the mains are punished until they stabilize and come closer in line with the crosses. The result of this in the today’s world of polys is that the poly mains become overstretched and thus lose their tension and playability rapidly. One easy way to extend the optimal life of your poly setup is to allow the crosses to support the mains. This extends the useful playability by a considerable amount.

Bringing the mains and crosses closer in tension offers HUGE benefits for poly players. It allows players to string at lower reference tensions where polys will shine, it extends the useful playability of the stringbed and extends the time players can get solid performance before having to restring. The easiest way to bring the mains and crosses closer to one another so they will work in unison is to increase the tension of the cross strings by approximately 4 pounds. The simple act of altering tension in this manner will definitely lead to a noticeable increase in performance in most instances. HOWEVER, when increasing the tension on the crosses it is possible to overstretch the poly, exceeding the elastic limits of the string. This is most likely to occur on constant pull machines that overshoot tension. Because of this potential pitfall we recommend keeping the tension on the crosses the same or up to 2 pounds lower than the mains and using extended pulling time before clamping off. The extended pulling time on a constant pull machine (much more difficult to achieve this effect on a crank machine) will produce the desired outcome much more reliably than increasing the set tension. We recommend keeping each cross under tension for 20 seconds before clamping off. This may seem like it will add considerable time to the stringing process, but it really does not. While the cross is under tension go ahead and pre-weave the next cross string. After weaving the cross, release the tension and clamp off. Stringing in this manner is a bit awkward at first, but soon the stringer becomes fluid in working with this method. The on court results are definitely worth the effort!"


Thanks for that post Big Kahuna. Been looking for some info on that.

Having just started stringing myself, I do notice a huge difference between the main/crosses. Makes sense since stringing the crosses last does add quite a bit more tension on the mains also.

As you've said, I find the crosses on the EP2.0 definitely need to be strung at least 4lbs or so heavier other wise there's too much power and trampolining. I find using a larger gauge of the same string can work also.


Interesting indeed. Wonder what some of the pro stringers on here think about this theory.

Guess there's only one way to find out - I'll be trying this setup on my next restring.

Guess it wouldn't go so well on a typical yonex frame though where the crosses are short compared to the EP 2.0

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Interesting indeed. Wonder what some of the pro stringers on here think about this theory.

Guess there's only one way to find out - I'll be trying this setup on my next restring.

Guess it wouldn't go so well on a typical yonex frame though where the crosses are short compared to the EP 2.0

The concept actually was put forth by a Professional Stringer - one of the better ones in the US.


Hall of Fame
Published on the GGTennis Blog 10/24/12:

Bringing the mains and crosses closer in tension offers HUGE benefits for poly players. It allows players to string at lower reference tensions where polys will shine, it extends the useful playability of the stringbed and extends the time players can get solid performance before having to restring. The easiest way to bring the mains and crosses closer to one another so they will work in unison is to increase the tension of the cross strings by approximately 4 pounds. The simple act of altering tension in this manner will definitely lead to a noticeable increase in performance in most instances. HOWEVER, when increasing the tension on the crosses it is possible to overstretch the poly, exceeding the elastic limits of the string. This is most likely to occur on constant pull machines that overshoot tension. Because of this potential pitfall we recommend keeping the tension on the crosses the same or up to 2 pounds lower than the mains and using extended pulling time before clamping off. The extended pulling time on a constant pull machine (much more difficult to achieve this effect on a crank machine) will produce the desired outcome much more reliably than increasing the set tension. We recommend keeping each cross under tension for 20 seconds before clamping off. This may seem like it will add considerable time to the stringing process, but it really does not. While the cross is under tension go ahead and pre-weave the next cross string. After weaving the cross, release the tension and clamp off. Stringing in this manner is a bit awkward at first, but soon the stringer becomes fluid in working with this method. The on court results are definitely worth the effort!"

Interesting, but I got lost in the last paragraph. First it says to tension the crosses 4 lbs tighter. Then right after that, it talks about overstretching and says to string the crosses 2 lbs lower than the mains.

Am I missing something? Can someone explain this better?


Either way will give you the desired result it sounds like.
In most instances, you're fine just stringing the crosses 4lbs higher. But this will add more tension on the mains initially and potentially overstretch them.
The safer way is to string only the crosses pre-stretched and 0-2lbs lower. Less stress on the mains.

Interesting, but I got lost in the last paragraph. First it says to tension the crosses 4 lbs tighter. Then right after that, it talks about overstretching and says to string the crosses 2 lbs lower than the mains.

Am I missing something? Can someone explain this better?


I've joined the club! Getting it stringed with Volkl V-Torque 16 at 50lb. Let's see how it goes...

So the rain stayed away and I managed to have a hit with my new stick. I have to say I found it pretty nice!

Lots on control, massive spin and pretty good comfort with the V-Torque strings. Power, especially on serve, was not as easy as I expected but I'm actually pleased with this as it gives me some scope to play with tensions and/or strings a little down the track. Having said that I didn't really fully hit out with it in my first outing as I was still trying to find my range with this stick. But overall I'm very happy and I can safely say I've found my new stick!

Hopefully the weather plays ball and I'll have another hit tomorrow night. Then it's fun times ahead playing with strings and tensions!

SC in MA

I've recently strung my EP2 with 16g Pacific Tough Gut in the mains and 16g Gosen Micro 16 syn gut in the crosses. Both at 60lbs. This setup plays well with power and control. I'm really liking this racket.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Has anyone tried SOLINCO TOUR BITE 1.10mm (19g) in this stick? It is pretty impressive.

Not sure how long it will last but the first 2-3 hours have been a lot of fun. SO much spin! The ball dives down into the court on groundies and kick serves explode off the court. The string at 44/48 is crisp yet still comfortable. Nice combination of power, control, and feel.


Has anyone tried SOLINCO TOUR BITE 1.10mm (19g) in this stick? It is pretty impressive.

Not sure how long it will last but the first 2-3 hours have been a lot of fun. SO much spin! The ball dives down into the court on groundies and kick serves explode off the court. The string at 44/48 is crisp yet still comfortable. Nice combination of power, control, and feel.

I just got a couple of sets of this and I might try this setup... Probably wont last that long but its definitely something to tick off my playtest list. I was thinking 41/45... why not?

I tried the 1.18 tour bite at 54 and it broke pretty quick but at that tension believe it or not just had too much spin for an already spin heavy forehand!


I haven't used TB but I have been using Volkl V-Torque. This string has lots of spin and excellent control. I started out looking for more power at 50lbs but as the strings have loosened, it's feeling about right. And for such a low powered string, comfort is excellent although this may be the racquet itself as well. I'd recommend V-Torque if you want spin and durability.

Like others have found, you need to work this racquet with good mechanics to get balls to drop. Flat hits tend to sail long so I find I can't get too lazy...


New User
hi, i'm a new member to this club :)
just got my EP2.0 and waiting it to be strung asap
i gonna check it once with full bed of Cyclone 16 @ around -50s and after that with the Babolat RPM blast @ the same tension or lower.


New User
balance issues

I noticed that in the on-frame specs of the racquet the balance is 1HL (its also specified in the head official site) but everywhere include in this thread I noticed people and reviews talk about original balance of 5-6HL.

Am I missing something?


Hall of Fame
I noticed that in the on-frame specs of the racquet the balance is 1HL (its also specified in the head official site) but everywhere include in this thread I noticed people and reviews talk about original balance of 5-6HL.

Am I missing something?

Specs on the racket are the unstrung specs.


I noticed that in the on-frame specs of the racquet the balance is 1HL (its also specified in the head official site) but everywhere include in this thread I noticed people and reviews talk about original balance of 5-6HL.

Am I missing something?

Head lists it as 1inch headlight unstrung which is 8pts headlight. So strung would be around 5pts.
Head lists it as 1inch headlight unstrung which is 8pts headlight. So strung would be around 5pts.
As always, it differs from frame to frame (qc!:twisted:)
Mine is 2pts HL strung with basic grip (no og)
With 336 gram static weight, there is little room for customize:cry:


Head QC is pretty bad. My first EP was on the heavier side and no where near as HL compared to specs.
If you know the specs you're looking for, your best bet is to order from TW and pay the $10 matching service.
I did that with my purchase of 2 additional EPs asking TW to match them and give me the more HL ones which they did. These 2 plays more to specs and are much more manageable compared to my original EP.


New User
I've been playing with an older Head Extreme (yellow, just before the lime green paint jobs) and like it. Demo'd the Extreme 2.0 MP and Pro today and very much love them. Definite improvement over my older Extremes and I'll be buying a few.

Problem is which one to buy???

After 60 mins on the ball machine, I could tell very little difference between the MP and Pro. After pulling up the spec's on TW site, I see very little difference in spec's. 0.3oz heaver, 4 pts more head light, but lower swing weight... In my hands, I can't feel it at all -- and I'm a recovering racquet and string tinkerer.

'Playing a match with them tomorrow and will see if I can tell any difference there.

In my old Extreme's, I had them leaded up in the handle to 340g each -- which makes me think the Pro version is best suited for me. Any opinions?

Also, I used everything under the sun in my old Extremes but settled on VS Touch Mains and MSV Evo crosses in mine at 56/52. Felt good, but have always wondered if Evo is best choice for crosses. Thoughts for another cross string?
Have you or will you try the MP and MP 2.0?

Wondering what the differences are?


New User
Must say it's one great racquet.
I hit with the EP2.0 for 2 hours yesterday.
Great power, depth, control and volleys.
I struggled a little with serves but I hope to get used to after another 2-3 sessions of play.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
I just got a couple of sets of this and I might try this setup... Probably wont last that long but its definitely something to tick off my playtest list. I was thinking 41/45... why not?

I tried the 1.18 tour bite at 54 and it broke pretty quick but at that tension believe it or not just had too much spin for an already spin heavy forehand!

So what did you think? I am kind of digging this string in this racquet. It seems to be lasting, as well. Insane spin and good feel and power.


I settled on 48 and switched to a two handed backhand after years of playing with a one hander (just couldn't handle the big serves with my one hander with the EP). With a stiff poly it still feels very controllable with almost unfair power and spin!


New User
I got my new EP2s last week having just made the switch from Microgel Rad Pro. Great info from this forum helped me with decision so thanks to those who posted comments. Love the racquet. Just noticed price reduction by TW, so my timing was a little bad. Where's that crystal ball when I needed it....

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
I settled on 48 and switched to a two handed backhand after years of playing with a one hander (just couldn't handle the big serves with my one hander with the EP). With a stiff poly it still feels very controllable with almost unfair power and spin!

Currently playing the 41/45 set-up. I'm finding the same kind of almost "unfair" power and spend. I had two or three shots yesterday actually hit the court and bounce up over my opponent's racquet trying to swing at them at the baseline.


Hall of Fame
I think Head has a bad quality control system.
my two extreme pro 2.0s just came and one is 339gr(strung + overgrip) other one is 329gr(strung + overgrip).
10 gr differences.
i leaded and put slicone to lighter one for matching up heavier ones weight and balance point.Now they are same weight and has a same balance point but its annoying

Not to get off topic or anything. But when I purchased two Prestige Pros, they were 10 grams off as well. I was so mad about it I drove for almost two hours to "Holabir d Sports". I made them get every Prestige Pro they had and set them on the table for me to weigh. Can you believe out of six rackets I couldn't find two that weighed the same. :-? I left with two rackets that were 4 grams different from each other. I felt better about customizing the lighter one to get to the heavier one's specs. Heads got a production problem if you ask me.

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Not to get off topic or anything. But when I purchased two Prestige Pros, they were 10 grams off as well. I was so mad about it I drove for almost two hours to "Holabir d Sports". I made them get every Prestige Pro they had and set them on the table for me to weigh. Can you believe out of six rackets I couldn't find two that weighed the same. :-? I left with two rackets that were 4 grams different from each other. I felt better about customizing the lighter one to get to the heavier one's specs. Heads got a production problem if you ask me.

That is unusual from my experience. I have three Extreme Pro 2.0 and I had my pro weigh them all to make sure they were matched. We were able to find three the same without much problem.


My 3 vary by a few grams but what is weird is one of them seems to have a rounder grip shape than the others despite me putting on exactly the same grips!

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
Recently, in the Tennis Warehouse blog, Andy picked the following five rackets has his favorite current modern players rackets. Has anyone compared any of these five to the head extreme 2.0 Pro?

Wilson Blade 98 18×20 *
Yonex EZONE Ai 98
Head Graphene Speed Pro *
Babolat Pure Control Tour
Volkl Organix V1 Pro


Bionic Poster
The Extreme Pro was in Andy's best of list until recently.

Recently, in the Tennis Warehouse blog, Andy picked the following five rackets has his favorite current modern players rackets. Has anyone compared any of these five to the head extreme 2.0 Pro?

Wilson Blade 98 18×20 *
Yonex EZONE Ai 98
Head Graphene Speed Pro *
Babolat Pure Control Tour
Volkl Organix V1 Pro



Here's the new one

The Big Kahuna

Hall of Fame
If they put GRAPHENE in the new one I'm out of the club. I don't think anybody's been knocked out by the UPDATED Head GRAPHENE racquets recently. The Extreme certainly not does not need to get any stiffer.