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@subaruvish you are one of the lucky ones (50% in post 792) it works for. Look at it this way, once you reach your ideal ration any mass you add no longer helps. Do you think there is a point where mass added at 7" no longer speeds up the racket. I find all the rackets I like are real close to an MgR/I (ratio) of 21. But if adding mass at 7" moves you farther and farther from your ideal COM/Inertia ratio it will never work. I believe for any given mass there is an ideal ratio of Radius to Inertia that will would best for a particular player. I do not believe adding mass to 7" will allow a player to swing faster. The only way a player can swing faster is to apply a greater force, remove mass from the racket, or redistribute the mass so the COM is closer to the pivot.
I think it has something to do with preserving of present rotational movement while accelerating, and energy spent on it. Like higher MgR/I racquets can carry the speed better, so you need less energy to maintain the already present RHS while accelerating it further. Like racquet wants to conform to its natural swing period, so if it is shorter, the better for reaching higher RHS.
But. While you come from physics point of view and try to project it to the playing experience, I come from my experience point of view, and trying to find an explanation for it through physics.
And experience tells me I get a higher RHS and have an easier time to swing when swinging the racquet with MgR/I around 21 than when swinging a racquet with MgR/I significantly lower than MgR/I. Am I confident in these personal observations? Absolutely.
Whether I can explain it or not, it's really less important. The important for me is if I can apply it when customizing, and what effect it has on my tennis. And if I wasn't very satisfied with this, well, I wouldn't be writing this post right now
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